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gerw's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

$L_p$ space embedding (reference request)

1 vote

using the M. Riesz Interpolation Theorem

1 vote

A distributional normal derivative for functions in $H^1(\Omega)$

1 vote

Necessary conditions for optimality in Banach spaces

1 vote

PDE satisfied by projection of a function onto a subspace

1 vote

Are the intersection of proximinal sets in a Hilbert Space proximinal?

1 vote

Second order necessary and sufficient conditions for convex nonsmooth optimization

1 vote

Directional derivates and unique subgradients

1 vote

Seeking references on second-order optimality conditions in $H^1(Ω)$ space

1 vote

Sequential compactness of a sequence of curves of Borel probability measures

1 vote

Optimal transport: how $\varphi^c$ can be written as $\varphi^c = \lim _{\ell \rightarrow \infty} \psi_{\ell}$?

1 vote

Optimal transport: the existence of an optimal pair of $c$-conjugate functions

1 vote

Envelopes of functions with respect to some convex cone $\mathcal{F}$

1 vote

Understanding quadrature rule of a function multiplied by another $C^{\infty}$ function

0 votes

Optimality condition for strongly convex function under sparsity constraint

0 votes

Boundary value of Sobolev space

0 votes

characterization of a certain closed convex cone

0 votes

Moreau-Enveloppe from $L^2(0,T;V) \to L^2(0,T;V^*)$

0 votes

On faces of polytopes

0 votes

'Diamagnetic' inequality for negative Sobolev spaces

-2 votes

Iterates converging to a continuous map