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Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
Thomas Benjamin
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

Vopěnka's Principle for non-first-order logics

11 votes

Has decidability got something to do with primes?

9 votes

Why should we care about "higher infinities" outside of set theory?

8 votes

On independence and large cardinal strength of physical statements

7 votes

A question about how much set theory can be developed based on the "subset" relation rather than the "elementhood" relation

7 votes

Belief in consistency of extremely large cardinals

7 votes

Why hasn't mereology succeeded as an alternative to set theory?

7 votes

How (non-)computable is set theory?

6 votes

Reinhardt's ultimate classes

5 votes

Is a paraconsistent and provably non-trivial foundation for math possible?

4 votes

Are Separation and Types the only way to avoid paradoxes?

4 votes

What are examples of good toy models in mathematics?

4 votes

Category-theoretic characterization of $L$

4 votes

Set theoretical multiverse and truths

4 votes

Axiom of Symmetry, aka Freiling's argument against CH

4 votes

Why should we believe in the axiom of regularity?

4 votes

Direct axiomatization of ordinal and cardinal numbers

3 votes

Is there a physically realizable inductive turing machine that can solve Hilbert's $10$th problem and can it overcome Church-Turing Hypothesis?

3 votes

Has Dedekind's proof of existence of infinite sets been analyzed by historians?

2 votes

Expert, Intuitive, Organizing Analogies

2 votes

Forcing over models without the axiom of choice

2 votes

Can we add set complements on top of ZF?

2 votes

Is the analysis as taught in universities in fact the analysis of definable numbers?

2 votes

What kind of set theory is obtained from the canonical models of K?

2 votes

Literature on Kripke models

2 votes

Forcing and new ordinals

2 votes

Is V, the Universe of Sets, a fixed object?

2 votes

What is induction up to $\varepsilon_0$?

1 vote

On the utility of Silver machines

1 vote

Two questions regarding the reverse mathematics of Siegel's lemma