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Reference request: expository text on the structure of reductive groups over non-archimedean local fields

I am interested in an expository text in English, which summarizes the main results and aspects of the structure theory of reductive groups over local fields, in a hopefully not very technical manner (...
KotelKanim's user avatar
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what is the intersection of all congruence subgroups of the profinite completion of SL(2,Z)?

Let $\widehat{SL(2,\mathbb{Z})}$ be the profinite completion of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$. Let $\Gamma(N)$ denote the typical principal congruence subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ (ie, all matrices congruent ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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How do I describe the GL_n torsor attached to a smooth morphism of relative dimension n?

Edit: It seems I had two different constructions mixed up in my head, namely the frame torsor and the automorphism bundle of a vector bundle. This made the main question a bit confusing. The first ...
S. Carnahan's user avatar
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Connected components of the orthogonal group O(2n) in characteristic 2.

I am looking for a reference for the following fact: The orthogonal group $O_{2n}$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2 has exactly two connected components. To be more precise, let ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Can a division algebra have degree divisible by its characteristic?

I apologize in advance if this is easy, but I've tried Googling, and had no luck. I'm currently working on a proof, and I realized in the course of writing that this proof will break if out there ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Clebsch–Gordan decomposition formula for algebraic groups

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$There is a well-known Clebsch–Gordan decomposition formula for irreducible representations of $\SL_2$. If $V_n$ denotes the unique $n+1$-dimensional irreducible ...
dm82424's user avatar
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Tensor products of two irreducible representations of reductive groups and their inclusions

Let $G$ be a reductive group and $\lambda$, $\mu$ and $\nu$ be dominant weights of $G$. Denote by $V_\lambda$ the irreducible representation of $G$ of highest weight $\lambda$. It seems to be true ...
netay's user avatar
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Equivariant normalization?

Let $G=\mathrm{Gl}_n\mathbb C$ and let $X$ be an affine $G$-variety. Let $\phi:\tilde X\to X$ be the normalization of $X$, i.e. the spectrum of the integral closure of $\mathbb C[X]$ in its fraction ...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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Definition of an arithmetic subgroup of an algebraic group

I'm struggling with the definition of an arithmetic subgroup of an algebraic group defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. In Wikipedia you can read: If $\mathrm G$ is an algebraic subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\...
Jacques's user avatar
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Longest subgroup chain in $\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$?

What is the length $\ell$ of longest chain of subgroups $$\{e\} \lneq H_1 \lneq \dotsc \lneq H_\ell = G$$ in $\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$?
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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About the paper by Buekenhout, Delandtsheer, Doyen, Kleidman, Liebeck and Saxl

The paper by Buekenhout, Delandtsheer, Doyen, Kleidman, Liebeck and Saxl called Linear spaces with flag transitive automorphism groups (Geom. Dedicata) from 1990 annonces a very powerful ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Presentation of special linear group over localizations of the integers

I am looking (for $n,k\in{\mathbb Z}$) for a presentation (in the best of all worlds concretely, as a list of relators) for the group ${\rm SL}_n(R)$ for $R={\mathbb Z}[\frac{1}{k}]=\{\frac{a}{k^l}\...
ahulpke's user avatar
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What are the basic possibilities for a tensor product of two fields?

Let $k$ be a field, with $F,k'$ field extensions of $k$. The ring $k' \otimes_k F$ is denoted by $F_{k'}$. In Borel's Linear Algebraic Groups, it is claimed (I believe erroneously) that "each ...
D_S's user avatar
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Is there a way to see a topological group as the "Cayley graph" of its "infinitesimal generators"?

At the time of writing, the most recent blog post over at What's new by Terrence Tao is Cayley graphs and the geometry of groups, and that (excellent, as with most of Tao's writing) post most ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Killing form: clean proof that two spaces are orthogonal?

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group whose Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ is semisimple. Let $x$ be a regular semisimple element of $G$. Write $\mathfrak{t}$ for the Lie algebra of the maximal torus $T = C(...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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What is the hidden symmetry behind four generic planes in $\mathbb{R}^4$?

Consider the action of $\operatorname{GL}(\mathbb{R}^4)$ on the Grassmannian of 2-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^4$. In experiments, I observe that four randomly drawn points in this space are ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
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A reductive group has a quasi-split inner form

Let $G$ be a connected, reductive group over a field $k$. Let $\Gamma = \textrm{Gal}(k_s/k)$. I think my question is better suited using the classical language: think of $G$ as an affine $\overline{...
D_S's user avatar
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Parahoric Group Scheme

I am looking for the definition of a parahoric group scheme in the sense of Bruhat and Tits? I couldn't find a reference for that? at least a "clear" reference! thanks
Gest2015's user avatar
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Pullback along Frobenius morphism

Let $X$ be a scheme over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ and let $F : X \to X$ be the absolute Frobenius morphism. If $\mathcal{L}$ is an invertible $\mathcal{O}_X$-module, then there is a natural ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Is there a generalization of the "characteristic polynomial" to other split/quasi-split algebraic groups?

Let $G = GL_n$ over a field $F$, and let $\gamma \in G(F)$ be a semisimple element. The characteristic polynomial $c_\gamma(t)$ of $\gamma$ encodes a fair bit of information about $\gamma$. ...
John Binder's user avatar
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Applications of alterations

In 1995, de Jong proved the existence of regular alterations in arbitrary characteristic. I would like to have a little survey of important applications of this theorem, e.g. things you could do if ...
pgraf's user avatar
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Algebraicity of holomorphic representations of a semisimple complex linear algebraic group

Let $G$ be a complex linear algebraic group, given to us as a closed subgroup of some $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{C})$. Suppose moreover that $G$ is semisimple. Then it's a fact that every finite-...
D. Savitt's user avatar
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Number of connected components of the intersection of two maximal tori

Let $G$ be a connected complex semisimple Lie group and $S$, $T$ two maximal tori in $G$. Is there a known upper bound on the number of connected components of $S\cap T$? For example, is it bounded by ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Embedding linear algebraic groups of a given dimension into a fixed $\mathrm{GL}_N$

Given $n$, can $n$-dimensional linear algebraic groups over $\mathbb{C}$ be embedded into $\mathrm{GL}(N,\mathbb{C})$ for a uniformly bounded $N$? Thanks so much for your reply!
chluo's user avatar
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Counting points on varieties of low codimension

The graduate students here at MIT have been thinking about questions like the following: Over $\mathbb{F}\_q$, how many symmetric matrices are there with nonzero determinant and $0$'s on the diagonal? ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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What does the $p$-adic closure of an arithmetic lattice look like?

Let $\Gamma$ be an arithmetic lattice in a linear algebraic $\mathbb{Q}$-group $\mathbf{G}$, that is, $\Gamma$ is a subgroup of $\mathbf{G}(\mathbb{Q})$ that is commensurable with $\mathbf{G}(\mathbb{...
Abenthy's user avatar
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commutators in upper triangular matrices

Consider the group $T_p(n)$ of all non-singular upper triangular matrices with entries in $\mathbb{F}_p.$ Its commutator subgroup is $U_p(n)$ (all elements in $T_p(n)$ with $1$s on the main diagonal). ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Commutativity of the Chow ring in positive characteristic

I was looking in Ravi Vakil's notes on Intersection Theory, Class 20, where he introduces the bivariant intersection theory, in particular the Chow ring $A^\ast (X)$. On p. 2, he writes the following ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Littlewood-Richardson rule and commutativity morphism

Background Irreducible finite dimensional representations of the group $GL_n$ are parameterized by the highest weights, that is by nonincreasing sequences of integers $$ \lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 \ge \...
Sasha's user avatar
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Is there a non-smooth algebraic group scheme in char $p$, all of whose defining relations have degree less than $p$?

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. All the examples of non-smooth algebraic group schemes over $k$ that I have seen (apart from "artificial" examples; see below) have ...
A Stasinski's user avatar
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Cohomology vanishing for tensor powers of tangent bundle on the flag variety

Let $X$ denote the flag variety of a semi-simple group $G$ (in characteristic 0) and let $T_X$ denote its tangent bundle. I would like to ask the following question(s): 1) Is it true that for any $n\...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
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Gelfand's trick (Gelfand's lemma) in positive characteristic?

I came across this preprint that claims in Lemma 1.1 that Gelfand's trick (also known as Gelfand's lemma) only works in characteristic zero: Let $H < G$ be finite groups. Suppose we have an anti-...
ferrari's user avatar
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Software for Borel-Weil-Bott in positive characteristic?

I am interested in calculating cohomology of line bundles on flag varieties $G/B$ in positive characteristic. But I really just have a bunch of scattered examples. Does there exist some kind of ...
Steven Sam's user avatar
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For what reductive groups $G$ over $K$ are the inner forms classified by $H^1(K, G^{ad})$?

Suppose $G$ is a connected reductive algebraic group over an arbitrary field $K$; let $Z$ be the center of $G$. The inner automorphisms of $G$ are given by $\operatorname{Inn}(G) = G / Z = G^{\...
David Roe's user avatar
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How is the sheaf defined for $G/H$ where $G$ is an algebraic group and $H$ is a normal closed subgroup?

I have learned that if $G$ is an algebraic group and $H$ is a normal closed subgroup then $G/H$ is also an algebraic group satisfying: for any morphisms $\phi : G \rightarrow X$ constant on the ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Bounds on Tamagawa numbers of reductive groups

Let $G$ be a reductive algebraic group over a number field $k$. Weil's conjecture on Tamagawa numbers (now a theorem) tells us that the Tamagawa number $\tau(G)$ of $G$ is 1 if $G$ is semisimple and ...
Tian An's user avatar
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Is Zariski closure of finitely generated matrix semigroup computable?

In general, can the Zariski closure of the semigroup of matrices $\langle M_1, \ldots, M_k \rangle$ be algorithmically computed (at least in theory)? For this purpose I'm happy to assume the ...
Joël Ouaknine's user avatar
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Does a universal Frobenius map exist?

For any prime p, one has the Frobenius homomorphism Fp defined on rings of characteristic p. Is there any kind of object, say U, with a "universal Frobenius map" F such that for any prime p and any ...
Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen's user avatar
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Lagrangian Grassmannian from an Involution

I don't know if this is already answered somewhere in MO. The dynkin involution of $SL_{2n}$ that is $\alpha_i \mapsto \alpha_{2n-i}$ gives an outer automorphism of $SL_{2n}$ and then the maximal ...
Mark's user avatar
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Reference for Pic(G) and central extensions.

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over a (perfect, why not) field $F$. Let $m$, $pr_1$, $pr_2$ denote the multiplication, first, and second projection maps from $G \times G$ to $G$. Then I'm ...
Marty's user avatar
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Are there "reasonable" criteria for existence/non-existence of Levi factors or their conjugacy in prime characteristic?

Classical theorems attributed to Levi, Mal'cev, Harish-Chandra for a finite dimensional Lie algebra over a field of characteristic 0 state that it has a Levi decomposition (semisimple subalgebra plus ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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Bialynicki-Birula decompositions and fixed points

I was reading Luna's paper Toute variété magnifique est sphérique and stumbled on a few facts about Bialynicki-Birula decompositions and fixed points that I don't understand. Here is the setup. Let $...
Michael Christianson's user avatar
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Looking for counterexamples: Are maximal tori in the automorphism groups of smooth complex quasiprojective varieties conjugate?

Let $X$ be a smooth quasiprojective variety over $\mathbb{C}$. It has a group of (algebraic) automorphisms $ \DeclareMathOperator{\Aut}{Aut} \Aut(X)$. Define a torus in $\Aut(X)$ to be a faithful ...
Carlos Esparza's user avatar
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How large must the characteristic of $k$ be, for the cohomology of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}_n(k)$ to be exterior as in characteristic zero?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$In this question, all Lie algebra cohomology is of the form $H^*(\mathfrak{g}; k)$, with $k$ the trivial one-dimensional representation of $\mathfrak{g}$. All Lie algebra ...
user509184's user avatar
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Quotients by algebraic group actions at the level of the Grothendieck ring

$\DeclareMathOperator\SGro{SGro}\DeclareMathOperator\Gro{Gro}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$For an algebraically closed field $K$, the Grothendieck semiring of $K$ consists of, say, quasi-projective $K$-...
YCor's user avatar
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What is the mirror of an algebraic group?

Background: Kontsevich's homological mirror symmetry conjecture posits the existence of pairs $(X,\check X)$ with an equivalence of dg/$A_\infty$-categories $$\mathcal F(X)=\mathcal D^b(\check X)$$ ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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What are the analogs of a Levi/Parabolic/Borel/Bruhat over the field with 1 element?

This is inevitably an imprecise question, but there are already several questions like this on the site so I thought i'd try anyway. If I understand correctly, for any reductive algebraic group $G$ ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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The mod 3 reduction of some powers of delta

Let f in Z/3[[x]] be the mod 3 reduction of the Fourier expansion of the normalized weight 12 cusp form delta for the full modular group. The exponents appearing in f are all 1 mod 3. Fix k>0 and ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Polynomial function from $S^3$ to $S^3$ and quaternions

I am searching the polynomial functions from $S^3$ to $S^3$. ($S^3$ is the set of vectors $x$ in $\mathbb{R}^4$ such that $\|x\|=1$) We say $g$ is a polynomial function from $S^3$ to $S^3$, if there ...
user12806's user avatar
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Invariance of Euler characteristic under base change for sheaf cohomology of flag varieties

BACKGROUND: Over an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic, most of the basic structure theory of affine (= linear) algebraic groups can be developed concretely without quoting ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar

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