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Questions tagged [pr.probability]

Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

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integral of a squared Bessel process

Let $X_t$ be a Squared Bessel Process ($BESQ$). Define $Y_t=∫_0^tX_sds$. Do we know whether $\lim_{t→∞}Y_t=∫_0^∞ X_sds$ is finite or infinite? Does it depend on $BESQ$ parameter? Edit. It is obvious ...
muhmaat's user avatar
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Tail bound for maximum of independent (but not identical) binomial random variables

This post derived the tail bound for the maximum of independent and identically distributed binomial r.v.'s based on normal approximation. Is there a similar result in the literature for finding the ...
stats134711's user avatar
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The distribution of the maximum of a series of extreme value type I random variable

I have an infinite series of independent identically distributed random variables $\{X_i\}_{i=1}^\infty$ which follows extreme value type I distribution which can be found [here] (https://en.wikipedia....
kim kevin's user avatar
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Bounded convergence for expectation of random variables [closed]

I have a random variable $X$ defined on $(0,\infty)$. For each $n\in \mathbb N$, define $X_n = X \mathbf{1}_{0 < X \leq C_n}$, where $C_n$ is a monotonically increasing sequence of positive numbers ...
user3141978's user avatar
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How to compute the clustering coefficient of a random graph?

How is the clustering coefficient defined for random graphs? For example, a first definition could be calling clustering coefficient of a random graph the expected value of the clustering coefficient ...
John K's user avatar
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Does the conditional expectation of a measurable process always have a progressive measurable version?

Does the conditional expectation of a measurable process always have a progressive measurable version? For example, X_t is a measurable process, but not progressive measurable, let Y_t=E[X_t|F_t], ...
user103096's user avatar
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Can an unskewed distribution be expressed as product of a normal and another distribution?

Let $x$ be a continuous random variable with zero mean and zero skew. What are the conditions under which we can say that $x$ can be expressed as the product $z y$ where $z$ is a standard normal and $...
Steven Pav's user avatar
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Parameter estimation distribution for hypergeometric distribution

Let the hypergeometric distribution is given by $h(k\mid N;M;n)$, where $k$ is the number of observed successes, $N$ is the population size, $M$ is the number of success states in the population and $...
tobias's user avatar
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The eigenfunctions of an operator commuting with all rotations.

When reading the paper E. Carlen, J. Geronimo & M. Loss: SIAM J. MATH. ANAL., vol. 40, no. 1, 327-374 I found an argument like the following. Given an bounded and self-adjoint linear operator ...
gregarki khayal's user avatar
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Asymptotics of a 1D integral, or the orthant probability of an equicorrelated random Gaussian vector

Problem: Let $\phi(x)$ be the normal probability density function (pdf), and $\Phi(x)$ the normal cumulative distribution (cdf). I'm interested in the asymptotic behavior of the following integral $I(...
Daniel Soudry's user avatar
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Solution for 2 variable recurrence for a problem similar to gambler's ruin [closed]

Let $p_A,p_B$ with $p_A+p_B=1$, $p_A \geq p_B$ be the probabilities of a biased coin flip. Player $A$ gets 1 point if the coin flip gives heads, $B$ gets 1 if tails. The player who reaches $N$ points ...
Alessandro Morita's user avatar
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triply line stochastic matrix with maximum total on some cubes

A triply line stochastic matrix (t.l.s.m.) of size $N$ is a 3-dimensional array $(a_{ijk})_{i,j,k=1}^N$ with nonnegative entries, whose any row, column or line sums up to $1$. Their set is $TLS_N$. ...
Jean Duchon's user avatar
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Question on Palm distribution in Kallenberg's book

I have a question regarding Kallenberg's "Foundations of Modern Probability" 2nd ed, a statement right after Lemma 11.2: "...$\eta\{0\}=1$ a.s.". Let me state the setup: $\xi$: a random measure on $\...
Uchiha's user avatar
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Limit of iterative addition of a mean-preserving spread

Suppose I iteratively add a given mean-preserving spread to a random variable. In the limit, will exactly half the mass be above $0$? Formally: Let $X$ be a random variable, and let $\varepsilon_1,\...
S.Kom's user avatar
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Exact formula for computing n-step transition probability of random walks with self-transitions

Consider a semi-infinite random walks $X_n$, $n=0,1,2,\ldots$, whose state space is a set of consecutive integers and whose one-step transition probabilities are $P_{ij}=\mathrm{Pr}\{X_{n+1}=j|X_n=i\}$...
yeliqseu's user avatar
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Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces with positive kernels

In my research I'm dealing with the following question. Let $E$ set, $K:E \times E \to \mathbb R$ a positive type function, and $\mathcal H := \mathcal H(1+K)$ (in the sense of the Moore theorem). ...
3Matrolod's user avatar
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Transition probabilities for the symmetric random walk on the integers

I found that most references for the symmetric random walk on the integers are for the discrete time case, i.e. the ones that gives us explicit transition probabilities. Now, I am looking at a random ...
Acuriousmind's user avatar
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Are $\left[\begin{matrix}x_\ell \\ x_\ell\varphi_k^\ell\end{matrix}\right]$ linearly independent?

Let $\varphi_k\in\mathbb{C}$ be a primitive $k$-th root of unity, and define the sets $$S_\ell:=\left\{\left[\begin{matrix}x\\x\varphi_k^\ell\end{matrix}\right]\in\mathbb{C}^{2n}\;\middle|\;x\in\...
Rob's user avatar
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Local extrema of a posterior probability

Let $x$ be a binary random variable and $z$ be an arbitrary random variable. $x$ and $z$ are, in general, not independent. Let $y_1, \ldots y_n$ be $n$ identically distributed binary random variables ...
Arthur B's user avatar
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Alternative formula of a Green's function for average density of eigenvalues of random matrix

A Green's function is defined as follows: $$G(\omega) = \frac{1}{N}\mathrm{E}\big[ \mathrm{Tr}\frac{1}{I\omega - J} \big]$$, where $I$ is the $N$-dimensional identity and $E$ means expectation value ...
Xingdong Zuo's user avatar
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Feller processes / probability generators

I am looking for a example of a function in $C_0(\mathbb{R})$ such that $f',f'' \,\text{and}\, f''' \in C_0(\mathbb{R})$ with $$ \inf f < \inf (f-a*f''')$$ for some $a>0$, but I couldn't find ...
Stockfish's user avatar
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A way to possibly calculate one Binomial CDF function from another closely related one?

Let $y < z$ be two numbers between $0$ and $1$, is there a way to relate the CDF functions $F_{n,y}(s)$ and $F_{n,z}(s)$... or approximate one from another, without just saying $F_{n,z}(s) \le F_{n,...
user8075's user avatar
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Distribution of bounded summation of i.i.d random variables

We have a set of positive random variables $\boldsymbol X=\{X_1, X_2,\ldots\}$, where $X_1, X_2,\ldots$, are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). The CDF $F(x)$ and PDF $f(x)$ for $X_i$ ...
Bloodmoon's user avatar
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Approximation of general measurable maps by simple functions [closed]

Let $f : (\Omega, \mathcal F) \to (\mathbb R, \mathcal B(\mathbb R)$ be a measurable map, then it is well-known that $f$ could be approximated by a sequence $(f_n)$ of simple measurable functions, ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Definition of "Expected/Unexpected Event"

Background of my question is Martin Gardner's "unexpected hanging" paradoxon, which has once again be the subject of an article in a popular-scientific magazin (this time because this year it has been ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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probability in galton watson processes [closed]

I am trying to study the Elementary new proofs of classical limit theorems for Galton Watson processes written by Jochen Geiger. I don't understand what Z_(n,i) stand for. And in the proof of Theorem ...
dacam151991's user avatar
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Generalized expression for balls and bins problem

$n$ number of balls are thrown randomly to $m$ number of bins, standing in a row. The balls are labeled as $1,2,3,....n$ and bins are also labeled as $1,2,3,...,m$. The probability of $i_{th}$ ball ...
marcella's user avatar
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Norm of matrix with randomly deleted entries

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix with real entries and let $B$ be the random matrix whose $(i,j)$ entry is $$B_{i,j}=v_{i,j}A_{i,j}$$ where the $v_{i,j}$ are i.i.d Bernoulli random variables with $P(...
ttb's user avatar
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Volume of randomly changing sphere follows beta distribution

We are given $X,X_1,\ldots,X_N$ independent and identically distributed $k$-dimensional vectors. For a given query point $X_q\in\mathbb{R}^k$ assume without loss of generality that $X_1,\ldots,X_m$ ...
Skrodde's user avatar
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Stationary distribution of random walk alias solving uncountably many linear equations [closed]

Let us have interval $I = (i_1,i_2)$, function $f_1 : I \mapsto I$, function $f_2 : I \mapsto I$. Let $x_0$, $x_1$, $x_2$, ... be series of random variables from interval $I$ denoting random walk. ...
ghost guest's user avatar
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What are some examples of isotrophic sets?

What are some examples of isotrophic sets? and is there a "good" way to describe them? Isotrophic meaning that a random vector X uniformly distributed in the set has the isotrophic property for all $...
Hao S's user avatar
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Nagakami behavoir

Is the sum of square Nagakami random variables Erlang distributed? What is the distribution of euclidean norm of complex Nagakami? Cheers!
George's user avatar
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Monotonicity of the gap of permutated sequence

Let $a$ be an arbitrary sequence and denote by $\mbox{gap}_k(a) = a_{(k)} - a_{(k+1)}$, where $a_{(k)}$ is the $k$th largest component of $a$. Of course, $k+1$ should be no larger than the length of $...
John Wong's user avatar
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Measurable functions lifted onto a space of point measures are measurable

I've been reading [1] and attempting to prove statements given without proof. In the paper the authors construct a measurable space of measures over a base space, and as an aside show an elegant way ...
Max Suica's user avatar
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two correlated processes

I apologize if this question is not placed in the right place. But I am having a hard time to figure it out. It would be greatly appreciated if some one could help me out. Assume that there are two ...
Nguyen's user avatar
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On the superior of generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

Let us consider a generalized O-U process $X_t \in L^2[0, 1]$ defined by the following spde: $dX_t = \frac{1}{2}\partial_x^2X_t + dW_t, $ $\partial_x X_t(0) = \partial_x X_t(1) = 0, $ $X_0 = 0, $ ...
gregarki khayal's user avatar
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Expected number of samples above certain value of a normally distributed variable with a given sample mean

Suppose $n$ values, $X_1,...,X_n,$ are generated by a random number generator with normal distribution $N(0,1).$ Suppose that the (sample) mean of $X_1,...,X_n$ is $\mu.$ What is known about the order ...
Adam's user avatar
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On the expected value of a random integral:

Is it possible to find the expected value of $u(t)$ in terms of the following information: $$u(t)=\int_{0}^{t}(t-s)(f(s)+(T-s)Y)X_sds$$ where: $X_s$ is a wide sense stationary process with known ...
Amir Kazemi's user avatar
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Convergence of the empirical distribution function

Let $\alpha\in\mathbb R^d$, with $\alpha\neq 0$. Take a sequence of iid random variables $X^{1},\dots,X^{n}$ with values in $\mathbb R^d$ and denote $R$ the cdf of $\alpha X^1$ (where the product is a ...
splinter123's user avatar
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Null space of random $(0,1)$ binary matrix [closed]

What can be said about the null space of random $(0,1)$ rectangular binary matrices? In particular, I am interested in the probability that there is any non-zero vector with only integer coordinates ...
user117230's user avatar
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Extracting moments from a special Z-transform

Suppose I have a sequence of positive continuous random variables $\{X_k\}_{k=1}^\infty$ with (unknown) MGF's $M_{X_k}(s)$. Furthermore, it is known that \begin{equation}\frac{X_n-n\mu}{\sqrt{n}\sigma}...
MthQ's user avatar
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Ratios of random variables with weak moment condition

Let $X_n$ be a sequence of iid positive random variables. Assume that $X_n$ has finite $\alpha$th moment for some value $\alpha \in (0,1)$, but infinite first moment. Assume also that the reciprocal $...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Continuity of caglad process

Consider a non increasing, caglad process $(X_t)_{t\geq0}$ such that, for each $t$, the distribution function $F_t(x):=P(X_t\leq x)$ is a continuous function of (real) $x$. Are there any sufficient ...
Eleonora's user avatar
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$L^2$ convergence of a tight sequence [closed]

Let $(X_n,n\geqslant 1)$ be a tight sequence of stochastic processes defined on the same probability. Suppose $\lVert X_n\rVert_{L^2}$ converges to $\lVert X\rVert_{L^2}$. Under what conditions do we ...
Tom's user avatar
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Markov Chain: state reduction

Hi I am trying to understand a proof in a paper (written by Isaac Sonin), I don't know if anyone could give me a clarification on the following: Firstly we have a Markov chain $\{Y_k\}$ with finite ...
Cal's user avatar
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Relating percentiles to moments [closed]

There are at least two ways people look at statistical data: A. For mathematicians, scientists, engineers, economists and such the most familiar distribution parameters would be analytical: mean, ...
Michael's user avatar
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Calculate the probability of winning for a selected tic-tac-toe player

I am not a mathematician, I am a programmer. Sorry, if formulation of the problem is inexact. I want to calculate the probability of winning for a selected tic-tac-toe player. I have a directed graph ...
Maxim Polishchuk's user avatar
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Is a $CD(K,\infty)$ space a length space?

Let $(X,d)$ be a complete and separable metric space endowed with a nonnegative Borel measure $\mu$ with support $X$ and satisfying \begin{eqnarray} \mu(B(x,r))<\infty,\quad\mbox{for every }x\in X\...
Leovlee's user avatar
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Area on the unit sphere swept out by big circles corresponding to a curve

For a point on the unit sphere, we know the plane perpendicular to the line through the origin and the point cuts the sphere with a big circle. When the point moves along a sphere curve, the ...
Jiange Li's user avatar
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Limiting probability question [closed]

Let $X$ denote an $m\times n$ matrix and suppose that each value $x_{ij}$ is an integer that is selected uniformly at random from ${1,\dots,n}$, independently of all other values. If we fix $m$ and ...
Daryl N Holmes's user avatar

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