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José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

classification of Nilpotent Leibniz Algebra

2 votes

What are some mathematical sculptures?

2 votes

Equilibrium configurations of ions on n-Dim balls.

2 votes

What are dressing transformations, in the context of Poisson-Lie groups?

2 votes

Radical of projection equals projection of radical?

2 votes

Special Killing Vector Fields

2 votes

Justifying a theory by a seemingly unrelated example

2 votes

Justifying a theory by a seemingly unrelated example

2 votes

What is the Zariski closure of the space of semisimple Lie algebras?

2 votes

Representations of SU(2) and tensors on SU(2)

2 votes

Geometry of the multilagrangian Grassmannian

2 votes

Riemannian Geometry

2 votes

Fundamental Examples

2 votes

Is it that only with normal matrices, the transition matrix to its [del: inherent] [ins: own] basis is unitary?

2 votes

Does the Golden Ratio Apply to Timing as Well?

2 votes

Examples of divisors on an analytical manifold

2 votes

Is the Hessian of Hamilton's function positive-definite?

2 votes

A proof of the salamander lemma without Mitchell's embedding theorem?

2 votes

Classical limit of quantum systems

2 votes

Can there exist two non-equivalent equivariant actions of a group on vector bundle?

2 votes

Structure constants to Christoffel Symbols

2 votes

Can all G-connections on a Riemann surface X be induced by maps from X to G

2 votes

Open source mathematical software

2 votes

Is there a notion of "Morse index" for geodesics in a manifold with indefinite metric that is well-behaved under cutting and gluing?

2 votes

Are rings really more fundamental objects than semi-rings?

2 votes

Permutable (Lie) subgroups

2 votes

coisotropic submanifolds on poisson manifolds

2 votes

Equivalent Killing vector fields via an isometry

2 votes

Right invariant Killing fields of Right invariant Riemanian metrics

1 vote

Casimir of a three dimensional solvable lie algebra

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