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2 answers

Is there any way to estimate this functions: $f(n)=\sum_{d|n}d\varphi(d)$ and $g(n)=\sum_{d|n}\frac{\varphi(d)}{d}$?

Let that $n$ be a natural number and $\varphi(n)$ be the Euler totient function. Is there any formula or estimation for computing functions $f,g$ such that: $$ f(n)=\sum_{d\mid n}d\varphi(d) $$ and $$ ...
Jamal Farokhi's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Can every integer be written as a sum of squares of primes?

This question is mainly inspired from a different problem I was working on. Is there a value of $k$ such that, for each $n\in \mathbb N$, the equation $$\sum_{i=1}^{k}x_i^2=n$$ is solvable in $x_1,\...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Calculate the great common factor between $2^{2n+1}-1$ and $2^{4m+2}+1$ [closed]

How to calculate the great common factor between $2^{2n+1}-1$ and $2^{4m+2}+1$, where $n$ and $m$ are positive numbers. We guess that: the great common factor is $1$.
C. Simon's user avatar
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Do primes of the form $4k+1$ ever lead the greatest prime factor race?

Analogous to Chebyshev's race between primes, I examined the race between primes in the greatest prime factors, GPF, of natural numbers. Similar to the regular prime race, in the GPF race, the ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
0 votes
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Counting powerful integers. Lower bounds

Remark:   The upper bounds are perhaps still more interesting; I may address them in another post. PROBLEM:   Find simple (numerically efficient) lower bounds for the number of powerful integers (...
Wlod AA's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Do consecutive integers have a big prime factor?

Let us say that three consecutive positive integers $(m-1,m,m+1)$ have a big prime factor if the largest prime factor $p$ of $N=(m-1)m(m+1)$ satisfies $e^p>N$. I ckecked that it is true for all $m&...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Why is there an unexpected increase in the density of certain types of Goldbach primes?

Note: Posted in MO since it was unanswered in MSE. I was checking how quickly we can verify Goldbach's conjecture for a given even number $n$ and it was clear that searching backward starting from the ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
1 vote
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How common are semiprimes with equally bitsized factors among semiprimes with equal bitsize?

I am curious about the following after having looked at the paper "Almost primes in almost all short intervals", theorem 3 says: Almost all intervals $[x, x + \log^{3.51}{(x)}]$ with $x ≤ X$...
factorn's user avatar
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Sum of all primes below $n$ without listing all primes below $n$

Asymptotically there is around $\frac{n}{\ln n}$ primes below a given integer $n$. Thus $\frac{n}{\ln n}$ is a lower bound for the time complexity of any algorithm that at some point finds each prime ...
vlben's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Possible contemporary improvement to bounded gaps between primes?

In his summary of his book Bounded gaps between primes: the epic breakthroughs of the early 21st century, Kevin Broughan writes Which brings me to my final remark: where to next in the bounded gaps ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Smooth number pairs satisfying a congruence

Let $\mathcal P=\{p_1,\dots,p_{2t}\}$ be $2t$ primes between $2^\ell$ and $2^{\ell+1}$ and fix an exponent bound $a\in\mathbb Z_{\geq2}$. Fix $N\in\mathbb N$ whose prime factors $p$ satisfy $p>2^{\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Asymptotic growth of the collection of Miller-Rabin pseudo-primes witnessed by a set

Consider a set $S$ of positive integers[*]. Define $P(S)$ as the set of numbers $N$ for which elements of $S$ are "witnesses" for the Miller-Rabin test for primality of $N$. Explicitly $P(S)=...
Kapil's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Goldbach conjecture and other problems in additive combinatorics

The field is also known as additive number theory. I am interested in sums $z=x + y$ where $x \in S, y\in T$, and both $S, T$ are infinite sets of positive integers. For instance: $S = T$ is the set ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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A problem in modular roots

We have three mutually coprime integers $r,t,M$ where $M\asymp K^{\frac12-2\epsilon}$ and $r,t\asymp K^{\frac14+\epsilon}$ holds with some fixed $\epsilon>0$ and $K>0$ is a large parameter. ...
Turbo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are there infinitely many zeroes of $\sum_{r = 1}^{n-1} \mu(r)\gcd(n,r) $?

Let $\mu(n)$ be the Möbius function and $S(x)$ be the number of positive integers $n \le x$ such that $$ \sum_{r = 1}^{n-1} \mu(r)\gcd(n,r) = 0 $$ My experimental data for $n \le 6 \times 10^5 $...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
1 vote
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Factoring with partial information on gaps

If $N=PQ$ is a semi-prime with $P=N^{\frac12 +\delta}$ and $Q=N^{\frac12-\delta}$ then if we know $\delta\in(0,\frac12)$ to a reasonable precision we can factor $N$ quickly. What precision (number of ...
Turbo's user avatar
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How many integers $x$ satisfy that $x*p(x) \leq n$, where $p(x)$ means the largest prime factor of $x$?

I guess that the number of integers $x$ which satisfy the condition $x*p(x) \leq n$ is $O(n^{2/3})$ or $O(n^{3/4} / \ln n$), but I cannot prove it. I just write a program to count the number. The ...
zbh2047's user avatar
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Specializing non-trivial primality tests

Primes $p$ are integers with no factors (composite allowed) in $[1,p]$. There is a polynomial time test for them. Given an interval $[a,b]$ what is the best way to test given integer $q$ has no ...
Turbo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Congruences for the non-divisors of Euler's $\phi(n)$

If $n$ is composite, then $\phi(n) < n-1$: hence, there is at least one number $d$ which does not divide $\phi(n)$ but divides$(n-1)$. We shall call $d$ the totient divisor of $n$. The purist will ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Calculating the constant in the Bateman-Horn-Stemmler conjecture

Bateman & Horn [1], building on Bateman & Stemmler [2], give a conjectured formula for the density of numbers that produce simultaneous primes in a number of fixed polynomials. The constant ...
Charles's user avatar
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12 votes
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Analytic lower bounds on the first sign change of pi(x) - li(x)?

There have been many results on the first sign change of $\pi(x)-{\mathrm{li}}(x)$: among others, Lehman, te Riele, Bays & Hudson, Demichael, Chao & Plymen, and most recently Saouter & ...
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