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Moritz Firsching's user avatar
Moritz Firsching
  • Member for 11 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Generalization of the equilateral triangle?

10 votes

Double kissing problem

9 votes

For which $n$ is there a permutation such that the sum of any two adjacent elements is a prime?

9 votes

Put P inside Q! polygons/polyhedra

9 votes

Does $\{\tau(1)\tau(2)+\cdots+\tau(n-1)\tau(n)+\tau(n)\tau(1):\ \tau\in S_n\}$ contain a unique multiple of $n^2$ for each $n\ge6$?

7 votes

Maximizing the area of a region involving triangles

7 votes

When does there exist a convex polyhedron with given edge lengths?

6 votes

Convex polyhedra, combinatorial types and Symmetry

6 votes

What's the best way to test if a sphere is a polytope? (algorithms for the Simplicial Steinitz Problem)

6 votes

Communal problem books

6 votes

Who first defined _simply connected_, reference?

6 votes

Map from simplex to itself that preserves sub-simplices

6 votes

combinatorics on cyclic sequences

6 votes

Triangles whose vertices and center have all the same color

6 votes

Chromatic number of transposition graph of permutations

5 votes

Algorithm for Reconstructing Point Sites from a Voronoi Diagram

4 votes

Map from simplex to itself that preserves sub-simplices

3 votes

Integer sets with forbidden differences

3 votes

Choosing the weights of a Voronoi diagram -- is this function always the gradient of another function?

3 votes

Problem equivalent to "largest square in a cube"

3 votes

name for a polytope constructed from a system of linear equations?

3 votes

Hamiltonian paths in bipartite graphs with 2 sets of "almost" same cardinality

3 votes

Complexity of computing kissing numbers of triangles with given side lengths

3 votes

Iteration cycles of Z_n weights in path graphs: Why cycles of length 182 for a 6-node path?

3 votes

Geometric realization of combinatorial self-duality in polytopes

3 votes

Sufficient criterion for a simplicial sphere to be polytopal

3 votes

Hausdorff dimension of Apollonian circle packing, 1.305686729, 1.305688 or yet something else?

3 votes

Definition of "regular" in Stringham's "Regular figures in n-dimensional space"

3 votes

How many possible values for the determinant of an $n\times n$-matrix with entries $1,2,\dots,n^2$?

3 votes

Maximizing the area of a region involving triangles