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Adjoint action of semi-direct product

Let $G$ and $H$ be Lie groups with associated Lie algebras $\mathfrak{g}:=\text{Lie}(G)$ and $\mathfrak{h}:=\text{Lie}(H)$ and adjoint actions $\text{Ad}^G:G \to \text{Aut}_\text{Lie}(\mathfrak{g})$ ...
Tobias Ohrmann's user avatar
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A special Lie subalgebra

Motivated by comments of the following post A question on involutions on the Lie algebra of vector fields we ask the following question: Let $L$ be a Lie algebra. We consider the Lie subalgebra $$...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Isomorphism between pull-backs of an F-crystal by different liftings of Frobenius

This might be a naive question. But since I haven't seen this in any reference, I'll try to ask it here. Let $T$ be a smooth scheme over the algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ (...
Jack's user avatar
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Casimir of a three dimensional solvable lie algebra

Good morning everyone. I've encountered recently during my computations the following lie algebra $$\mathfrak g=\text{span}(f_0,f_1,f_2),$$ with $$\begin{eqnarray}[f_2,f_1]&=&f_0+a f_2,\\ [...
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translation functors in parabolic category $\mathcal{O}$

I'm looking for a reference for a treatment of translation functors (as defined e.g. in this [question][1]) in parabolic versions of BGG category $\mathcal{O}$. I am mainly interested in the ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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When does finite presentability of the associated graded Lie algebra of a group imply the group is finitely presented?

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group; let $L(G)$ denote the graded Lie algebra (over $\mathbb{Q}$) associated to the lower central series of $G$. I would like to know conditions for when the finite ...
Peter Goetz's user avatar
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A problem on 2 Lie (co)homology group and central extension

For a perfect Lie algebra $L$ over $C,$ the kernel of its universal central extension is isomorphic to $H_2(L,C),$ and its central extensions are in 1-1 correspondence to $H^2(L,C).$ Question (1): ...
ren l's user avatar
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differentiating positive energy LG reps

Background:Let $G$ be a cscsc¹ Lie group, and let $\widetilde{LG}$ be the universal central extension (center = $S^1$) of $LG:=Map_{C^\infty}(S^1,G)$, with the topology inherited from the $C^\infty$ ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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How to draw a Littelmann path?

Littelmann path is a combinatorial tool to compute multiplicity. I have some questions about the definition of Littelmann path. It is said that a Littelmann path is a piecewise-linear mapping $$\pi:...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Explicit calculation of module of derivations on noncommutative polynomial ring

Let $R$ be a commutative unital associative ring and set $R<x,y>$ to be the $R$-algebra of non-commuting polynomials in two variables over $R$. Explicitly how would one go about computing ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Radical of projection equals projection of radical?

Given an Lie Algebra $L$ (of finite dimension and over an algebraically closed field with zero characteristic) and an ideal $I$, is it truth that $rad\left(\dfrac{L}{I}\right)= \pi(rad(L))$, where $...
user14312's user avatar
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Replacing the Lie commutator with something else [closed]

Take a vector space $V={A,B,C,...}$ (of matrices), and the commutator $[A,B]=AB-BA$, then a Lie algebra of $V$ is characterized by $[V,V]$ staying in $V$. (Loosely speaking.) What happens ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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identify a curious subgroup in $U(n)$

Consider the following element $A$ in $U(n)$: $$ \begin{pmatrix} 1/2(1+z) & 1/2(1-z) & \\\\ 1/2(1-z) & 1/2(1+z) & \\\\ & &I_{n-2} \end{pmatrix},$$ where $|z| = 1$. Now ...
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Distribution algebras and loop algebras

The algebra of distribution and its relationship with the universal enveloping algebra is discussed in the Jantzen's book, as we can see a discussion in the question link (more specifically, the Jim ...
Binai's user avatar
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Deformation of Noether's first theorem

Noether's first variational theorem establishes a correspondence between symmetries and invariants. I would like to know what has been written on the following question: How do the invariants deform ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Periodic automorphism of nilpotent Lie algebra

Are there a non-abelian nilpotent Lie algebra $\mathfrak{n}$ over $\mathbb{R}$ and an automorphism $\alpha: \mathfrak{n} \to \mathfrak{n}$ such that: $\alpha$ is periodic, the fixed subspace of $\...
Qayum Khan's user avatar
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Adjoint orbit of two vectors

Let $G$ be a simple compact real Lie group and let $\mathfrak g$ be its Lie algebra. Let $u,v\in \mathfrak g$ be two distinct unit vectors and $H\subset \mathfrak g$ be a hyperplane with normal vector ...
Pierre Simon's user avatar
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orbit of a Dynkin diagram automorphism

Let $f$ be a Dynkin diagram automorphism. Extend $f$ linearly to the root system $\Delta$. What is a set of representatives of the orbits of $\Delta$ under $f$ ? Thanks!
Binai's user avatar
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dual Coxeter number, affine algebra, invariants under twisting

Sometime ago we came across invariant quantities under twisting of all affine algebra. (See the appendix E of .) Choose the convention so that the longest root has ...
Kimyeong Lee's user avatar
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More questions involving characteristic 2 theta series identities

In my answer to my earlier question, "Existence of certain identities involving characteristic 2 thetas", I established some curious identities when the thetas have prime "level" congruent to 1 mod 4 ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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universal enveloping algebras and commutator subalgebras

Let $A$ and $B$ are Lie subalgebras of a Lie algebra $L$. $U(A)$, $U(B)$ and $U(L)$ are the universal enveloping algebras of $A$, $B$ and $L$, respectively. Let $[A, B]$ be the Lie subalgebras ...
sife's user avatar
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Building Lie-like algebras from modules over semisimple Lie algebras

Here is a construction of a very broad class of "Lie-like" algebras, and I want to know more about them. Here is the main definition: Suppose $\mathfrak{g}$ is a complex semsimple Lie algebra and $\...
David Richter's user avatar
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Topologic or geometric mean of the structure constants of a semi simple lie algebra

Let $G$ be a semi simple Lie group (or real reductive), $\mathfrak{g}$ its lie algebra and $B$ its killing form. We can defined the 3-form $k$ by $$k(X,Y,Z)=B([X,Y],Z).$$ with $X,Y,Z\in \mathfrak{g}$. ...
shu's user avatar
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Iwasawa decomposition and Non-Abelian Centraliser of A

I'm studying Knapp's book "Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups" and am trying to understand the structure theory of non-compact groups. Namely, let $G=KAN$ be the Iwasawa decomposition, $\...
Mischa's user avatar
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on a characterization of parabolic subgroups

Over a base field $k$, linear $k$-groups stand for affine algebraic $k$-groups. For simplicity take $k$ to be a field of characteristic zero, as in this case one has the correspondence between ...
genshin's user avatar
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Hermitian symmetric structure on a homogeneous subspace

Let $G$ be a semisimple group over $Q$ and $K$ a maximal compact subgroup of $G(R)^+$. I am assuming that $G(R)^+/K$ has a structure of a non-compact Hermitian symmetric domain. Let $g= p + k$ be ...
user42721's user avatar
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reductive Lie subalgebra

Suppose to have a Lie algebra L with a reductive lie subalgebra G. Let l an element of L such that [l,g] is in G for every g in G, is it true that l is an element of G?if not, there are some ...
Michele Torielli's user avatar
11 votes
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3/4-Lie superalgebras: how much of a theory can one develop?

Let $\mathfrak{s} = \mathfrak{s}_0 \oplus \mathfrak{s}_1$ be a real Lie superalgebra. (The ground field does not matter much, but at least one formula will not work as written if the characteristic ...
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
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Is there much theory of superalgebras acting on manifolds by alternating polyvector fields?

Usual story: vector fields on $M$, with their Lie bracket, form a Lie algebra. We can consider "actions" of some other Lie algebra ${\mathfrak g}$ on $M$ by looking at Lie homomorphisms ${\mathfrak g}\...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Resolution of singularities in positive characteristic

I am currently trying to make some small parts of the minimal model program work for some very explicit varities in positive characteristic. I have such a variety $X_1$ and I know that there is a ...
Benjamin Schmidt's user avatar
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About the Lie algebra of polyvector fields

I would like to know if someone already did some computations of the group of Lie algebra automorphisms of the algebra of polyvector fields on $\mathbb{R}^n$ equiped with the Schouten bracket (or ...
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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What are the polynomial relations between these characteristic 2 "thetas" ?

Suppose $\ell=2m+1$, $m>0$. Define $[i]$ in $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}[[x]]$ to be $$\sum_{n\equiv i\mod l} x^{n^2}.$$ Note that $[0]=1$, and that $[i]=[j]$ whenever $\ell$ divides $i+j$ or $i-j$. ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Module given by generators and relations

Let $\frak G$ be a Lie algebra and let $M$ be a $\frak G$-module generated by a vector $v$ satisfying some set of defining relations denoted by $R$. I mean, $M = U(\frak G)/\langle R \rangle$, where $\...
Matt's user avatar
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Given two linear operators A and B over a finite field, is there a third operator C whose kernel is the intersection of kernels of A and B?

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional linear space over a finite field $k$. Let $A$ and $B$ be two endomorphisms of $V$. Question 1. Is there an endomorphism $C$ of $V$, which is expressed in terms of ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
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Physical relevance of either fundamental identity generalizing Jacobi [closed]

There are two fundamental identities for n-ary generalizations of the Jacobi identity. One fundamental identity is right for Nambu mechanics and such, the other for L_\infty algebras as in CSFT. Which ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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hyperalgebras (positive characteristic)

The question is about commutator in integral forms. Let $A$ an associative algebra over a field of characteristic zero, $x\in A$ and $k\in \mathbb Z$, we denote $x^{(k)}=\frac{x^{k}}{k!}$. How to ...
Binai's user avatar
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Restriction map for Lie algebra/Lie group cohomology associated to a complex semisimple Lie algebra and a semisimple Lie-subalgebra

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a finite-dimensional complex semisimple Lie algebra (or the corresponding Lie group). For definiteness, I'll take $\mathfrak{g}$ to be of type $A_n$, that is, $\mathfrak{g} = \...
Christopher Drupieski's user avatar
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Under what conditions will a unitary matrix fix a subspace which does not diagonalize the generating Hamiltonian?

Hello, this is my first post here. I hope that it is not too vague; I will be as precise as I can, but I have more of a meta-problem so please forgive me if this is inappropriate. My question is ...
Michael Underwood's user avatar
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Level p characteristic 2 modular forms and thetas

BACKGROUND Let p be an odd prime. An element of Z/2[[x]] is "modular of level p" if it is the mod 2 reduction of a g in Z[[x]] with g the Fourier expansion of a modular form for gamma_0(p). In ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Are Generalized Verma modules natural w.r.t isometries?

Let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$ with Lie algebras $\mathfrak{h}$ and $\mathfrak{g}$ respectively. If I have 2 representations $V, W$ of $\mathfrak{h}$ equipped with a $\mathfrak{h}$ invariant inner ...
Sven Cattell's user avatar
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Are these subspaces of $\mathbb{Z}/3[[x]]$ stable under the shallow Hecke algebra?

This is a characteristic $3$ analog of part of my earlier question, "Are these two subspaces of $\mathbb{Z}/2[[x]]$ the same?" Notation Fix a prime $N$ other than $3$. Let $F,G \in \mathbb{Z}/3[[x]]$...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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lower bound for torsion of abelian varieties

Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a field $K$ of characteristic $p>0$. Let $A[\ell]$ be the group of $\ell$-torsion points, $\ell\neq p$ a prime. Are there positive constants $C, \eta$ ...
Oscar Villareal's user avatar
9 votes
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algorithm for calculating the Chow groups of a variety over a finite field

Is there an algorithm for calculating the Chow groups of a variety over a finite field? It is know that $H^{2i,i}_\mathrm{mot}(X,\mathbf{Z}) = CH^i(X)$. In how many cases does this help us?
user avatar
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Given a branched cover with branch cycle description $(g_1,...,g_r)$, does $g_i$ generate some decomposition group?

Classically: Let $a_1,...,a_r$ be points in $\mathbb{P}^1_{\mathbb{C}}$, and let $\alpha_1,...,\alpha_r$ be simple loops around the $a_i$, all counterclockwise, and none touching (so $\alpha_1...\...
Makhalan Duff's user avatar
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Examples of divisible Lie algebras

We say that a nonzero Lie algebra $L$ is divisible, if for all elements $a$ and $b$ with $a\neq 0$, there exists $x\in L$ such that $[a, x]=b$. What are examples of divisible Lie algebras?
Sh.M1972's user avatar
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Lang isogeny for group stacks

Let $G$ be a commutative algebraic group stack over $\mathbb{F}_q$ (I don't really care about the precise definition: I'm secretly thinking about the Picard stack of a projective curve). To what ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
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Characterization of the weight orbit in the projective space via second order Casimir.

This is the spin-off of the question I previously asked. First, let me remind you some notation from that question: $G_0$ - compact, simply connected Lie group giving rise (by complexification) ...
Michał Oszmaniec's user avatar
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Name of upper triangular/lower triangular Lie Algebra decomposition

What is the name of the Lie algebra decomposition where the positive root vectors are upper triangular and the negative root vectors are lower triangular?
Q.Q.J.'s user avatar
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The mod 3 reduction of some powers of delta

Let f in Z/3[[x]] be the mod 3 reduction of the Fourier expansion of the normalized weight 12 cusp form delta for the full modular group. The exponents appearing in f are all 1 mod 3. Fix k>0 and ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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A question on lie groups( Lie algebras)

What is an example of a compact Lie group $G$ which is not isomorphic to a product of two nontrivial lie groups and satisfies the following property: There are two non zero vector fields $X, Y \in ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar