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Bounding $1/\zeta(s)$ given RH

Let $T\geq 0$. Assume RH(T+100), that is, assume that all non-trivial zeros $\rho$ of the Riemann zeta function with $|\Im(\rho)|\leq T+100$ satisfy $\Re(\rho)=1/2$. Can we then give a good upper ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Questions on de Branges' work on the Riemann hypothesis

According to Wikipedia, Louis de Branges de Bourcia has obtained some notable results, such as a proof of the Bieberbach conjecture in 1985, which is now known as de Branges' theorem. Initially, his ...
mayank's user avatar
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Numerical Evidence for Grand Riemann Hypothesis?

Let $L(s)$ be an $L$-function coming from Hecke characters or automorphic forms (e.g. modular form on GL(2), Maass form on GL(2), and higher-rank analogues). Is there any numerical evidence for ...
7-adic's user avatar
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Is there a conjectured uniform Lindelof hypothesis for Hurwitz zeta functions

Consider $\zeta(s, a) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (n+a)^{-s}$ (alternatively, consider its functional equation Dirichlet series $\sum_{n=1}e(a n) n^{-s}$). What is the expected growth-rate of $\zeta(1/2 + ...
Ralph Furman's user avatar
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Estimating $\left| \sum_{n \leq x, n \neq p} \frac{\Lambda(n)}{n^{\sigma + it} \log n} \frac{\log x/n}{ \log n} \right|$ on RH

I am having some issue verifying Lemma 2 of K. Soundarajan's paper Moments of the Riemann Zeta function. It states the following: Assume RH. Let $T \leq t \leq 2T$, $2 \leq x \leq T^2$ and $\sigma \...
Lars's user avatar
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Is there a hidden symmetry in the prime numbers distribution?

Under Goldbach's conjecture, let's consider once again the map $r_0\colon n\mapsto r_{0}(n)$ such that $r_{0}(n)$ is the smallest non negative integer $r$ such that both $n-r$ and $n+r$ are prime. Let'...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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What is the smallest sequence $a_k$ with nondecreasing $\frac{\sigma(a_k)-H_{a_k}}{\exp(H_{a_k})\log(H_{a_k})}$?

This is inspired by the Question on coefficient of $\exp(H_n).\log(H_n)$ in Lagarias equivalence of RH , an answer and some comments there. For $n\geqslant2$ denote $$ L(n):=\frac{\sigma(n)-H_n}{\exp(...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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On primes of specified length and bit pattern

Denote $P(n,k)$ to be the number of primes between $2^n$ and $2^{n+1}-1$ having $k$ number of $1$s in its binary expansion between the $n+1$th binary digit and the least which is always $1$ if $n>1$...
Turbo's user avatar
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Mertens Bound and the Riemann Hypothesis

Let $M(x)$ denote the Mertens function ($M(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{x}\mu(i)$ where $\mu(i)$ is the Möbius function) and let $\Lambda(i)$ denote the Mangoldt function ($\Lambda(i)$ equals $\log(p)$ if $i=p^{m}$ ...
Sourangshu Ghosh's user avatar
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Explicit formula for $n$th prime in terms of Riemann zeros:

We all know there exists an explicit Formula for prime counting function in terms of Riemann zeros. I'm wondering if similar formula exists for $n$th prime in terms of Riemann zeros? Or any other ...
bambi's user avatar
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On a sequence of L-functions having same zeros in critical strip and GRH

I had an idea on GRH involving a sequence of L-functions having same zeros, then at one step I need a bound on these function and I wonder if this bound is in fact not as hard as GRH itself ? Let's ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Normal numbers and law of the iterated logarithm

If I remember correctly, for the binary digits of a real number in $[0,1]$, I was told that satisfying the law of the iterated logarithm (LIL) is stronger than being normal. That is, supposedly, some ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Do plots $(5)$ and $(6)$ go to infinity not at the same rate but at similar rates?

The following has been proven by joriki and GH from MO (see here): assuming that $n>1$, then the von Mangoldt function $$ \Lambda(n)=\lim\limits_{s \rightarrow 1} \zeta(s)\sum\limits_{d|n} \frac{\...
Mats Granvik's user avatar
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Why didn't Robin prove the Riemann Hypothesis?

I'm reading Robin's paper, ''Grandes valeurs de la fonction somme des diviseurs et hypoth`ese de Riemann,'' J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 63 (1984). In particular, Lemma 5 states that $\prod_{p\leq P} (1-p^...
Q_p's user avatar
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Explicit formula for k-central numbers

Given a positive integer $ n $ and assuming Goldbach's conjecture, let $r_{0}(n)$ denote the smallest non negative integer $r$ such that both $n-r$ and $n+r$ are primes. Let $k_{0}(n)$ denote 'the ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar