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64 votes
1 answer

A dictionary of Characteristic classes and obstructions

I apologize in advance as this is not a research level question but rather one which could benefit from expert attention but is potentially useful mainly to novice mathematicians. In an effort to ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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63 votes
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Are there periodicity phenomena in manifold topology with odd period?

The study of $n$-manifolds has some well-known periodicities in $n$ with period a power of $2$: $n \bmod 2$ is important. Poincaré duality implies that odd-dimensional compact oriented manifolds ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

Converse to Stokes' Theorem

Does satisfying Stokes' Theorem imply that a form is linear? Let $M$ be an $n$-manifold. A differential $k$-form $\omega \in \Omega^k M$ assigns to each point $x \in M$ a function $\omega_x : \Lambda^...
Tim Campion's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

What results about the topology of manifolds depend on the dimension mod 3?

There are a lot of interesting results about the topology of manifolds that depend on the dimension of the manifold mod 2, mod 4, or mod 8. The simplest ones involve the cup product $$ \smile \colon ...
John Baez's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

A simple proof that parallelizable oriented closed manifolds are oriented boundaries?

So let $M$ be a smooth closed orientable real manifold such that $M$ is parallelizable, i.e., the tangent space $TM$ of $M$ is trivial. From the triviality of $TM$ we get that the Stiefel-Whitney and ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Conceptual proof of classification of surfaces?

Every compact surface is diffeomorphic to $S^2$, $\underbrace{T^2\#\ldots \#T^2}_n$, or $\underbrace{RP^2\#\ldots \#RP^2}_n$ for some $n\ge 1$. Is there a conceptual proof of this classification ...
André Henriques's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Euler characteristic and universal cover

Let $M$ be a compact manifold, let $\tilde{M}$ be its universal cover, and suppose that the Euler characteristic $\chi(\tilde{M})=0$. My question is: does this imply that $\chi(M)=0$? This is clear if ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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24 votes
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All fiber bundles over $S^2$ extendable to $\mathbb{C}P^\infty$?

I ran into the following sanity check. Is the following statement true? Every smooth fiber bundle (with compact fiber) over $S^2$ can be extended to a smooth fiber bundle over $\mathbb{C}P^\infty$ (...
ZZY's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

Theorems that led to very successful research programs in Geometry and Topology [closed]

In the recent times I have heard a lot about the following: The Atiyah-Singer Index theorem H-principle of Gromov ( and others ) It seems to me that these results led to decades of successful ...
19 votes
3 answers

When does the tangent bundle of a manifold admit a flat connection?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold, and let $TM$ denote its tangent bundle. Under what conditions does $TM$ admit a flat connection $\omega$? Edit: Formerly, I asked about a flat connection on the frame ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Can the product of a 3-dimensional lens space with a circle be diffeomorphic to another such product when the lens spaces aren't diffeomorphic?

This is a question that I need to answer in order to resolve an issue for my dissertation and I am looking for a reference. Here is the precise statement of the question. Suppose we have two three-...
Tuo's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Approximation of homeomorphism by diffeomorphism

Let $M$ be a smooth closed manifold. Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a homeomorphism. Does there exist a sequence of diffeomorphisms $f_i\colon M\to M$ which conveges to $f$ uniformly, i.e. in $C^0$-...
asv's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

When can a class in $H^1(M;\mathbb{Z})$ be represented by a fiber bundle over $S^1$

For a topological space M, It is known from homotopy theory that the elements of the first cohomology $H^1(M;\mathbb{Z})$ are in 1-1 correspondence with homotopy classes of maps $[M,S^1]$ In my case ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Is the restriction map for embeddings of manifolds with boundary a fibration?

Let $M$ and $W$ be smooth manifolds (possibly with boundary) and $V\subseteq W$ a submanifold. We have a map between embedding spaces $$Emb(W,M)\rightarrow Emb(V,M)$$ given by restriction. Richard ...
archipelago's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Are the associative grassmannian and the quaternionic projective plane diffeomorphic?

I have a doubt which I hope the MO community can quickly resolve. The associative grassmannian is an eight-dimensional homogeneous space $G_2/SO(4)$. It can be identified with the space of ...
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Homologically trivial submanifolds

Unuseful prequel Let $M$ be a (compact, oriented, differentiable) manifold. Before knowing anything about homology theory a naif but clever mathematician may want to measure the holes in $M$ by the ...
Andrea Ferretti's user avatar
17 votes
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Does there exist a closed manifold with vanishing reduced rational cohomology but nonvanishing odd torsion cohomology?

Question: Let $p$ be an odd prime. Does there exist a closed manifold $M$ with $\widetilde H^\ast(M; \mathbb Q) = 0$ but $\widetilde H^\ast(M; \mathbb F_p) \neq 0$? When $p = 2$, an example is given ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
17 votes
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Direct proof that Chern-Weil theory yields integral classes

Suppose $E$ is a complex vector bundle of rank $n$ on a compact oriented manifold (both assumed smooth). Let $h$ be a Hermitian metric on $E$, and let $A$ be a Hermitian connection on $E$ and $F_A$ ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Classification of $O(2)$-bundles in terms of characteristic classes

I had asked this question in stackexchange but there seems to be no consensus in the answer It is well-known that $SO(2)$-principal bundles over a manifold $M$ are topologically characterized by ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

What is the weakest negative curvature condition ensuring a manifold is a $K(G,1)$?

The only statement I'm sure of is that any hyperbolic or Euclidean manifold is a $K(G,1)$ (i.e. its higher homotopy groups vanish), since its universal cover must be $\mathbb H^n$ or $\mathbb E^n$. ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
16 votes
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Is there an area-preserving diffeomorphism of the disk which is nowhere conformal?

This question is a cross-post. Let $D \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$ be the closed unit disk. Does there exist a smooth area-preserving diffeomorphism $f:D \to D$ that does not have conformal points? I ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Is the oriented bordism ring generated by homogeneous spaces?

I am trying to find a Riemannian geometrically well-understood set of generators of the oriented bordism ring, including the torsion parts. By a set of generators, I mean that the set generates the ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Any shortcuts to understanding the properties of the Riemannian manifolds which are used in the books on algebraic topology

I'm now attending a reading seminar on the algebraic topology. The seminar treats the book of Bott & Tu (Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology) and Milnor (Characteristic Classes). In those ...
gualterio's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Examples of odd-dimensional manifolds that do not admit contact structure

I'm having an hard time trying to figuring out a concrete example of an odd-dimensional closed manifold that do not admit any contact structure. Can someone provide me with some examples?
Overflowian's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Which submanifolds are zero sets of $\mathbb{R}^n$-valued maps?

If $M$ is a smooth, compact, orientable manifold, then any framed submanifold $N$ is the preimage $f^{-1}(y) $ for a smooth sphere-valued map $f$ transversal to $y$, with the framing of the normal ...
Peter Franek's user avatar
15 votes
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Higher Cerf Theory

Morse functions on a manifold $M$ are defined as smooth maps $f:M \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, such that at the critical points we can find local coordinates so that $$f(x_1,\dots,x_n)=-x_1^2-x_2^2-\dots-...
Nerses Aramian's user avatar
15 votes
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Homotopy equivalence vs weak homotopy equivalence in Gromov's h-principle

My question concerns Gromov's h-principle for open diffeomorphism-invariant partial differential relations on open manifolds; see e.g. Eliashberg/Mishachev: Introduction to the h-principle, §6.2.A and ...
Marc Nardmann's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Converse of Poincaré-Hopf theorem

Let $M$ be a connected, compact, oriented manifold of dimension $n<7$. If any two maps $M \to M$ having equal degrees are homotopic, must $M$ be diffeomorphic to the $n$-sphere?
Chaitanya's user avatar
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14 votes
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When does an open manifold admit two linearly independent vector fields?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\span}{span}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\co}{H}$ $\newcommand{\kk}{\mathbb{F}}$ $\newcommand{\qq}{\mathbb{Q}}$ $\newcommand{\zz}{\mathbb{Z}}$ $\newcommand{\rr}{\mathbb{R}}$ $\...
Cihan's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds

This is a sort of a follow-up to this question, and especially to Sean Lawton's answer: The book Fundamental Groups of compact Kähler manifolds (which, in my opinion, is one of the best mathematics ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Realizing cohomology classes by submanifolds

In "Quelques propriétés globales des variétés différentiables", Thom gives conditions for a class in singular homology of a compact manifold to be realized by a smooth oriented submanifold (see e.g. ...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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13 votes
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Can a PDE constrain the degree of a $C^\infty$ map germ?

Let $\pi:E\to M$ be a smooth vector bundle over a smooth manifold, with $\text{rank}(E)=\text{dim}(M)$. For a section $\sigma$ of $E$ with a zero at $p\in M$, define the degree of the zero at $p$ to ...
macbeth's user avatar
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12 votes
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Steenrod powers of Pontryagin classes

It is well known that the Stiefel–Whitney classes $w_i$ of a smooth manifold are generated, over the Steenrod algebra, by those of the form $w_{2^{i}}$. I wonder if it the same statement is known/true ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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12 votes
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Reference request: Topology on the space of smooth compact submanifolds

In Allen Hatchers short exposition of the Madsen-Weiss Theorem he defines the topology on the space $\mathcal{C}^n$ of smooth oriented properly embedded $d$-dimensional submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^n$ ...
Madeleine's user avatar
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11 votes
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representatives of the group of homotopy 7-spheres

In Milnor's paper "On manifolds homeomorphic to the 7-sphere" it is proven that there are manifolds homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the standard 7-sphere. His construction involves sphere ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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first Chern class of complex vector bundles and first Pontrjagin class of quaternionic vector bundles

Let $\xi$ be a (real) vector bundle of dimension $n$. Then the first Stiefel-Whitney class $$ w_1(\xi)=0 $$ if and only if $\xi$ is orientable, i.e. the structure group of $\xi$ can be reduced to $SO(...
QSR's user avatar
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11 votes
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Smooth structure on direct product

Let $M$ be the $E_8$ manifold. Is there a closed manifold $N$ such that $M\times N$ is smoothable? What is the smallest possible dimension of $N$?
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11 votes
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Equivariant sections of fiber bundles

One of the fundamental facts in fiber bundle theory is the following result for existence and extension of sections (see Thm. 9 in this paper of Palais, and compare with Thm. 12.2 in Steenrod's book):...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
11 votes
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Relation between Morse Theory and integration against Euler Characteristic

I'm studying Robert Ghrist papers on integration against Euler Characteristic. I am particularly interested in the relation with Morse Theory. I am trying to understand the proof of Theorem 25.1 (page ...
D1811994's user avatar
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Triangulation of manifolds with corners

Let's begin with some definitions: A (smooth) manifold with corners is a Hausdroff (and second countable if you want) space that can be covered by open sets homeomorphic to $\mathbb R^{n-m} \times \...
D1811994's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Are there some tables or handbooks of homology and homotopy groups of every manifold which has been calculated?

Are there some tables or handbooks of homology and homotopy groups of every manifold which has been calculated? Or are there some tables or handbooks which list some common calculated results of ...
346699's user avatar
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Parallelizability of 3-manifolds

Robert Bryant's answer here ( ) states that any orientable 3-manifold is parallelizable. Previously I was under the impression that only closed (compact & ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
10 votes
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A symmetric embedding of manifolds

Assume that $M$ is a manifold. Is there an embedding of $M$ in some $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ such that the image of $M$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is invariant under each reflection $(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots x_{i},\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
10 votes
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Representability of the sum of homology classes

This is probably a very simple question, but I have not found it addressed in the references that I know. Let $M$ be a closed and connected orientable $d$-dimensional manifold ($d\leq 8$) and let $[\...
Bilateral's user avatar
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10 votes
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What's the sufficient or necessary conditions for a manifold to have Lie group structure?

For example, given a Lie group, its fundamental group must be Abelian. So $\Sigma_g$ ($g>1$) can't have Lie group structure. We also know for $S^n$ only $n=0,1,3$ can have Lie group structures. ...
fff123123's user avatar
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Is every retraction homotopic to a smooth retraction?

I am not an expert in Differential Topology, so let me apologize if this question admits a straightforward answer. I checked some standard references, but I could not find one. Let $M$ be a smooth $n$-...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
10 votes
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Are there nontrivial involutions of $S^7\times S^7$ with fixed point set homeo to $S^7$?

The group $\mathbb{Z}_2$ acts on $S^7\times S^7$ by switching the coordinates with fixed point set $\Delta(S^7\times S^7)\cong S^7$. I want to know whether there are some other $\mathbb{Z}_2$ actions ...
sara's user avatar
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Classification of oriented vector bundles of rank 5 over closed oriented 5-manifolds

I am looking for a complete classification in terms of characteristic classes and "computable" (preferably geometric) invariants. There is this work where the authors classify oriented vector bundles ...
Panagiotis Konstantis's user avatar
10 votes
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Embeddings of hyperbolic $n$-manifolds in $R^{n+2}$

Is there any example of a compact manifold $M$ of dimension $n>10000$ such that $M$ admits an embedding into $\mathbb R^{n+2}$, $M$ is hyperbolic; i.e., it admits a Riemannian metric with ...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
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9 votes
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embedding of quaternionic projective spaces

Let $\mathbb{H}P^m$ be the $m$-th quaternionic projective space. What is the smallest integer $N$ such that there exists an embedding $$ \mathbb{H}P^2\longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^N? $$ Are there any ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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