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Jim Conant's user avatar
Jim Conant
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Discrete Morse theory and existence of minimal complex

4 votes

Favorite popular math book

4 votes

Are there any "related rates" calculus problems that don't feel contrived?

3 votes

Dimensions of a vector space akin to modular symbols

3 votes

Fibered example of topologically slice knots

3 votes

Mathematicians with both “very abstract” and “very applied” achievements

3 votes

NP-Hard solution question

3 votes

slice=ribbon generalization to higher genus + potential counterexamples to slice=ribbon.

3 votes

Theorems that are 'obvious' but hard to prove

3 votes

Never appeared forthcoming papers

3 votes

Handle slides homeomorphism

2 votes

Quasi-Lie algebras in nature?

2 votes

Where can one find reference proving that Braid group induces isomorphism between punctured disk and the complement of the braid?

2 votes

How disconnected can a Seifert surface be?

2 votes

Utility of virtual knot theory?

1 vote

Plagiarism in the community

1 vote

Which book would you like to see "texified"?

1 vote

Elegant representations of graphs in R^3

1 vote

What is the Schouten bracket for the Chevalley-Eilenberg complex with coefficients in a nontrivial module?

1 vote

Must a linearly ordered, separable space be metrizable?

1 vote

A Learning Roadmap request: From high-school to mid-undergraduate studies

0 votes

generators of Out(F_n) and homology

0 votes

What are the applications of hypergraphs?