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26 votes
5 answers

Are the 'semi' trivial zeros of $\zeta(s) \pm \zeta(1-s)$ all on the critical line?

The proof that $\Gamma(z)\pm \Gamma(1-z)$ only has zeros for $z \in \mathbb{R}$ or $z= \frac12 +i \mathbb{R}$ has been given here: Are all zeros of $\Gamma(s) \pm \Gamma(1-s)$ on a line with real ...
Agno's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Good uses of Siegel zeros?

The short version of my question goes: What is known to follow from the existence of Siegel zeros? A longer version to give an idea of what I have in mind: The "exceptional zeros" of course first ...
Kálmán Kőszegi's user avatar
157 votes
7 answers

Consequences of the Riemann hypothesis

I assume a number of results have been proven conditionally on the Riemann hypothesis, of course in number theory and maybe in other fields. What are the most relevant you know? It would also be nice ...
24 votes
1 answer

How good is "almost all" when it comes to the Riemann Hypothesis?

Let $N(T)$ be the number of zeroes of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta$ having imaginary part strictly between $0$ and $T$, and let $N_0(T)$ be the number of those zeroes that also have real part ...
RHarris's user avatar
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50 votes
5 answers

Motivated account of the prime number theorem and related topics

Though my own research interests (described below) are pretty far from analytic number theory, I have always wanted to understand the prime number theorem and related topics. In particular, I often ...
Sarah's user avatar
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49 votes
3 answers

The Hardy Z-function and failure of the Riemann hypothesis

David Feldman asked whether it would be reasonable for the Riemann hypothesis to be false, but for the Riemann zeta function to only have finitely many zeros off the critical line. I very rashly ...
David Hansen's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

What, exactly, has Louis de Branges proved about the Riemann Hypothesis?

I know this is a dangerous topic which could attract many cranks and nutters, but: According to Wikipedia [and probably his own website, but I have a hard time seeing exactly what he's claiming] Louis ...
Zen Harper's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Heuristic for Montgomery's conjecture

This is my third question on this site regarding Montgomery's conjecture -- and I apologize if this is too much -- but I am still not understanding well why this conjecture is believed to be true. ...
Joël's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

Why is so much work done on numerical verification of the Riemann Hypothesis?

I have noticed that there is a huge amount of work which has been done on numerically verifying the Riemann hypothesis for larger and larger non-trivial zeroes. I don't mean to ask a stupid question, ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
38 votes
4 answers

Modular forms and the Riemann Hypothesis

Is there any statement directly about modular forms that is equivalent to the Riemann Hypothesis for L-functions? What I'm thinking of is this: under the Mellin transform, the Riemann zeta function $...
Anonymous's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Is this equivalent to RH - Riemann hypothesis?

$$\pi = 3\prod_{\zeta(1/2+it) = 0}\frac{9+4t^2}{1+4t^2}\iff\text{RH is true}.$$
Dimitris Valianatos's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Is there a Montgomery's conjecture for Dirichlet characters and Artin representations ?

Edit: as GH noticed, the way I tried to state Montgomery's conjecture is wrong. There were some mistakes in the references I used, which compounded with some mistakes of mine, gave a very poor post. ...
Joël's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

The connection between the Weil conjectures and Ramanujan's conjecture

I'm writing an essay about Ramanujan's conjecture and have some questions: 1 How is Ramanujan's conjecture connected with the Weil conjectures? 2 How could Ramanujan's conjecture be assumed true or ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is $\sum_{n\leq x}{z^{\Omega(n)}} = O(x^{\frac12 + \varepsilon})$ equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis for all roots of unity $z\neq1$?

$\Omega(n)$ is the number of prime divisors of $n$, counted with multiplicity. For $z=-1$, $z^{\Omega(n)} = \lambda(n)$ is the Liouville function, and it's known that $\sum_{n\leq x}\lambda(n) = O(n^{\...
Daniel Weber's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Question on coefficient of $\exp(H_n).\log(H_n)$ in Lagarias equivalence of RH

In page 197, Equivalents of the Riemann Hypothesis Vol 1, the following statement caught my eye There is an editorial comment in [102] that includes an observation by the GCHQ Problem Solving Group. ...
npcr's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Conditional bound on RH for $\Re\left(\sum_{p\leq\sqrt{x}}\frac{(1/2)}{p^{1+2it}}\right)$

I would like to prove that Assume RH. Let $T$ large, $2\leq x \leq T^2$ and $T\leq t \leq 2T$, then $$ \log|\zeta(1/2+it))|\leq \Re\left(\sum_{p\leq x}\frac{1}{p^{1/2+1/\log x+it}}\frac{\log(x/p)}{\...
asd's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Questions concerning the Fourier analysis of $ nx\ \%\ m$

Let $x\ \%\ m$ be the residue of $x$ modulo $m$, i.e. $$x \equiv x\ \%\ m\pmod{m}$$ The plots of the functions $f_{nm}(x) = nx\ \%\ m$ exhibit characteristic patterns, especially periods of length $...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is Selberg's eigenvalue conjecture related to RH?

I took a quick glance on a survey paper about superzeta functions where one considers a pair $\rho\leftrightarrow 1-\rho$ of non trivial zeroes of the Riemann zeta function. The assumption of RH, i.e $...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar