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3 votes
1 answer

How to maximize the variance of a subset of integers?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Var}{Var}$Given the set of numbers $\Omega := \{1, \ldots, n\}, n \in \mathbb{Z}^+$, how can I choose a subset, $A$ of $\Omega$ , such that $\min(\Var(A), \Var(\Omega \setminus ...
1 vote
0 answers

Integral hull of a polyhedron Q is polyhedron

Let $Q \subseteq R^n$ be a rational polyhedron and let $Q_I=Convexhull(Q \cap Z^n)$. By finite basis theorem, we have $Q=P+C$ for some rational polytope $P$ and finitely generated cone $C$ where $C=R_+...
1 vote
1 answer

Iterated optimal transport

Suppose we are interested in two consecutive transport plans (in the Kantorovich formulation). That is, we are given finite sets $X$, $Y$ and $Z$, endowed with probability measures $\mu_X$, $\mu_Y$ ...
1 vote
0 answers

Minimum of the maximum element frequency given the family size and the universe size

[Crossposted at math.stackexchange]. Consider families of sets $\mathcal{F}$ with size $n = |\mathcal{F}|$ and universe $U(\mathcal{F})$ with size $q = |U(\mathcal{F})|$. I have written and solved ...
5 votes
1 answer

Efficient counting of integer solutions to linear system

In my research, I have a particular 18x18 matrix $\mathbf{A}$ which defines the linear system $\mathbf{A}\cdot \mathbf{x} \leq \mathbf{-1}$ over the nonnegative integers. And I'm interested in ...
25 votes
3 answers

Is the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm a tropical rational function?

The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm Let me recall the standard scenario of flow optimization (for integer flows at least): Let $\mathbb{N} = \left\{0,1,2,\ldots\right\}$. Consider a digraph $D$ with vertex ...
4 votes
0 answers

Implementation of Friedman's algorithm of reconstructing simple polytopes

In Finding a Simple Polytope from Its Graph in Polynomial Time, Friedman gave a polynomial time algorithm on reconstructing a simple polytope from its graph. Has this algorithm been actually ...
0 votes
0 answers

Bound on solutions of $Ax \ge b$

Let $A \in \mathbb{Z}^{m \times n}, b \in \mathbb{Z}^{m \times 1}$. One can show that if there is a solution of $Ax \ge b, x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ then there is one such that $\|x\|_{\infty} \le c (\|A\|_{...
1 vote
0 answers

Closed-form solution of a particular linear program

(Note: I asked a similar question at math.stackexchange but the present one is more precise.) I have a linear program of the form: $$\text{minimize} \space\space x_1 \space\space \text{subject to:}$$ $...
1 vote
1 answer

Best projection on non-convex discrete set with two constraints

I want to compute the projection of a vector $\left( x\right) _{1\leq i,j\leq n}\in \lbrack 0,1]^{n\times n}$ on the following discrete set $$ S=\left\{ x\in \{0,1\}^{n\times n}:x_{i,j}+x_{j,i}\leq 1;\...
2 votes
1 answer

Counting the number of pair of d-uplets with upper bounded distance

Consider two d-uplets $u = (u_1,...,u_d)$ and $v = (v_1, ..., v_d)$ both living in $\mathbb{N}^d$ with $d$ a positive integer. They both verify $$(*) \sum_{i=1}^d u_i = \sum_{i=1}^d v_i = k$$ with $k$ ...
2 votes
2 answers

Lovasz theta function - uses

Lovasz theta function bounds the Shannon capacity of graphs. What are some other uses of the function - especially in asymptotic coding theory and optimization problems?
16 votes
3 answers

Can a convex polytope with $f$ facets have more than $f$ facets when projected into $\mathbb{R}^2$?

Let $P$ be a convex polytope in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with $n$ vertices and $f$ facets. Let $\text{Proj}(P)$ denote the projection of $P$ into $\mathbb{R}^2$. Can $\text{Proj}(P)$ have more than $f$ facets? ...
1 vote
0 answers

total unimodularity of a matrix

Let G be the node-arc incidence matrix of a given directed network (rows of $G$ correspond to nodes and its columns correspond to arcs). Let $B_1,\dots, B_K$ denote a partition of the nodes of the ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is the LP gap of vertex cover in planar graphs?

What is the LP gap of vertex cover in planar graphs? The LP I refer to is min $\sum_{e \in E } c_e x_e \ \ $ subject to $ \ \ x_v + x_u \geq 1 \ \ \ \forall uv \in E $ $ c_e \geq 0 $ are ...
19 votes
4 answers

Applications of linear programming duality in combinatorics

So, I know that one can apply the strong LP duality theorem to specific instances of maximum flow problems to recover some nontrivial theorems in combinatorics, such as Hall's theorem, Koenig's ...
3 votes
2 answers

convex polytope integer points

is there a simple proof for the following lemma: An unbounded convex polytope (defined by linear constraints) has either zero integer points or infinite many integer points.
5 votes
1 answer

Explicit Formula of Delsarte's Linear Programming Upper Bound for $A_q(n,3)$

The problem of giving an explicit formula for $A_q(n,d)$ is sometimes referred to as "the main problem in coding theory." The value of $A_q(n,d)$ is given by the maximum number of codewords in a q-ary ...
9 votes
1 answer

Definition of packing property

Definition 1: A clutter $C$ is said to have the packing property if $C$ and all of its minors satisfy the König property. where, vertex cover of $C$ is a set of vertices that have non-empty ...
10 votes
0 answers

Fractional Matching version of Hall's Marriage theorem

Let $G=(S,T,E)$ be a bipartite graph, $|S|=|T|$. Then the following are equivalent: 1) there exist a perfect matching in $G$; 2) there exist non-negative weights on edges such that the sum of ...
1 vote
1 answer

minimize number of unique elements in a vector

I was wondering if there is a simple or known way to minimize the number of unique elements in a decision variable (vector). Note that I'm not asking for minimization of nonzero elements (rank ...
27 votes
5 answers

Is the matrix $\left({2m\choose 2j-i}\right)_{i,j=1}^{2m-1}$ nonsingular?

Suppose we have a $(2m-1) \times (2m-1)$ matrix defined as follows: $$\left({2m\choose 2j-i}\right)_{i,j=1}^{2m-1}.$$ For example, if $m=3$, the matrix is $$\begin{pmatrix}6 & 20 & 6& 0 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Show $0-1$ Knapsack is polynomially reducible to this problem

I have already posted this question here but have not received an answer so I am cross-posting with hope to reach a larger amount of mathematicians: Let $T=\{1,\cdots,n\}$ and consider the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can convex combinations of indicator functions for pairwise non-disjoint sets unordered by inclusion dominate one another?

Let $N$ be a finite subset of the naturals. Let $P$ be a set of subsets of $N$ such that: 1) $P\neq \varnothing$, 2) $\forall x\in P, |x| >1$, 3) $\forall x,y\in P,$ if $x\neq y$, then $x\not\...
8 votes
2 answers

Are sums of 0-1 Pareto efficient vectors Pareto efficient?

Does there exist $m,n\ge1$, an $m \times n$ matrix $A$, and a vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that: The entries of $A$ are $\in \{0, 1\}$. For all pairs of columns $u, v$ of $A$ the entries of $u - ...
1 vote
0 answers

Number of different combinations in a 0-1 knapsack problem with integer weights [closed]

My question is actually very similar to this other one: Given a vector of positive integers, count the number of combinations which have a sum that produces a different value. But, since this previous ...
1 vote
0 answers

Separation on discrete set

Consider the set $L = \prod_{i=1}^n\{1,0\}$, i.e. L consists of the element of n-tuples whose entries are 0 or 1. Also we can regard $L$ as a subset of $R^n$. Define linear functions $f(x)= a_1x_1+ \...
0 votes
1 answer

Is the linear production game a convex game?

In cooperative game theory, the linear production game (LPG) is defined by letting the characteristic function have the form of a linear programming problem. Does anyone know if the LPG is a convex ...
2 votes
0 answers

Formulating shortest path as submodular minimization

I'm curious about the general question of whether any combinatorial optimization problem with polynomial time solution can necessarily be reformulated as minimizing a submodular function. The answer ...
2 votes
0 answers

Select n vectors from k vectors (in 3D) such that each component of the resultant vector >= each component of a given vector M

this was left unanswered for 1 week on MStackExchange, so I thought MOverflow would be more appropriate. Thanks :) Let $R = (R_x, R_y, R_z)$ be the resultant vector of the n vectors and $M = (M_x, ...
3 votes
2 answers

ILP for minimum edge coloring problem

We know that for a graph $G=(V,E)$, minimum edge coloring is a coloring of $E$, i.e., a partition of $E$ into disjoint sets $E_1, E_2, \dots, E_k$ such that, for $1 \leq i \leq k$, no two edges in $...
1 vote
1 answer

approximate diameter of polytopes in high dimensions

I just came across the following problem: Let us consider the unit corner of the n-cube $$ \Delta^n = \left\{(t_1,\cdots,t_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n\mid\sum_{i = 1}^{n}{t_i} \leq 1 \mbox{ and } t_i \ge 0 \...
1 vote
0 answers

Finding all feasible solutions

Let $u$ be a $n_{max} \times m$ matrix. Let $z$ be a $n_{max} \times s_{max} \times n_{max}$ cube. Let $w$ be a $n_{max} \times 1$ vector. All the three matrices can have values from the set $\{ 0, 1\}...
3 votes
1 answer

Name search for special Linear Integer Program

I am looking for a name for the following question in literature! (and if you know it, then it would be great) I couldn't find it and due to wide audience here, presumably you know more. Thank you $...
2 votes
1 answer

Network flows with shared capacities

Suppose we have a flow network, with capacity constraints on weighted sums of arc flows, such as: $$2 f(1, 2) + 3 f(4, 5) + f(3, 7) \leq 10,$$ where $f(1, 2)$ denotes the flow through arc $(1, 2)$....
6 votes
3 answers

Maximum flow with negative capacities?

I'm trying to compute an (s-t) maximum flow through a network which includes a number of arc pairs ((u,v), (v,u)) that have equal, negative capacities (weights). I'm not aware of any efficient ...
7 votes
1 answer

A polytope with a bound on the sum of any $k$ variables

Let $2\le k\le n-1$ and define the polytope $$P_k(n) = \lbrace (x_1,\ldots,x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n : -1\le x_{i_1}+\cdots +x_{i_k} \le 1 \text{ for all } 1\le i_1\lt\cdots\lt i_k\le n\rbrace.$$ There ...
1 vote
0 answers

Reduce a Combinatorial problem

It is given n sets with k vectors. (k is element-wise positive or zero) Choose one vector of each set so that the biggest element of the sum of the chosen vectors is minimal. What i also know but is ...
4 votes
2 answers

combinatorial and linear duality

Let $S$ be a finite set, and let $W$ be a nonempty set of subsets of $S$; we will identify every subset of $S$ with its characteristic function, a 0-1 vector in $\mathbb R^S$. The combinatorial dual $\...
5 votes
0 answers

A linear optimization problem on a graph

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a finite graph and let $f$ be any positive function defined on the vertices. Put weights on the vertices $v_{i}$, way $w_{i}$ so that $\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_{i}\leq 1$. Assume that every ...
7 votes
1 answer

Does the Hirsch conjecture hold for $n < 2d$?

The Hirsch conjecture asserts that the graph (i.e. $1$-skeleton) of a $d$-dimensional convex polytope with $n$ facets has diameter at most $n - d$. After being open for decades, Francisco Santos has ...
2 votes
1 answer

Design constraint systems over the reals

This question is inspired by the discussion at this problem. Suppose I have a design consisting of a finite point set $U$ of size $|U|=m_{\emptyset}$ and a family of $n$ subsets (sometimes called ...
2 votes
0 answers

Guessing game with guess cost

This is a question about Problem 328 on the website Project Euler. A description of the problem is provided in the previous link. I was wondering if there has been any research done on this question. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Number of breakpoints in parametric maximum flow problems

The parametric maximum flow problem can be formulated as $$f(\lambda) = \min_{x\in\{0,1\}^n} \left( \sum_{i}(a_i + b_i\lambda)x_i + \sum_{i,j}c_{ij}x_ix_j \right), $$ where all $c_{ij}<0$ (so that ...
1 vote
1 answer

Split sum into equal terms

Given a sum of $l$ integers $r_1+...+r_k+...+r_l$ and an integer $t$. Find indices $1 < p_1 <...< p_h <...< p_{t-1} < l$ such that in sum $(r_1+...+r_{p_1})+...+(r_{p_{h-1}+1}+......
14 votes
0 answers

Minimum tiling of a rectangle by squares

Given the $n\times m$ rectangle, I want to compute the minimum number of integer-sided squares needed to tile it (possibly of different sizes). Is there an efficient way to calculate this?
10 votes
1 answer

Sum of difference moduli vs. sum of modulus differences

This is a failed attempt of mine at creating a contest problem; the failure is in the fact that I wasn't able to solve it myself. Let $x_1$, $x_2$, ..., $x_n$ be $n$ reals. For any integer $k$, ...