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Questions tagged [computer-science]

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3 votes
2 answers

Turing-complete primitive blind automata

Let $N$ be the set of natural numbers, $S$ be the set of finite binary sequences, and $Q = [N \rightarrow N] \times [N \rightarrow N],$ where $[N \rightarrow N]$ is the set of all computable ...
2 votes
1 answer

Universality of blind graph rewriting

Let us consider $S(M) = \{(f_0, f_1) | f_0, f_1: M \rightarrow M\}$, where $M$ is a finite set. Each element of $S(M)$ is equivalent to a finite directed graph with the set of nodes $M$, which has ...
1 vote
1 answer

Distance between vertices in a vertex transitive graphs. [closed]

Can anybody help me in finding out the distances between vertices in a vertex transitive graphs. Is there any specific formula to calculate distance between vertices in this graph. Thanks for your ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to implement η-reduction in interaction nets?

There are several ways to encode λ-terms in interaction nets; for instance, using the original optimal algorithm by Lamping, or compiling λ-calculus into interaction combinators. However, all the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why is every finite set Diophantine? [closed]

I understand that every finite set is recursively enumerable, as I see that one could just encode each element of some finite set on a Turing Machines tape, and then have the machine check each member ...
2 votes
0 answers

Turing-complete primitive interaction systems

Let us call primitive an interaction system with the signature $\Sigma = \{(\rho, 0), (\xi, n)\}, \quad n \geq 2;$ and the only rule being of the form $\rho \bowtie \xi[\rho, \xi(a_1, \dots , a_n), ...
3 votes
1 answer

Grzegorczyk-hierarchy, growth-rate and functions with finite image

Grzegorczyk-hierarchy divides primitive recursive functions in distinct classes with respect to their growth-rate. It seems that the higher we go the hierarchy, the more tools we have to define ...
0 votes
1 answer

Deriving the fundamental equation (with regards to computer vision)

I'm having a hard time understanding how a few equations are being derived. So the fundamental equation is an equation that relates corresponding points in stereo images. Anyway, that's the basic ...
7 votes
2 answers

Rigorous numerics for maxima and minima (one variable)

Let $f:\mathbb{R}_0^+\to \mathbb{R}$ be defined by some combination of the four basic operations and square roots. (The argument of square-roots is assumed is to be non-negative, and the value of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Reducing the error of Algorithms by assigning variables formulas instead of values

Let me first give the intuition for my question: Suppose that you want to use a ruler to mark $n$ points in a line on a page, with 1 cm distance between neighbor points. There are two ways: 1- Mark ...
25 votes
4 answers

Algorithmically unsolvable problems in topology

This question is inspired by a paper by B. Poonen that appeared on the arxiv some time ago: The paper gives a sample of algorithmically unsolvable problems from various ...
38 votes
0 answers

Computer calculations in A_infinity categories?

Is there a good computer program for doing calculations in A-infinity categories? Explicit calculations in A-infinity categories are an important, useful, yet very tedious task. One has to keep track ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is equality of terms for "real" numbers with roots, logarithm, exponential, sin, cos, and other trigonometric operations decidable with a Turing-machine?

If yes, how? Also, I know you can't do it for arbitrary statements about real numbers, but that's not what I'm asking, and by "real" numbers, I mean the numbers constructible from 1, -, /, and the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Algebraic structure generated by primitive graph operations

Let $M$ be a finite set, and $S(M) = \{(f_0, f_1) | f_0, f_1: M → M\}$. Each element of $S(M)$ can be considered as a finite directed graph with the set of nodes $M$, which has exactly two arrows ...
12 votes
1 answer

Characterization of Boolean-valued functions on the discrete cube based on its Fourier coefficients.

Consider functions on the discrete cube $\{-1,1\}^n$. We consider the Discrete Fourier Transform of such functions. Suppose we denote the parity function on a subset $S \subseteq [n]$ of co-...
5 votes
0 answers

Are there sampNP-intermediate problems?

This questions is approximately cross-posted from theoretical computer science stackexchange Ladner's theorem establishes that if $\mathsf{P} \ne \mathsf{NP}$ then $\mathsf{NPI} := \mathsf{NP} \...
3 votes
2 answers

Certain type of regular languages

Dear All, there is one type of regular languages, over $\{a,b\}$, which appear naturally in what I am studying, so if anybody could recognise them, or say any sort of their characterisation, that ...
5 votes
1 answer

Non-uniform complexity of the halting problem

This question is approximately cross-posted from Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange: What can be said ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there research on the notion of co-accessibility?

I want to start off with a disclaimer that I am only a mathematical amateur. Please forgive me for ignorance or any non-standard nomenclature I use here :) Let's start off with some context. Let X ...
3 votes
1 answer

fast approximate k-nearest neighbors in high dimensions?

Hi, I've been scanning the literature trying to find an adequate approximate k-neighbour for my outlandish data set, but I remain stymied. Perhaps someone can help? The dataset is huge, both in ...
2 votes
0 answers

A primal-dual (double) circle packing (coin graph) question

I know that any 3-connected simple planar graph with a designated outside face (outer face) has a primal-dual (double) circle packing (Brightwell-Scheinerman Theorem). Q1- But I am not sure whether ...
1 vote
0 answers

The used symbols for equality and equivalence

Background: I am currently developing a general purpose programming language which allows formal verification (i.e. correctness proofs) of programs. During the development it came out that a lot of ...
11 votes
0 answers

Various definitions of recursion from ordinal machines

Background: I'm trying to get an intuitive understanding of α-recursion and related concepts in higher recursion theory. Once nice book is Peter Hinman's Recursion-Theoretic Hierarchies, available ...
6 votes
2 answers

What categories correspond to the typed lambda calculus with parametric types?

the unadorned typed lambda calculus correspond to the closed cartesian categories, but if we add in dependent or parametric types how are they then characterised?
3 votes
0 answers

Groupoid interpretation of type theory

Hello, I read the paper on groupoid interpretation of type theory by Hofmann and Streicher and I have a question. According to the authors $Tm([[\text{Set}\:[\Gamma]\: ]])$ is the same as $\text{Se}([...
1 vote
1 answer

Counterexamples for this algorithm for recognizing lexicographic product of graphs?

Found a possible reduction from recognizing lexicographic product of graphs to 2SAT (since 2SAT is polynomial, the algorithm is polynomial). Can't prove completeness of the algorithm and since it is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Exact Length Problem in a directed graph

I have a directed graph that consist of N^2 vertices (like a square) and each vertex is connected to at most 1 node (not bidirectional) and every connections have length 1. There are no cycles in the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Deciding equivalence of regular languages

Given two regular expressions $R$ and $S$ on an alphabet $\Sigma$ it is possible to decide their equivalence as follows: build two finite automata $M_R$ and $M_S$ such that $L(R) = L(M_R)$ and $L(S) =...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any relationship between a tree(graph theory) and semi-metric?

suppose we have a tree(undirected) with $n$ vertices.The edges are weighted(distances). Is it possible to impose a semi-metric structure on the graph using these distances and adjacency matrix?
11 votes
3 answers

Higher categories as data structures

Still wading through higher category theory. I find the subject a bit intimidating, not so much for technical reasons, but because I lack sufficient intuition as to the motivation(s)/heuristics one ...
7 votes
1 answer

Who introduced the concept of Primitive recursive functions?

I have thought that Gödel introduced the concept of Primitive recursive functions in his seminal paper "Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme" (I hope I ...
7 votes
0 answers

Finding a database of representations as matrices

Sorry if this would be more appropriate as a stackoverflow and not a mathoverflow question, but I think it's more likely to be known in this community. There are plenty of places on the internet or ...
8 votes
0 answers

Question on randomness extractors

Person A has a source $W$ with min-entropy($W$) = $k$. He also has an extra piece of information about the random source, denoted with $y$, such that min-entropy($W|y$) = $k/3$. The adversary doesn't ...
3 votes
1 answer

#P version of SUBSET SUM

The decision version of the SUBSET SUM problem asks the following: Given a set of integers $S =$ {$a_1, ..., a_n$}, is there a subset $S'$ of $S$ such that the sum of the elements in $S'$ is equal to ...
5 votes
0 answers

Büchi automata with acceptance strategy [closed]

I have already asked this question on cstheory.stackexchange, but without success. Maybe it is too close to an "open problem", although it is not a famous one. Anyway I try here, I can ...
2 votes
1 answer

Algorithm for satisfiability of inequalities.

I am looking for an algorithm for checking the satisfiability (with natural values) of a set of inequalities made of variables and natural numbers, for example: $u < v, u \leq z, 3 \leq v$. In ...
0 votes
0 answers

Examples of Hamiltonian Cycle Problem / Traveling Salesman Problem in general grid graph form

I understand that there is a polynomial algorithm to solve TSPs that are in solid grid graph form (grid graphs without holes). I am particularly interested in the non-solid grid graph form of the ...
12 votes
3 answers

Alive dynamical system

Intuitively, one can say that a dynamical system is alive if one can build a universal Turing machine inside. So, Conway's Game of Life is alive and shift space should be dead. I fail to make this ...
5 votes
2 answers

symmetric difference of languages - both are in NP and coNP

I have this problem, Let $L_1,L_2$ be languages in $NP \cap co-NP$. I want to show that their symmetric difference is also in $NP \cap co-NP$. Like: $L_1 \oplus L_2$ = {x | x is in exactly one of $...
3 votes
2 answers

Kleene's fixed point theorem on recursive subsets of computable functions

I have a question about the possibility to apply/restate the Kleene fixed point theorem on recursive subsets of computable functions. I don't know if this is trivial and/or if related questions have ...
5 votes
1 answer

Arrangement of integers 1..k^2 in k*k grid to minimize energy function

Question arises from considering cache oblivious algorithms. What is the optimal way arrange the numbers $1$ to $k^2$ in a grid, to minimize to average difference between any two neighbouring squares?...
2 votes
0 answers

How to argue about state transitions?

Computing differs from math by its dependence on state changes, among other things. A program can be seen as a composition of state transitions, and it would be nice to have an inverse function to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there constructive proof of the fact that every recursive set $A \ne \varnothing$ is recursively enumerable in non-decreasing order?

Every proof I've read about this fact considers two cases: $A$ - finite and $A$ - infinite but this is undecidable problem. So, is there constructive proof?
7 votes
2 answers

Distribution of the computable numbers on the real number line

If we order all the positive computable real numbers $r_1,r_2,r_3...$ by their Kolmogorov complexity in some language $L$, then make a histogram plot of the $r_i$ on the real line, and we scale it ...
8 votes
2 answers

Reduction rules for inductive types

(I'm not sure if I should post this here rather than at Theoretical Computer Science, I've found a lot of type theory related questions on MathOverflow) I'm working in Martin-Löf type theory with ...
0 votes
1 answer

Subset-Free Codes

For each non-negative integer $n$, what antichain(s) in $\{0,1\}^n$ with the pointwise partial order: $\;\;$ 1. $\;$ have the most elements $\;\;$ 2. $\;$ minimize the maximum of its elements' sum of ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Travelling Salesman Problem [closed]

Does there exist an instance of the travelling salesman problem where the optimal solution has edges that cross?
9 votes
4 answers

Characterizing a tumbling convex polytope from the surface areas of its two-dimensional projections

My general question concerns what we can learn about an arbitrary, three-dimensional convex polytope (or convex hull of an arbitrary polytope) strictly from the surface areas of its two-dimensional ...
25 votes
1 answer

Evidence for integer factorization is in $P$

Peter Sarnak believes that integer factorization is in $P$. It is a well-known open problem in TCS to identify the real complexity class of integer factorization. Take a look at this link for Peter ...
5 votes
1 answer

Decomposition of a complete graph into maximal matching subgraphs

Is there a general way to decompose a complete graph $K_n$ into an union of maximal matching subgraphs such that no two subgraphs share an edge? For example, consider $K_4$ with vertices $V=${1,2,3,4}...

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