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Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
Joel David Hamkins
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
28 votes

Strong induction without a base case

28 votes

Is the sum of 2 Lebesgue measurable sets measurable?

28 votes

How many orders of infinity are there?

28 votes

Why is Cohen's result insufficient to settle CH?

28 votes

Non-Borel sets without axiom of choice

28 votes

What is the generic poset used in forcing, really?

28 votes

Using Busy Beavers to prove conjectures

27 votes

Writing a function on $\mathbb{R}$ as a sum of two injections

27 votes

Is it possible to make an algorithm that could predict the likelihood that a program will halt?

27 votes

Why is there no Borel function mapping every countable set of reals outside itself?

27 votes

Does Cantor-Bernstein hold for classes?

27 votes

Jonsson Boolean algebras?

27 votes

Are there examples of statements that have been proven whose consistency proofs came before their proofs?

27 votes

Infinite CPU clock rate and hotel Hilbert

27 votes

On statements independent of ZFC + V=L

27 votes

Are there any good nonconstructive "existential metatheorems"?

27 votes

Analogues of P vs. NP in the history of mathematics

27 votes

I know that you know...

26 votes

Godel's incompleteness: can the diagonalization be done in computation rather than logic?

26 votes

Is there any research on set theory without extensionality axiom?

26 votes

What does it mean for a mathematical statement to be true?

26 votes

Forcing as a tool to prove theorems

26 votes

How would one even begin to try to prove that a simple number-theoretic statement is undecidable?

26 votes

Why relativization can't solve NP !=P?

26 votes

Siegel zeros and other "illusory worlds": building theories around hypotheses believed to be false

26 votes

"Natural" undecidable problems not reducible to the halting problem

26 votes

Is multiplication implicitly definable from successor?

26 votes

Are classes still "larger" than sets without the axiom of choice?

26 votes

Quantifier complexity of the definition of continuity of functions

25 votes

How (non-)computable is set theory?

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