Let's introduce the following variety $MG(3,6)$, which is a "multisymplectic" analog of a Lagrangian Grassmannian $LG(3,6)$.
Consider a 3-form $\omega = dx1 \wedge dx2 \wedge dx^3 - dx4 \wedge dx5 \wedge dx^6$ on a 6-dimensional vector space $V$ over an algebraically closed field $K$, $char(K) = 0$ (I feel that it's safe to assume $K = \mathbb C$). We can consider a subvariety $MG(3,6)$ of Grassmannian $Gr(3,6)$ consisting of 3-planes $E$ satisfying $\omega(E)=0$.
$MG(3,6)$ turns out to be an 8-dimensional smooth hyperplane section in $Gr(3,6)$ w.r.t the Plucker embedding. I believe that $MG(3,6)$ is NOT a homogenous space for a group action.
Now the question is: What can we say about geometry of $MG(3,6)$? More precisely, I'd like to compute the cohomology $H^*(MG(3,6))$ in terms of some "canonical" cycles, like Chern classes of something etc.
According to the Weak Lefschetz theorem, there's no problem in small codimensions: the map $H^{2k}(Gr(3,6)) \to H^{2k}(MG(3,6))$ is an isomorphism for $k < 4$, and therefore lower codimensional cohomology groups are generated by Chern classes of canonical bundle coming from Grassmannian.
So the question really is: how do I find a nice description of cycles in the middle dimension? I know for sure, that there is one cycle which doesn't pull-back from Grassmannian.
Remark. The reason I'm looking for a "canonical" representation of cycles is that in fact I have some twisted form $X/F$ of $MG(3,6)/\bar F$. What I'm really looking at is cohomology (Chow groups, actually) of $X$, so I hope to find a basis of cycles which would descend to the field of definition.