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Other expansion for positive Taylor expansion

I was thinking of the following problem. Let $f$ be a Taylor expansion and $a_k$ the associated coefficients, $$\forall x\in\mathbb{R},~f(x)\triangleq\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kx^k.$$ Let suppose that we ...
NancyBoy's user avatar
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A problem on monotonicity rule for the ratio of two Maclaurin power series

In the paper [1] below, a monotonicity rule for the ratio of two Maclaurin power series was presented as follow. Let $a_k$ and $b_k$ for $k\in\{0\}\cup\mathbb{N}$ be real numbers and the power series ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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What or where is the series expansion of the function $\ln\bigl(\frac{\tan x}{x}-1\bigr)$ or $\ln(\tan x-x)$ around $x=0$?

It is known that \begin{equation*} \tan x=\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{2^{2k}\bigl(2^{2k}-1\bigr)}{(2k)!}|B_{2k}|x^{2k-1}, \quad |x|<\frac{\pi}{2} \end{equation*} and \begin{equation*} \ln\tan x=\ln x+\...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Exponential taylor series for multiple variables with linear constraints for coefficients

I'm trying to simplify the sum $$ \sum_{\vec x \in (\mathbb{N}_0)^n: M\vec x = \vec b} \prod_i \frac{(a_i)^{x_i}}{x_i!}, $$ where $M$ is a $\mathbb{N}_0$-valued $m\times n$ matrix, $\vec b$ is $\...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Do smooth cutoff functions analytically continue functions?

My goal is to prove (or disprove) that sufficiently smooth and quickly decaying cutoff functions being tacked on to a Taylor series correctly extend the radius of convergence to the analytic ...
Caleb Briggs's user avatar
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Are there any techniques that can be used in the case when a Neumann series doesn't converge?

Suppose we have a bounded linear operator $A = A(\gamma):H_1\to H_2$ where $H_1$ and $H_2$ are Hilbert spaces and $\gamma>0$ is some parameter, and we are interested in the solution to $$ (I-A)x = ...
ManUtdBloke's user avatar
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Hadamard-like product on infinitely differentiable functions

Has the following operation $*$ on formal power series $f,g$ been studied before? $$[X^n](f*g) = n! \cdot [X^n]f \cdot [X^n]g$$ where $n$ is a nonnegative integer? This is the typical Hadamard ...
Jake Lai's user avatar
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What's the summation of formal series $\sum_{n\geq0}\binom{n\delta}{n}x^n$?

$\delta$ is a positive number. Is this Taylor expansion of some function?
zhouch2012's user avatar
8 votes
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Transformation converting power series to Bernoulli polynomial series

I wonder, can anyone describe an expression or formula of a transform that converts $$\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{a_k x^k}{k!}$$ into $$\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{a_k B_k(x)}{k!}$$ where $B_k(x)$ are ...
Anixx's user avatar
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A curious series related to the asymptotic behavior of the tetration

The tetration is denoted $^n a$, where $a$ is called the base and $n$ is called the height, and is defined for $n\in\mathbb N\cup\{-1,\,0\}$ by the recurrence $$ {^{-1} a} = 0, \quad {^{n+1} a} = a^{\...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
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Compute inverse series for implicit equation $b=-\log(1-e^{-x})/x$

In financial mathematics, the inverse series of: $$b(x) = -\frac{\log(1-e^{-x})}{x}$$ is needed in order to perform fast calculation on swaptions for G2++ calibration model. (see this post for ...
Aobara's user avatar
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aproximate sum involving binomial coefficients

I have the problem for computing the j-derivative of a logarithm, with $j\gg1$ \begin{equation} c_j=\left.\frac{\partial^j}{\partial s^j}\log\left(1+Ae^s+Be^{2s}\right)\right|_{s=0}, \end{equation} ...
user3209698's user avatar
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Generating a series representation for the inverse of the operator $f(f)$

I am considering the following problem: Suppose you are given a function $u: C \rightarrow C$, find a function $g$ such that $g(g) = u$ (Let's assume that such a function exists). And by "find", I ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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A nonlinear initial-boundary value problems with Taylor expansion of parameter [closed]

Let $u(x,t; \epsilon)$ satisfy the nonlinear initial boundary value problem $$ u_{tt} = (u_{x} + u_{x}^3)_{x} + u_{xxt}, \space 0 \lt x \lt 1 $$ $$ u(0,t) = 0 \\ u(1,t) = 0 \\ u(x,0) = \epsilon f(x) \...
Arthur Collé's user avatar
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Series expansion with remaining $log n$

Hi, I'm studying the asymptotic behavior $(n \rightarrow \infty)$ of the following formula, where $k$ is a given constant. $$ \frac{1}{n^{k(k+1)/(2n)}(2kn−k(1+k) \ln n)^2}$$ I'm trying to do a ...
ELW's user avatar
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Applying the ideas of power series to certain convolutions - which identities transfer?

Let's suppose I'm working with some set of functions $f_k(n)$. $f_1(n)$ is essentially the root of my functions, and could be nearly anything, and then $f_k(n) = (f_1(n) * f_{k-1}(n))$ for some ...
Nathan McKenzie's user avatar
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Series approximation(s) of a difficult recursive equation

New user here. I'm working on trying to get asymptotic solutions to the following recursive function: $f(r)=\frac{1}{r-k}\lgroup\sqrt{\frac{2}{k^2-1}}+\sqrt{\frac{1}{2k^2-1}}\rgroup$ (Eqn. 1) ...
Derek's user avatar
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power series of the reciprocal... does a recursive formula exist for the coefficients [closed]

Let $f(x)=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty } b_nx^n$ and $\frac{1}{f(x)}=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty } d_nx^n$. Then the coefficients of the reciprocal of $f(x)$ can be written down. The first few terms are: $d_0 = \frac{...
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