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0 answers

Comonotone solution for Optimal Transport problems with supermodular surplus

In Alfred Galichon's book Optimal Transport Methods in Economics the foollowing result is stated for OT problems on the real line. Theorem 4.3.(i) Assume that $\Phi$ is supermodular. Then the primal ...
6 votes
2 answers

Weak convergence + convergence of the norm implies strong convergence in Orlicz spaces

It is known [1, proposition 3.32] and a classical trick in PDEs that, in any uniformly convex Banach space $X$, weak convergence $x_n\rightharpoonup x$ together with convergence of the norm $\|x_n\|_X\...
28 votes
1 answer

1-Wasserstein distance between two multivariate normal

The $p$-Wasserstein between two measures $\nu_1$ and $\nu_2$ on $X$ is given by $$d_p(\nu_{1},\nu_{2})=\left(\underset{\pi\in\Gamma(\nu_{1},\nu_{2})}{\inf}\int_{\mathbf{\mathcal{X}}^{2}}d(x,y)^p\pi(dx,...
4 votes
2 answers

Are the sublevel sets of Boltzmann entropy compact in Wasserstein distance?

For Lebesgue-absolutely continuous probability measures $\rho\ll \mathcal{L}^d$ in the whole space $\mathbb{R}^d$ with finite second moments (i-e $\rho\in \mathcal{P}^2_{ac}(\mathbb{R}^d)$), let $$ \...
4 votes
1 answer

Perturbation of Wasserstein distance: looking for references

I am doing readings related to Optimal transport which is new to me and I often encounter the following statement regarding a sort of derivative of the Wasserstein distance: $u$ and $v$ be two ...
9 votes
1 answer

What are the "applications" of quantum optimal transport?

A quantum version of the Monge-Kantorovich optimal transport problem aims at optimizing a Hermitian cost matrix $C$ over the set of all bipartite coupling states $\rho_{AB}$, s.t. both of its reduced ...
1 vote
0 answers

Optimal transport-like problem where the objective depends on conditional probability distribution

$\DeclareMathOperator\marg{marg}$I would like to know if the following problem can be studied as an optimal transport problem, possibly imposing additional assumptions on the data. Consider two sets $\...
2 votes
0 answers

relative entropy, Fisher information, and metric slope for non-convex domains

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$ If $\Omega\subset \R^d$ is a convex domain it is well-known that the relative entropy $$ \mathcal H(\rho)= \int_{\Omega}\rho\log\rho \ \mathrm{d}x \qquad \mbox{for }\rho=...
1 vote
0 answers

Representation formula for the continuity equation on a separable Hilbert space

The following is an informal question for which I'd like to (ideally) find a reference. I'm quite a novice in this area but would be happy to find a reference to a theorem along the following lines (...
2 votes
2 answers

$X$ Polish geodesic implies $(P_2(X), W_2)$ geodesic

If $X,d$ is a complete and separable space then the space of Borel probability measures with finite second moment on $X$ endowed with the Wasserstein distance $W_2$ is geodesic. I am looking for a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Strict convexity of the cost function is enough to ensure the existence and uniqueness of the optimal transport map

Let $X=Y = \mathbb R^d$ and $c:X \times Y \to [0, \infty)$ be Borel measurable. Let $\mu, \nu$ be Borel probability measures on $X,Y$ respectively. Let $\mathcal T$ be the set of all Borel measurable ...
1 vote
0 answers

$L^2$ metric on $\textrm{Diff}(M)$ and geodesics

The paper Geometry of diffeomorphism groups, complete integrability and optimal transport mentions the following: The group $\textrm{Diff}(M)$ carries a natural $L^2$-metric $\displaystyle \langle\...
39 votes
3 answers

Manifold of probability measures: connections between two types of metrics

The space of probability measures could be viewed as an infinite-dimensional manifold, equipped with two possible types of metrics — (1) Wasserstein and (2) Fisher-Rao. Metric (1) is connected with ...
5 votes
1 answer

Uniqueness of Kantorovich potentials?

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$Take $\Omega\subset \R^d$ bounded, convex, and smooth. Consider the optimal transport problem with cost $c(x,y)=\lvert x-y\rvert^2$, leading to the quadratic Wassersein ...
2 votes
1 answer

Given iid samples from the joint distribution $P$ of pair of r.v.'s $(X,Y)$, how to get iid samples from independence coupling $P_X \otimes P_Y$?

Let $(X,Y)$ be a pair of random variables on a measure space $\mathcal T \subseteq \text{"subsets of }\mathbb R^2\text{"}$, with joint probability distribution $P$. We don't assume $X$ and $Y$ are ...
3 votes
2 answers

Relation between optimal transport cost and difference between topological invariants?

I was working on some mathematics of Wasserstein GAN and found out a seemingly interesting research problem but I am not quite sure whether it has already been studied in some recent literature of ...
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0 answers

Lax CD(K, $\infty)$ space in the sense of Sturm

In K.T. Sturm's "On the geometry of metric measure spaces. I", Definition 4.5, he introduces a "lax" version of the usual CD(K,$\infty$) lower bound. Namely, one allows for $\...
1 vote
0 answers

Moduli of continuity and Wasserstein differentiability of functions between measures

Let $X=\mathbb{R}^n$; I am also interested in the general case $X$ is a metric space but for simplicity let's focus on Euclidean space. Let $\mathcal{P}(X)$ denote the space of Borel probability ...
6 votes
2 answers

Wasserstein distance and the Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality

The only few references I could find on this topic are either amateur blog posts (
2 votes
1 answer

Semi-discrete Wasserstein distance to uniform

Does the $p$-Wasserstein distance have a simpler expression when applied to these two distributions : A uniform distribution on $[0,1]^d$ A discrete distribution with $N$ equally-weighted point mass ...
3 votes
1 answer

Reformulation as optimization on probability distributions

This is a "soft" question, in the sense that I'm looking for historical remarks and general commentary rather than a definite answer. For compact $X \in R^n$ and $f : R^n \to R$ consider the problem ...
2 votes
1 answer

Strong convexity of internal energy with respect to Wasserstein metric

It is well known that the internal energy (see, e.g., Definition 3.32 in and Proposition 3.33 in 1) is geodesically convex with the 2-Wasserstein distance. I was wondering under what condition, the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Reference Request: 2-Wasserstein Metric on Wiener Space

Suppose that X is the subspace of the set of probability measures on the classical Wiener space $C[0,T]$, for some $T>0$, comprised of Gaussian measures. In the finite-dimensional setting, the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Universal decay rate of the Fisher information along the heat flow

I'm looking for a reference for the following fact: In the torus $\mathbb T^d$ let me denote by $u_t=u(t,x)$ the (unique, distributional) solution of the heat equation $$ \partial_t u=\Delta u $$ ...
20 votes
2 answers

The geometric median of a triangle

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^n$ be a compact domain of dimension $n$. Define the geometric median on $\Omega$ as the point $m_{\Omega}\in \mathbb R^n$ such that the integral $\int_{\Omega}|x-m_{\Omega}...
7 votes
2 answers

The largest Wasserstein distance to uniform distribution among all probability distributions with uniform marginals

I am looking for the largest Wasserstein distance to the uniform distribution among all probability distributions with uniform marginals. More specifically, let $\Xi=\{1,2,\ldots,N\}^2$, and let $\nu$...
8 votes
1 answer

continuity of the Boltzmann entropy in the Wasserstein metric

For Lebesgue-absolutely continuous probability measures $\rho\ll \mathcal{L}^d$ in the whole space $\mathbb{R}^d$ with finite second moments (i-e $\rho\in \mathcal{P}^2_{ac}(\mathbb{R}^d)$), let $$ \...
6 votes
1 answer

Reference request: Wasserstein metric spaces for non linear weights/mobility?

There is a very nice theory of gradient flows in metric spaces by Ambrosio, Gigli and Savaré. One particularly important application is the quadratic Wasserstein setting, where the metric space in ...