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Representation of equivariant maps

Let $n,m,k$ be positive integers. Consider the action of symmetric group $S^n$ on $\mathbb{R}^{n\times i}$ (for $i\in \{m,k\}$) by permuting rows; i.e. for each $\pi\in S^n$ and every $n\times i$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Matrix invariants for simultaneous conjugation by a finite subgroup of $\textrm{GL}_n$

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic 0, and consider $d$ generic $n\times n$ matrices $X_1,\ldots,X_d$ where $X_k = (x_{ijk})_{ij}$ and $ K[x_{ijk}]$ is the polynomial algebra in $n^2 \cdot d$ ...
Greg Zitelli's user avatar
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How to multiply dots with Young idempotents in the degenerate affine Hecke algebra (type A)

Let $\widehat{\cal H}_n$ be the type A degenerate affine Hecke algebra on $n$ strands, and let $x_1,\cdots,x_n$ be the dots. Inside of this algebra lies the algebra $\mathbb C S_n$, and the Young ...
Fan Zhou's user avatar
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Efficient decomposition algorithm for characters of symmetric groups

Let $\chi$ be a rational character of $G:=S_n$, and we want to know whether it decomposes into irreducibles $\chi_\lambda$, for $\lambda\in\Lambda$, with $\Lambda$ given, as $$ \chi=\sum_{\lambda\in\...
Dima Pasechnik's user avatar
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Plethysm and wreath product

I am looking for a proof about the link between plethysm and wreath product. It is a well-known fact, being use extensively in many papers, but I can't find a good reference. Everything that follows ...
eti902's user avatar
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Is the appearance of Schur functions a coincidence?

The Schur functions are symmetric functions which appear in several different contexts: The characters of the irreducible representations for the symmetric group (under the characteristic isometry). ...
matha's user avatar
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The quotient of a higher Specht polynomial over the corresponding regular Specht polynomial

I'll need some notation before I can phrase my question, so please bare with me for a little. I'll try to get there as fast as possible (it's also my first MO question...). Let $\lambda$ be a ...
Shaul Zemel's user avatar
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Decomposition of a tensor product of representations of $\mathrm{GL}_l(\mathbb{C})$ and decomposition of Littlewood-Richardson numbers?

For a positive integer $m$, denote $T(m)=\{(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_m)\in \mathbb{Z}^m:\lambda_1\ge \lambda_2\ge\dots \ge\lambda_m\}$ and $T^+(m)=\{ (\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_m)\in \mathbb{Z}^m:\...
Q-Zh's user avatar
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Alternate proof in Fulton–Harris of representation theoretic version of Littlewood–Richardson rule

$\DeclareMathOperator\Ind{Ind}$Let $d = d_1 + d_2$ with $d_1$, $d_2$ positive integers. Let $\lambda$ be a partition of $d_1$ and $\mu$ a partition of $d_2$, so that the Young symmetrizer construction ...
babu_babu's user avatar
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Asymptotic character theory of unitary groups via shifted Schur functions

In the paper "Shifted Schur Functions" by Andrei Okounkov and Grigori Olshanski it is said that one of the motivations for that paper was the asymptotic ...
richrow's user avatar
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Using Schur-Weyl duality

I am trying to gain a better understanding of Schur-Weyl duality specifically applied to symmetric functions. My motivating example is trying to understand the Frobenius character of the multilinear ...
Trevor K's user avatar
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Harmonic flow on the Young lattice

Let me begin with some preliminary concepts: A positive real-valued function $\varphi: P \rightarrow \Bbb{R}_{>0}$ on a locally finite, ranked poset $(P, \trianglelefteq)$ is harmonic if $\varphi(\...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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Determine whether a set generates a residue field of an invariant ring

Fix two positive integers $m>n$. Let $(A|Y)$ be an $m\times (n+1)$ augmented matrix consisted of $m\times (n+1)$ indeterminates, where $Y$ is a column symbolic vector of length $m$. Denote $R=\...
GiS's user avatar
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Has anyone met this "$q$-character" table for $S_4$?

Is anyone aware of the following $q$-character table for the symmetric group $S_4$? \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \mathrm{conj}\backslash\mathrm{rep} & 2+1+1 & 3+1 & ...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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What do Macdonald polynomials hint about $\operatorname{Rep}(S_\infty)$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Rep{Rep}$It is well-known that the Macdonald "$P$" polynomials deform the Jack "$J$" polynomials [1]. The latter have profound relations with representation ...
Student's user avatar
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Changing $S_2 \wr S_n$ for $S_n \wr S_2$ in the theory of zonal polynomials

The permutation group $S_{2n}$ has $H_{2,n}=S_2\wr S_n$ as a subgroup. The plethysm $h_n(h_2)=\sum_{\lambda\vdash n}s_{2\lambda}$ is well known. The zonal spherical functions $\omega_\lambda(g)=\frac{...
thedude's user avatar
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On a certain expansion in term of Schur functions

This question is related to this other one A Schur positivity conjecture related to row and column permutations by Richard Stanley (thanks to Sam Hopkins for letting me know about it). Consider a ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
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What makes skew characters of the symmetric group special?

For integer partitions $\mu\subset\lambda$ we can define the skew character $\chi^{\lambda/\mu}$ (for example?) via the Littlewood-Richardson rule. Many combinatorial gadgets and algorithms extend in ...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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How to prove this identity on summations and partitions?

Let $f$ be a symmetric function of $s$ variables. The identity is $$\sum_{all \ k's}^\infty f(k_1,k_2,k_3,...,k_s)=\sum_{n=s}^\infty \sum_{\lambda\vdash n}\frac{s!\prod_l \lambda_l}{z_\lambda} f(\...
Anthonny's user avatar
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A symmetric function that appears in the coefficients of a power expansion

Let's say we have the expression $$\sum_{k_1=1}^\infty\sum_{k_2=1}^\infty\sum_{k_3=1}^\infty\sum_{k_4=1}^\infty\sum_{k_5=1}^\infty x^{k_1+k_2+k_3+k_4+k_5} f(k_1,k_2+k_3,k_4+k_5)$$ where $f(a,b,c)$ is ...
Anthonny's user avatar
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Schur-Weyl duality and q-symmetric functions

Disclaimer: I'm far from an expert on any of the topics of this question. I apologize in advance for any horrible mistakes and/or inaccuracies I have made and I hope that the spirit of the question ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Character theoretic proof of the Littlewood–Richardson rule?

The Littlewood–Richardson coefficients are the multiplicities $$ c(\lambda,\mu,\nu)= \dim_{\mathbb{C}}\operatorname{Hom}_{S_n}(S(\nu),S(\lambda/\mu)) $$ and the Littlewood–Richardson rule says that ...
Chris Bowman's user avatar
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Symmetric functions of eigenvalues

Let $f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a smooth function, which is symmetric under the action of the symmetric group (acting on $\mathbb{R}^n$ by permuting the variables). Let $M_{n\times n}$...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Natural maps between Schur functors: understanding the image

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional representation of symmetric group $\mathbb{S}_n.$ Consider a natural map $$\pi \colon \Lambda^2 V \otimes \Lambda^2 V \longrightarrow \Lambda^4 V.$$ Let $[\Lambda^2 V]...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
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Rank of a symmetric ideal

Let $\Sigma_m$ be the permutation group on $m$ letters and $R=\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,\dots,x_m]$. Let $\Sigma_m$ act on $R$ in the usual way. Let $R^{\Sigma_m}$ denote the ring of $\Sigma_m$ invariant ...
Evan Wilson's user avatar
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$S_n$ action on the sequences of transpositions

It is well-known, that any element $\rho$ of the symmetric group $S_n$ with $n-p$ cycles admits a unique presentation as a product of a sequence of transpositions $\{(a_i\,b_i)\}_{i = 1}^p$ with $a_i &...
user79456's user avatar
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Let $U$ be a representation of $S_m$ and $V$ a representation of $S_n$. Then the representation $\operatorname{Ind}_{S_m\wr S_n}^{S_{mn}}(U^{\otimes{n}}\otimes V)$ has a nice interpretation in terms ...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
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A particular proof of the Littlewood Richardson rule

Given $\lambda \subseteq \nu$ we define a tableau of shape $\nu\setminus \lambda$ and weight $\mu$ to be a map ${\sf T}: [\nu\setminus\lambda] \rightarrow \{1,\ldots, r\}$ such that $\mu_c=|\{ x \...
Chris Bowman's user avatar
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Cohomology of configuration space as a representation of the symmetric group

Let $X_n$ be the space of $n$ distinct labeled points in $\mathbb{R}^3$, which is equipped with an action of the symmetric group $S_n$. It is well known that the total cohomology of $X_n$ is ...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
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What is the definition of plethysm in the representation theory of permutation groups

Let $s_\lambda \circ s_\mu$ be a plethysm. Here let $\lambda, \mu$ be $m,n$ box Young diagrams. I have seen the definition of plethysms in symmetric functions. I would like to understand the ...
vishmay's user avatar
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Character sums over a fixed subset of skew tableaux

Let $f(\lambda)$ count the number standard young tableaux of shape $\lambda\vdash n$ and $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_r)$. Let $\mu \vdash k$ be a partition for $k<n$. It is a consequence of ...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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Permutation-invariant matrix representation

The question guide says that Mathoverflow is for research level mathematics. While I do not perform research in mathematics (I study quantum chemistry), I believe this question is research-level ...
Nick's user avatar
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Counting a Modified Class of Standard Young Tableau

Let $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n)$ be a partition, with $|\lambda|:=N$. Attach an extra box to $\lambda$ to the right end of the $r$'th row. In coordinate form, the last box on row $r$ has ...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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Isotypic components of the action of the symmetric group on polynomials

The polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ decomposes as a direct sum of isotypic components for the action of the symmetric group $S_n$. The isotypic component of the trivial representation is ...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
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A Simple Bijective Proof Of Stanley's Hook-Content Formula for Hook Shapes

this is my first post on math overflow so I hope it goes well. I believe I have a fairly simple bijective proof for Stanley's Hook-Content Formula in the case of hook shapes. I wanted to see if ...
jlimahaverford's user avatar
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universality of Macdonald polynomials

I have been recently learning a lot about Macdonald polynomials, which have been shown to have probabilistic interpretations, more precisely the eigenfunctions of certain Markov chains on the ...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Restriction of characters of hyperoctahedral groups.

The hyperoctahedral group $H_n$ has several descriptions; as a wreath product; as signed permutation matrices; as the Weyl group of type $B_n$ or $C_n$. In all these descriptions it is apparent that ...
Bruce Westbury's user avatar
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Picking $n$ so that certain Schur functors of the standard representation of $S_n$ are linearly independent

Let $V_n$ be the standard permutation representation of the symmetric group $S_n$, and let $\mathbb{S}_{\lambda}$ denote the Schur functor associated to the partition $\lambda$. Let $\lambda$ range ...
John Wiltshire-Gordon's user avatar
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Convolution on symmetric group Sn

I have question regarding convolution of functions (say g and h) defined on Sn. In Fourier space this is equivalent to IFT(G.H), where G = FT(g) and H = FT(h). Fast Fourier transforms (Clausen's FFT) ...
Deepti Pachauri's user avatar
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Hankel determinants of symmetric functions

The starting point is that it is known that the Hankel determinants for the Catalan sequence give the number of nested sequences of Dyck paths. I would like to promote this to symmetric functions. ...
Bruce Westbury's user avatar