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Goldbach's conjecture for the Liouville function

Is it true that for every even integer $N > 2$, there exist positive integers $a,b$ such that $a + b = N$ and $\lambda(a) = \lambda(b) = -1$ ? Here $\lambda$ is the Liouville function.
Pablo's user avatar
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Asymptotic density of sums of consecutive primes

Call a positive integer respectable if it is a sum of consecutive prime numbers. For example, every prime numbers is respectable. So are $3+5=8$, $2+3+5=10$, $5+7=12$, $3+5+7=15$, $2+3+5+7=17$, $7+11=...
David Corwin's user avatar
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k-Almost Primes in short intervals

According to this question every interval $[x, x + x^{0.45}]$ contains a product of two primes, and this has been improved further slightly. Are there better results available for $k$-almost primes? ...
Xiaoyu He's user avatar
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What would be the consequences of $\displaystyle{\lim\inf_{n\to\infty}p_{n+k}-p_{n}\sim k\log k}$?

The question is in the title: what would be the number theoretic consequences if we managed to establish the conjectured asymptotic equality $\displaystyle{\lim\inf_{n\to\infty}p_{n+k}-p_{n}\sim k\log ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Is there a von Koch-type theorem for the generalized Riemann hypothesis?

Helge von Koch proved in 1901 that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the error term in the prime number theorem having the bound $$ \mid\pi(x)-\textrm{li}(x)\mid=O(\sqrt{x} \log x). $$ Q1: ...
user45947's user avatar
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A curious prime counting approximation or just data overfitting?

I am not sure, if this is a research problem. If not I will move this question to ME: Let $\Omega(n) = \sum_{p|n} v_p(n)$, which we might view as a random variable. Let $E_n = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n\...
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A stronger form of the Dirichlet Theorem on prime numbers in arithmetic sequences

Question 1. Let $a,b>1$ be two natural numbers. Is there a prime number $p\in 1+b\mathbb N$ such that $a+p\mathbb Z$ is a generator of the multiplicative group of the field $\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$? ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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What is wrong with this deterministic algorithm efficiently generating large primes?

According to PolyMath (Strong) conjecture. There exists deterministic algorithm which, when given an integer k, is guaranteed to find a prime of at least k digits in length of time polynomial in k. ...
joro's user avatar
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2 answers

Legendre's Constant

In a couple of web pages, I see that Legendre's constant is defined to be $\lim_{n \to \infty} (\pi(n) - (n/\log(n)))$ (for example, here and here). Actually the first uses $\lim_{n \to \infty} (\log(...
user304582's user avatar
7 votes
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Some interesting experimental results about the distribution of primes

Let's consider the following metric of the gap between consecutive primes $$m(k)=\frac {p_k^2-p_{k-1}^2} {24}\;\;\;\;\;(k\ge4)$$ Now, let's define the function $\delta(k)=m(k)\;\;\;\;$ if $\,m(k)\,$ ...
Augusto Santi's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Reference for the expected number of prime factors of n larger than n^alpha is -log alpha

Let $0 < \alpha < 1$ be a constant. The expected number of prime factors of a "random" integer near $n$ which are greater than $n^\alpha$ is $-\log \alpha$. It's my understanding that (...
Michael Lugo's user avatar
7 votes
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Equidistribution of $\{p_n^2α\}$

Let $p_n$ be the $n$th prime and $\alpha$ an irrational number. Vinogradov proved that the sequence $\{p_n \alpha\}$ is equidistributed. Is it known whether the sequence $\{p_n^2 \alpha \}$ is ...
zoidberg's user avatar
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Prove: If $P_n$ is $n$-$th$ prime number then $P_{n+m} \ge P_n+P_m$

Let $n > 1$ and $m > 0$ be two integers and $P_n$ be the $n^{th}$ prime. Prove: $$P_{n+m} \ge P_n + P_m .$$ Can you give a hint, reference, comment, or proof?
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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Upper bound for $p_{n^2} - p_{(n-1)^2}$?

What is the best unconditional upper bound for $p_{n^2}-p_{(n-1)^2}$ such that $p_n$ is the $n$-th prime number? Asymptotics suggest it's somewhere near $4 n \ln n$, but how to prove this? Edit: it'...
Ahmad's user avatar
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$\log \log p / \log \log n$, where $p|n$, gets equidistributed in [0,1] (for almost all $n$)

According to Hardy-Ramanujan/Erdős-Kac we know that usually there are $\sim\log\log n$ prime numbers in a factorization. But if you pick up a natural number at random, and you factor it, what is the ...
Luca Ghidelli's user avatar
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Some conjectures about prime gaps

I checked some relations between primes, here $1<n<10^5$ and $p_n$ is the $n$th prime. $a) p_n^{1/3} - p_{n-1}^{1/3}<1/2$ $b) p_n^{1/n} - p_{n-1}^{1/n}<1/n $ $c) (\log p_n)^{1/2} - (\...
Pinteco's user avatar
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Is there a Chebotarev‘s theorem for non-Galois extension over Q?

For a Galois extension $K/\mathbb{Q}$, the Chebotarev Density Theorem predicts the density of primes with a certain splitting type. I'm wondering if there is a similar result for non-Galois extension? ...
Yuan Yang's user avatar
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Smallest Mazur's good prime

Let $p$ and $\ell$ be primes $\geq 5$ such that $\ell$ divides $p-1$. Following Mazur, we say that a prime $q$ is a $\textit{good prime}$ if $\ell$ does not divide $q-1$ and $q$ is not a $\ell$th ...
Emmanuel Lecouturier's user avatar
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Heuristic for Montgomery's conjecture

This is my third question on this site regarding Montgomery's conjecture -- and I apologize if this is too much -- but I am still not understanding well why this conjecture is believed to be true. ...
Joël's user avatar
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What consequences would follow from the density hypothesis?

Let $N(\sigma,T)$ denote the number of zeros $\rho=\beta+\gamma i$ of the Riemann zeta function satisfying $\beta\ge \sigma$ and $0<\gamma\le T$, counted with multiplicity. Then the "Density ...
AfterMath's user avatar
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How to use the Prime Number Theorem in order to prove Selberg's Formula?

I`m reading Melvin B. Nathanson's "Elementary Methods in Number Theory" and I can't think of a way of deducing Selberg's formula (9.3) from the prime number theorem. This is one of the tasks ...
Juu's user avatar
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Results on the largest prime factor of $2^n+1$

A work of Cameron Stewart (the paper has appeared in Acta Mathematica), proving a conjecture of Erdos, Stewart shows that the largest prime factor of $2^n-1$ is at least $n \times \exp\Big( \frac{\...
Michael's user avatar
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Generalization of Legendre`s conjecture

Legendre`s conjecture states that there is always a prime between $n^2$ and $(n+1)^2$ for every natural $n$. It is natural to create following generalization: Is it true that for every $\...
Paladin's user avatar
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Density of prime divisors of $a^n + b$

Suppose $a > 1, b \neq 0$ be two rational numbers. Is it known in general that the set of prime divisors of (the numerator of) $a^n + b$ has a positive relative density?
Xiaosheng Mu's user avatar
7 votes
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Are there effective small intervals in which primes are dense?

As mentioned in Terry Tao's comment to this question, it is constructively known that there are primes between sufficiently large cubes. $\:$ According to wikipedia, "there exists a constant $\: \...
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Divisor sums over values of binary forms of primes

Let $\tau$ be the divisor function, that is $$ \tau(n)=\sharp\{d \in \mathbb{N}, d|n\}. $$ I was wondering if anyone has ever proved an asymptotic estimate for the sum $$S(x):=\sum_{p,q\leq x}\tau(p^...
Dr. Pi's user avatar
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What are the best known lower and upper bounds for the second Chebyshev function $\psi(x)$

I was reading through Jitsuro Nagura's proof that there is always a prime between $x$ and $\frac{6x}{5}$ when $x \ge 25$. In the paper, he uses the following bounds for the second Chebyshev function $\...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
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Smallest k-term AP of primes

Let $S(k)$ denote the smallest integer such that there exists a k-term arithmetic progression of primes among the integers $[1,S(k)]$. Green and Tao have an unpublished note that gives a very large ...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
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If $n = 18k+5$ is composite, there are at least 9 divisors of $\phi(n)$ which do not divide $n-1$

If $n$ is a composite of the form $18k+5$, there at least 9 divisors of $\phi(n)$ which do not divide $n-1$. Is this true in general or if not, what is the smallest counter example? The conjecture has ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
7 votes
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Major arcs in the proof that every odd number is the sum of at most 5 primes

In his proof that all odd numbers greater than 1 are the sum of at most 5 primes, Terence Tao uses one large major arc around 0 rather than small ones around the rationals, which I am more accustomed ...
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
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Logarithmic Integral of n^Zeta Zeroes and certain nested sums of the fractional part function

Below is an approach I've been exploring for connecting the prime counting function with the logarithmic integral and expressing the error term between the two. I find it beguiling, but I've largely ...
Nathan McKenzie's user avatar
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From $\Lambda_k$ and $\Lambda$ to $\mu$ (or $\lambda$)

Let $\{a_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$, $a_n \in \mathbb{C}$, $|a_n|\leq 1$. Let $\Lambda_k = \mu \ast \log^k$; in particular, $\Lambda_1$ equals the von Mangoldt function $\Lambda$. Suppose that we have ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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The asymptotic of $|\{1\leq n\leq x|\gcd(n,S(n))=1\}|$, with $S(n)$ the sum of remainders, and get idea for other miscellany problem

Let $n\geq 1$ be an integer. In this post we denote the sum of remainders function as $$S(n)=\sum_{k=1}^n n \bmod k,$$ for example $S(1)=S(2)=0+0$ and $S(5)=0+1+2+1+0=4$. In the literature there are ...
user142929's user avatar
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Residues of consecutive primes modulo a fixed integer

It is well-known that the primes are uniformly distributed in residue classes modulo any fixed integer. More precisely, for each integer $q$ and each residue $a \in \mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$ that is ...
Jakub Konieczny's user avatar
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Are there infinitely many zeroes of $\sum_{r = 1}^{n-1} \mu(r)\gcd(n,r) $?

Let $\mu(n)$ be the Möbius function and $S(x)$ be the number of positive integers $n \le x$ such that $$ \sum_{r = 1}^{n-1} \mu(r)\gcd(n,r) = 0 $$ My experimental data for $n \le 6 \times 10^5 $...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
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When does the function $F(x)=\frac{\operatorname{li}(x^{1/2})}{\operatorname{li}(x)-\pi(x)}$ reach $F(x) > 8$?

We know from Ramanujan and Riemann that, $$\pi(x) = \operatorname{li}(x) -\tfrac12\operatorname{li}(x^{1/2})-\tfrac13\operatorname{li}(x^{1/3})-\tfrac15\operatorname{li}(x^{1/5}) +\dots$$ with prime ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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"Forthcoming paper" of Goldston-Graham-Pintz-Yıldırım

The above-named authors of [1] and its (significantly different) published version [2] write: In a forthcoming paper, we will show how the methods here can be extended to prove corresponding ...
Charles's user avatar
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"probabilistic" density of primes?

A certain set $\cal P$ of primes is defined by two assumedly independent conditions: The first condition on a prime $p$ can be characterized in terms of the type of splitting of $p$ in certain Galois ...
Andrea Mori's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Sequences equidistributed modulo 1

Let $\alpha$ be any positive irrational and $\beta$ be any positive real. We have the following results. H. Weyl (1909): The fractional part of the sequence $\alpha n$ is equidistributed modulo 1. I....
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
6 votes
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$\pi((n+1)^2)-\pi(n^2) \le \pi(n)$ for all $n \ge 370$?

There are some conjectures of the form: There always exist at least $X$ prime numbers between $A$ and $B$. Examples: Bertrand's postulate: for every $n>1$ there is always at least one prime $p$ ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
6 votes
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Density of integers $n$ whose totient $\varphi(n)$ is larger than $\alpha n$

Fix $0 < \alpha < 1$ a real. Let $S_\alpha$ the set of integers $n \geq 1$ such that be $\phi(n)>\alpha n$. For $x>0$, let $S_\alpha(x)$ be the number of positive integers $n$ less han $x$ ...
Joël's user avatar
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Difficulty with "A new elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem" by Richter

I'm studying Richter's "A new elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem" paper, and I'm finding some problems understanding some parts of it. For example, I don't see how to get, in Lemma ...
rr_math's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of the prime zeta function P(2)

For an application in statistical group theory, we need explicit upper and lower bounds that an expert in number theory (I am not one) may know how to prove. Question 1: What are "good" bounds $f_1(x)...
Glasby's user avatar
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Local density of numbers not divisible by small primes

Since$$\prod_{p \leq n} \left(1-\frac{1}{p}\right) =\frac{ e^{-\gamma}+o(1)}{ \log n},$$ by Mertens theorem, the density of integers in $$(X^{\theta},X],$$ which aren't divisible by primes $$p \leq X^{...
kodlu's user avatar
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A divergent series related to the number of divisors of of p-1

Let $d(n)$ denote the number of divisors of $n$. Is it known that the series $$\sum_{p \text{ prime}} \frac{1}{d(p-1)}$$ diverges? This would follow immediately from the Sophie Germain Conjecture. ...
Bruno Joyal's user avatar
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Distribution of primes in small intervals

Let $\pi(x)$ be the number of primes smaller than $x$. Do there exist unconditionally universal constants $c > d$ such that $$ \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\pi(x + \log^c x) - \pi(x)}{\log^{c-...
ogn's user avatar
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Logarithmic integral, $π(x)$ and $x/(\ln x)$

The function $\text{Li}$ (logarithmic integral) is defined for $x>0$ by $$ \text{Li}(x)=\int_2^{x}\frac{dt}{\ln t}. $$ The prime number theorem, proven by Hadamard and de la Vallée-Poussin in 1896 ...
Bazin's user avatar
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Average value of the prime omega function $\Omega$ on predecessors of prime powers

For a positive integer $n$, the prime omega function value $\Omega(n):=\sum_{p\mid n}{\nu_p(n)}$ counts the number of prime divisors of $n$ with multiplicities. A result of Hardy and Wright, [1, ...
Alexander Bors's user avatar
6 votes
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Does always exist a prime number between $n(n+1)$ and $(n+1)(n+2)$?

Let $n$ is positive integer number, does always exist a prime number between $n(n+1)$ and $(n+1)(n+2)$?
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
6 votes
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How to obtain an upper bound for $\prod_{p\mid N} (1 + 1/\sqrt{p})$ where $N$ is square free?

I am interested in obtaining an upper bound for $\prod_{p|N} (1 + 1/\sqrt{p})$ when $N$ is squarefree. It's not too hard to show that $$ \prod_{p\mid N} (1 + 1/\sqrt{p}) \ll C^{\omega(N)} \ll N^{\...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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