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Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
Joel David Hamkins
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
25 votes

Non-definability of graph 3-colorability in first-order logic

25 votes

Universal order type

25 votes

Axiom of choice and non-measurable set

25 votes

Is it possible to partition $\mathbb R^3$ into unit circles?

25 votes

Non-computable but easily described arithmetical functions

25 votes

How do you approach your child's math education?

25 votes

Is there a known way to formalise notion that certain theorems are essential ones?

25 votes

The Importance of ZF

25 votes

Do sets with positive Lebesgue measure have same cardinality as R?

25 votes

Term for "uncheckable constructions"

25 votes

Can We Decide Whether Small Computer Programs Halt?

25 votes

Is deciding whether a Turing machine *provably* runs forever equivalent to the halting problem?

24 votes

Nearly all math classes are lecture+problem set based; this seems particularly true at the graduate level. What are some concrete examples of techniques other than the "standard math class" used at the *Graduate* level?

24 votes

Does $2^X=2^Y\Rightarrow |X|=|Y|$ imply the axiom of choice?

24 votes

Logic in mathematics and philosophy

24 votes

Is Dependent Choice all we really need?

24 votes

Basis of l^infinity

24 votes

Bourbaki's epsilon-calculus notation

24 votes

What part do arguments from authority play in mathematical reasoning?

24 votes

Kuratowski's definition of ordered pairs

24 votes

Which recursively-defined predicates can be expressed in Presburger Arithmetic?

24 votes

Does every set admit a ring structure or a field structure?

24 votes

Definable set in ZF that cannot be proved to be Borel

24 votes

Is platonism regarding arithmetic consistent with the multiverse view in set theory?

24 votes

What is the relationship between Turing Machines and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem?

24 votes

Large categories vs. $\mathrm{U}$-categories: why is the loss of category-theoretic information inessential?

23 votes

Can $L$ be thin?

23 votes

Are the categories of sets, abelian groups, and commutative rings unique?

23 votes

An infinite game possibly due to Ernst Specker

23 votes

What's the bijection between reals and infinite sequences of integers?

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