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19 votes
4 answers

When is a finite cw-complex a compact topological manifold?

I think the statement of the question is pretty straightforward. Given a finite $n$-dimensional CW complex, are there necessary and sufficient conditions for determining that it is also a compact $n$-...
William's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Visualizing self-homeomorphism of a cylinder over a torus

A cylinder over a torus is by definition $S^1 \times S^1 \times I$ , here $I=[0,1]$. One way to visualize it is to thick a torus in $\mathbb{R}^3$. ( $S^1 \times I$ is an annulus, and revolve it (...
knot's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Ring of a Spectral Space

It is said, as far as I can tell that an arbitrary spectral space, i.e. a space that is $T_0$, sober and quasi-compact whose collection of quasi-compact open sets forms a basis and is closed under ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Automorphism of first homology and mapping class group

It is known that for a torus $\Sigma$, every automorphism of $H_1(\Sigma; \mathbb{Z})$ is induce by an orientation preserving self-homeomorphism of $\Sigma$ unique up to isotopy. In onther words, ...
knot's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Mapping class group and cylindrical structure

Let us fix a torus $\Sigma=S^1 \times S^1$. We consider a cylinder $\Sigma \times I$ and a data $(\Sigma\times I, \Sigma\times 0, \Sigma\times 1, f_{0},f_{1})$. Here $f_{i}$, called parametrization, ...
knot's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Example of a weak Hausdorff space that is not Hausdorff?

I've looked on the web and haven't found a simple example.
Bob Solovay's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

A criterion for the sum of two closed sets to be closed ?

Let $V$ and $I$ be two closed subsets of a Banach space $A$. The set $V$ is a convex cone, and $I$ is a linear subspace of $A$. I also know that $V\cap I=\{0\}$. I would like to know whether $I+V$ ...
Fabien Besnard's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Constructing the Stone space of a distributive lattice

Does anyone have a good reference for the method of giving a topology to a distributive lattice as outlined in M.H. Stone's "Topological representation of distributive lattices and Brouwerian ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Covering the Rationals -- A Paradox? [closed]

Covering the Rationals -- A Paradox? The following seems to yield a paradox. Can anyone provide the proper resolution? Preamble It is easy to show that between any two reals there is a rational. If ...
Ashley McNeile's user avatar
113 votes
4 answers

Is there a sheaf theoretical characterization of a differentiable manifold?

I'm going through the crisis of being unhappy with the textbook definition of a differentiable manifold. I'm wondering whether there is a sheaf-theoretic approach which will make me happier. In a ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Terminology for certain monoids which are to monoids like fields are to rings

Let $M$ be a commutative monoid with zero. Then the condition $M^* = M \setminus \{0\}$ is very similar to the condition for a commutative ring to be a field. This analogy is also used in the work "...
10 votes
1 answer

Completeness of Borel measure

Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff space and $\mu$ a finite Borel measure without atoms which is outer regular with respect to open sets and inner regular with respect to compact sets. Can such measure be ...
arc's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is the reals the smallest connected ordered topological ring?

The real numbers is a locally compact Tychonoff connected complete ordered topological field. I am looking at minimal collections of adjectives that can characterize the reals. The one often used to ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Characteristic classes of a fibered sum

I will phrase this question in terms of attaching smooth manifolds along a submanifold, though it is certainly more general. Let $M_1$ and $M_2$ be smooth $n$-manifolds (maybe closed, for simplicity),...
William's user avatar
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92 votes
3 answers

Is every sigma-algebra the Borel algebra of a topology?

This question arises from the excellent question posed on math.SE by Salvo Tringali, namely, Correspondence between Borel algebras and topology. Since the question was not answered there after some ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

Continuous bijections vs. Homeomorphisms

This is motivated by an old question of Henno Brandsma. Two topological spaces $X$ and $Y$ are said to be bijectively related, if there exist continuous bijections $f:X \to Y$ and $g:Y \to X$. Let´s ...
Ramiro de la Vega's user avatar
105 votes
5 answers

Independent evidence for the classification of topological 4-manifolds?

Is there any evidence for the classification of topological 4-manifolds, aside from Freedman's 1982 paper "The topology of four-dimensional manifolds", Journal of Differential Geometry 17(3) 357–453? ...
Brendan Guilfoyle's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Fuzzy topology : references [closed]

Hey. I'm looking for references in fuzzy topology. Does anyone know a good book ?
Dimitri's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Does every compact Hausdorff ring admit a decomposition into primitive idempotents?

Let $\mathbf{R} = (R,\mathcal{T},+,\cdot,0,1)$ be a compact Hausdorff topological unitary ring, and consider the set $I(\mathbf{R}) := \{ e \in R \mid e \cdot e = e \}$ (of idempotents in $\mathbf{R}$)...
Niemi's user avatar
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Soft sheaves on indiscrete paracompact spaces

Let $X$ be some space, I have basically 2 questions: 1 - Are sheaves on paracompact but not Hausdorff spaces acyclic? I've been doing some reading and some authors say that soft sheaves on ...
Richard Jennings's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Well-pointed space which is not locally contractible

I am looking for an example of a well-pointed space in which no (sufficiently small) neighbourhood of the base-point is contractible. As usual, a well-pointed space is a pointed space in which the ...
Ricardo Andrade's user avatar
6 votes
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Continuous images of Cantor cubes

The original title of this question was "Is there only one (up to homeomorphism) zero-dimensional homogeneous dyadic space of weight $\mathfrak{c}$?". I changed it with the hope of getting a bit more ...
Ramiro de la Vega's user avatar
2 votes
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Products for probability theory using zero sets instead of open sets

(For all of this post, at least Countable Choice is assumed to hold.) For all Tychonoff spaces $\langle X,\mathcal{T}\hspace{.06 in}\rangle$ : Define $\mathbf{Z}(\langle X,\mathcal{T}\hspace{.06 in}\...
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1 vote
2 answers

Possible errata in Nicolas Bourbaki's General Topology -I, Chapter 1 Exercise 2 ?

Here is the text of Exercise: 2 a) Let $X$ be an ordered set. Show that the set of intervals $\left[x, \rightarrow\right[$ (resp. $\left]\leftarrow, x\right]$) is a base of topology on $X$; ...
nature1729's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

A simple question on the closure of the image of a morphism

Let $X$ be a complex irreducible quasi-projective variety, $f:X\longrightarrow\mathbb{P}^N$ a morphism, $H\subset\mathbb{P}^N$ a hyperplane, $Z:=f^{-1}(H)$ which is irreducible, $Y\subset X$ a ...
gio's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Separation axioms

Reading about separation axioms, I wonder: Is there a separation axiom weaker than $T_2$ but stronger than $T_1$? $T_{1.5}$? I suppose there are some separation axioms stronger that $T_6$, how many ...
Pedro Perez's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

A question about local connectedness in metric spaces

Must every compact and connected metric space be locally connected at at least one of its points?
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Two Definitions of "Character" of topological groups

When I first met the concept of "characters" of topological groups in Pontryagin's book "Topological groups", it was defined as follows: Let $G$ be a topological group. A ...
Hiro's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

extracting a convergence subnet from a sequence which is Cauchy on every bounded subset of $\mathbb N$.

I have a certain sequence $x_n$ in a complete and bounded metric space and I would like to prove that it has a convergent subnet (not necessarily subsequence). The best that I was able to do, until ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Products with compactly generated spaces

It is well known that if $X$ and $Y$ are topological spaces with $X$ locally compact Hausdorff and $Y$ compactly generated, then $X \times Y$ (with the ordinary product topology) is compactly ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

showing uniformly continuous

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space and $(a_n)$ be a sequence of distinct points in $ X$ such that each $a_n$ is a limit point of $X$. If $U_n$ 's are mutually disjoint open neighbourhoods of $a_n$ in $X$. ...
jas's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Original proof of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem

I am looking for the original proof by Borsuk of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem. I would appreciate very much if someone could outline the proof.
kelly's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Klein Bottle exception to the Heawood Conjecture [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: The Klein bottle and the Heawood Conjecture It is well known that the Heawood Conjecture states that the bound for the number of colours which are sufficient to colour a map ...
Samuel Reid's user avatar
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"Liftings" of L^\infty functions

This is motivated by this question: Is there an inclusion of $L_\infty(G)$ into $C_0(G)^{**}$? and Bill Johnson's comments there. Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space and $\mu$ a Radon ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Extending BAs to weakly countably distributive algebras.

Suppose $\mathscr{A}$ is a complete Boolean algebra (assume it is c.c.c. if you wish). Is there any, say, canonical embedding $\mathscr{A}\subseteq \mathscr{B}$ into a complete Boolean algebra which ...
TomK's user avatar
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2 answers

ED compact $K$ such that $C(K)$ is not a dual Banach space

Almost every mathematician working in von Neumann algebras says that there are certainly extremely disconnected compact spaces $K$ such that $C(K)$ is not a dual space (they are not hyperstonean). ...
TomK's user avatar
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Coloring $\mathbb{Z}^k$ and a fixed point theorem

This is potentially another approach to this question. I put it as an update there, but perhaps it would be better to post it separately. If we color $\mathbb{Z}^k$ with the $\ell_\infty$ metric in ...
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12 votes
1 answer

(Closures of sets of) operations in topological groups.

Let $G$ be a topological group. For each $n \in \mathbb{Z}$, consider the continuous functions $f_{n} \colon G \to G : x \mapsto x^{n}$, and set $F := \{f_{n} \mid n \in \mathbb{Z}\}$. Is there a ...
Niemi's user avatar
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Could $I^X$ be seen as a subspace of $I^{\beta X}$ under the compact-open topology?

Let $X$ be a Tychonof space and $\beta X$ is its compactification. Then could $I^X$ be seen as a subspace of $I^{\beta X}$ under the compact-open topology?
Paul's user avatar
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Are countable unions of metrizable spaces metrizable too?

Suppose that $X=\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty K_n$ is a topological space, $K_n$ is a metrizable subspace in $X$ for every $n \in \omega$, then $X$ is a metrizable space? In metrizable spaces, compactness is ...
Paul's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Topological conditions forcing continuity

Let $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ be topological spaces. Let $f:X \rightarrow Y$. Further assume that for every continuous function $g:Y \rightarrow Z$, $g \circ f$ is continuous. Question: Under what ...
Jacques Carette's user avatar
0 votes
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some questions on Lindelöf property

I have several questions on Lindelöf property. If every point countable open cover of $X$ has a countable subcover (Condition A), does $X$ have Lindelöf property? How far is having Condition A from ...
Paul's user avatar
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3 answers

Does every Lindelof uniform space have a Lindelof completion?

Recall Lindelof = every open cover has a countable subcover. Is the question of the title answered by known material from some standard text on uniform spaces? Note it is well known to be true for ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
1 vote
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Universal Hausdorff Space [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Largest Hausdorff quotient Is there a left adjoint to ${\mathbf{Haus}}\to{\mathbf{Top}}$? Here ${\mathbf{Haus}}$ is the full subcategory of Hausdorff spaces in ${\mathbf{Top}}$...
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9 votes
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Pseudocycle definition of open Gromov-Witten invariants

I decided my original question was unnecessarily long, and have edited to simply ask the desired question directly (the below is much more direct than my original post, though it may seem just as long!...
Sam Lewallen's user avatar
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14 votes
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Economical hard word problem

Can anyone give me an example of a very simple word problem, where by "simple" I mean that it has very few generators and relations, that is nevertheless insoluble. To make the question easier, I am ...
gowers's user avatar
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22 votes
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Toposes (topoi) as classifying toposes of groupoids

A famous theorem of Joyal and Tierney says that each Grothendieck topos is equivalent to the classifying topos of a localic groupoid. I believe that Butz and Moerdijk have shown that if the topos has ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Questions on 3-manifolds with a given boundary

I have the following question: For a given two-dimensional Riemann surface $C$, Is there a way to classify all topologically distinct three-dimensional compact manifolds $M$ whose boundary is $C$, i....
D. S. Park's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

On the uncountability of zero sets

If $f$ is any real-valued function, we define its zero set $Z_f = \{ x : f(x) = 0 \}$. Obviously, the zero set of a nice function can be uncountable. e.g., if $f(x) = 0$ on an uncountable domain. I ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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23 votes
12 answers

A book in topology

I will have to teach a topology course: it starts in point set topology and ends at fundamental group of $S^1$. In the past I have used two different books: Elementary Topology. Textbook in Problems,...

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