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2 answers

Galois cohomologies of an elliptic curve

I asked this question on Mathematics Stack Exchange but did not get any answer and I was suggested to post the question here. I am studying basic theory of elliptic curves. I encountered Galois ...
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What's wrong with my understanding of the scheme $\text{Isom}(E_\lambda, E_{\lambda'})$?

Let $\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$ be the moduli stack of elliptic curves (over the complex numbers). Define $$\begin{eqnarray*} X &:=& \Bbb{A}^1_{\lambda} - \{0,1\}\\ X' &=& \Bbb{A}^1_{\lambda'} ...
David Benjamin Lim's user avatar
7 votes
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Why are integer points on elliptic curves interesting and useful?

I read some papers which dealed with integer points on elliptic curves. One of these papers are My question is: Why are integer points on elliptic ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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If $F(x,y)$ is a polynomial which is not a square, then how often is the specialization $F(x,a)$ a square?

Suppose $F(x,y)$ is a polynomial in two variables over a field $K$, and $F(x,y)$ is not a square. When is $F(x,a)$ a square for $a\in K$? I would guess that Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem might help ...
Brando's user avatar
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16 votes
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Relation between Weil Conjecture and Langlands Program

Recently I read Gelbart's An Elementary Introduction To The Langlands Program, which explained the origin of the program, and this question came to me. For an elliptic curve over finite field, the ...
YUAN Zhiri's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Explicit $2$-descent on elliptic curves

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$ and let $$E: y^2 = f(x)$$ be an elliptic curve over $k$, with $\mathrm{deg}(f) = 3$. Kummer theory yields a map $$\varphi:\mathrm{H}^1(k, E[2]) \to \mathrm{H}^...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Integral points on elliptic curves of the form $y^2=x^3+px$

As the title says. Can we determine all the integral points on elliptic curves of the form $$y^2=x^3+px$$ for a prime $p$? If yes, can someone explain me how? A good reference would also be ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

are the coarse moduli schemes of finite etale covers of $\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$ smooth?

Let$\newcommand{\mM}{\mathcal{M}}$ $\mM_{1,1}$ be the moduli stack of elliptic curves. Let $R$ be a Dedekind domain, say $\mathbb{Z}[1/N]$ for simplicity, and suppose we have a finite etale cover: $$\...
Will Chen's user avatar
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The genus of specialization of rational surface (compared to genus of parametrization)

Let $f(u,v),g(u,v),h(u,v)$ be polynomials with rational coefficients or rational functions. Assume (this happens in general) they parametrize rational surface $F(x,y,z)=0$. For rational $a$, assume ...
joro's user avatar
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Reducibility of resultants

This is closely related to this question. Suppose I have the resultant $\mathcal{R}$ of two (or more polynomials) over $\mathbb{Q},$ and suppose $\mathcal{R}$ is not irreducible. What is the ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Non-algebraic Hecke characters

Algebraic Hecke characters are ubiquitous in modern number theory. They are in 1-1 correspondence with one dimensional complex Galois representations, and in some precise sense they are the building ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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what are the finite etale covers of $\mathbb{Z}_p((x))$?

Let $R$ be the ring of integers of some $p$-adic field $K$ (finite over $\mathbb{Q}_p$) with uniformizer $\pi$ and residue field $k$. I'd like to understand the finite etale extensions of $R((x)) := R[...
Will Chen's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

irreducibility of discriminant

This must be well-known to everyone but me, but here goes: take a general (monic) polynomial $p(x) = x^d + a_{d-1} x^{d-1} + \dotsc + a_0.$ The discriminant is a polynomial $D(a_0, \dotsc, a_{d-1}).$ ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

First formulation of the Dedekind and Hasse-Weil conjectures

I'm looking for the original statement of two important conjectures in number theory concerning L-functions. I'm particularly interested in pinning down the year in which they were first formulated: ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Motivation for Hirzebruch-Jung Modified Euclidean Algorithm

Let $a,b \in \mathbb{N} \ \ s.t. \ \ a > b$ have $\gcd(a,b) =1$. We can define the Hirzebruch-Jung modified euclidean algorithm as follows: Let $e_i \in \mathbb{N} >2$, and $ r_k \in \mathbb{N}$...
Juan Sebastian Lozano's user avatar
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polynomial relations between modular functions

$\newcommand{\Qbar}{\overline{\mathbb{Q}}}$ We define a modular function to be a meromorphic modular form of weight 0 for some subgroup (not necessarily congruence) $\Gamma\le\text{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Higher-dimensional Artin L-functions

I begin by clarifying that the "higher-dimensional" in my question refers to analogues of Artin L-functions over higher dimensional base schemes than $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})$. Now for the set-up. ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Does a modular function primitive for $\Gamma$ generate the function field of $\mathcal{H}/\Gamma$?

Let $f$ be a modular function (that is, a meromorphic modular form of weight 0) holomorphic on $\mathcal{H}$ which is invariant under $\Gamma\le SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ (not necessarily congruence!), and ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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2 answers

confounding riddle about fine moduli schemes and twists of elliptic curves

I've encountered a strange situation while thinking about modular curves... Consider the modular curve $Y(3)$ parametrizing elliptic curves with a symplectic basis for their 3-torsion. This curve has ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Smooth complete intersections and sharpness of the Chevalley-Warning theorem

Let $X$ be a complete intersection in $\mathbb{P}^n$ of multidegree $(d_1,\ldots,d_r)$. If we're working over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, the Ax-Chevalley-Warning theorem says that if $X$ is in the ...
user36254's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is Frac $\mathbb{Z}((x))$ Hilbertian?

Note that Frac $\mathbb{Z}((x)) \ne\mathbb{Q}((x))$. As a result of Some questions about the ring Z((x)), we know that it is a Dedekind domain with uncountably many primes, each of which is of the ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Intuition behind salient numbers in number of h-cobordism classes of smooth homotopy n-spheres

The Wikipedia article on Exotic Sphere displays this sequence of numbers (see also OEIS A001676 and the Milnor link therein) for the order of the classses as $$1, \;1, \;1,\; 1,\; 1, \;1, \;28,\; 2,\; ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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rings of modular functions on the upper half plane

Let $\Gamma_1\le SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ be a noncongruence subgroup of finite index. Let $\Gamma_2\le SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ be another subgroup of finite index. Let $M_0(\Gamma_i)$ denote the ring of modular ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Do there exist elliptic curves over schemes which have all primes as residue characteristics?

It's well known that there are no elliptic curves over Spec $\mathbb{Z}$, but it's unclear (to me at least) if the proof generalizes. My question is: If $S$ is a connected scheme such that has every ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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A problem on universally locally acyclic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Let $X$ and $S$ be two smooth varieties over $k$ and $\mathcal F$ a constructible \'etale sheaf of $\mathbb F_\ell$-modules on $X$ (...
ely's user avatar
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2 votes
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On quasi-algebraically closed fields

By Lang's theorem, a complete valued field which is the fraction field of a discrete valuation ring with an algebraically closed residue field is quasi-algebraically closed (or $C_1$). How much is ...
user43198's user avatar
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15 votes
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Counting abelian varieties over finite fields in a given isogeny class

Let $f(x) \in \mathbb Z[x]$ be a monic polynomial of degree $g$ with all roots having absolute value $\sqrt{q}$. How many principally polarized abelian varieties over $\mathbb F_q$ have $f(x)$ as the ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Twists of cubic threefolds

Let k be a field of characteristic $0$. Let $X$ be a variety over k which is isomorphic to a smooth cubic threefold over $\bar{k}$. Then is $X$ isomorphic to a smooth cubic threefold over $k$? ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does $GL_n(F)\backslash GL_n(\mathbb{A}_F)/\prod_xGL_n(O_x)$ classify vector bundles over $X$?

Suppose $X$ is an algebraic curve, $F$ its function field, $\mathbb{A}_F$ its adele, $O_x$ the ring of integers at local field of $x$. Why does $GL_n(F)\backslash GL_n(\mathbb{A}_F)/\prod_xGL_n(O_x)$ ...
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Mestre-type algorithm for higher-genus curves?

Is there an analogous algorithm for genus $g>2$ curves that, given a complete set of invariants, outputs a curve with those invariants? (I'm interested in particular in $g=3$.) Any references ...
user115957's user avatar
31 votes
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A road to inter-universal Teichmuller theory

What would be a study path for someone in the level of Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry to understand and study inter-universal Teichmuller (IUT) theory? I know that it heavily relies on anabelian ...
terett's user avatar
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Rank of the Jacobian of a family of hyperelliptic curves of genus 2

Assume tha $C$ be the hyperelliptic curve $y^2 = (x-a_1)\cdots (x-a_5)$ of genus $g=2$ and $a_i \in \mathbb{Z}$ and we know that the integers $a_i$ has the form $a_i= d_1^2 - d_i^2$ for some positive ...
user78629's user avatar
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Does the Bombieri-Lang conjecture imply severe restrictions on rational points on twists of hyperelliptic curves?

According to Silverman, the Bombieri-Lang conjecture implies that the rational points of surface on general type lie on finite set of curves, except for a finite set of points. Let $f$ be univariate ...
joro's user avatar
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Morphism of Shimura varieties and differential equations

Is there a way of constructing a morphism between Shimura varieties using differential equations? Maybe, this looks like a completely ridiculous question, so I think that I should explain the context ...
Grad.Student's user avatar
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Rank of the Jacobian of twists of hyperelliptic curves

Suppose that a hyperelliptic curve $C$ of genus $g \geq 4$ is given by the equation $$\displaystyle C: y^2 = a_0 x^{2g+2} + a_1 x^{2g+1} + \cdots + a_{2g+2} = f(x).$$ The Jacobian variety $J(C)$ of ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
9 votes
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Definition of p-adic modular forms

I have been reading Hida's book "p-Adic automorphism forms on Shimura varieties" and I don't understand a point. He first describes p-adic modular forms of tame level N as functions on the Igusa ...
Bear's user avatar
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Hyperelliptic curves with fixed genus and many rational points

It is a famous theorem of Faltings, previously a conjecture by Mordell, that any algebraic curve of genus at least $2$ defined over the rational numbers have at most finitely many rational points. A ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Is it normal surface of general type to have infinitely many positive rank elliptic curves?

Cross-posted from MSE. I am not good at algebraic geometry and almost surely am misunderstanding something. Got an alleged argument against Bombieri-Lang conjecture and would like to know what the ...
joro's user avatar
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Will a tilting sheaf over Z which is a generator over Q be a generator modulo every prime?

Assume you have a smooth quasi-projective scheme $X$ (you can actually assume $X$ is projective over an affine scheme of finite type) defined over $\mathbb Z$ (or if you prefer, a discrete valuation ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Motivic fundamental group of the moduli space of curves?

Suppose I have a smooth projective family of varieties of varieties over $\mathcal M_g$ - i.e. a universal functor, commuting with deformations, from curves to smooth projective varieties. Can I ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Help for reference of moduli stack of fake elliptic curves

I see everywhere the following: Let $B$ be an indefinite quaternion algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$ of discriminant $D$, $\mathcal{O}_B$ be a maximal order, $N$ be an positive integer coprime to $D$. ...
user78140's user avatar
6 votes
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How simple does a $\mathbb{Q}$-simple group remain after base change to $\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}$?

Of course the general answer to the question in the title is: not very simple. I could not think of a better title, so let me explain my question in more detail. I have a number field $E/\mathbb{Q}$, ...
jmc's user avatar
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In how many ways can one extend the zero section of the affine line with a double origin

Let $X$ be the affine line with a double origin over $\mathrm{Spec}\,\mathbb Z$. Let $X_\eta$ be its generic fibre, the affine line with a double origin over $\mathrm{Spec}\,\mathbb Q$. Let $0$ be ...
Shane's user avatar
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Ranks of elliptic curves depend only on the field?

Let $K/\mathbb{Q}$ be an algebraic extension, and let $E_1,E_2/\mathbb{Q}$ be elliptic curves. Is it possible that the Mordell-Weil rank of $E_1(K)$ is finite while that of $E_2(K)$ is infinite?
Pablo's user avatar
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An elliptic curve trivial over any extension unramified outside 7 and infinity?

Is there an elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$ such that $E(K)$ is trivial for every finite extension $K/\mathbb{Q}$ with discriminant a power of $7$ ?
Pablo's user avatar
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Is the compositum of all quadratic extensions of the rationals an ample field?

Let $K$ be the compositum of all quadratic extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$, that is $$K = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{d} \ : \ d \in \mathbb{Q}).$$ Is there a (geometrically irreducible) smooth variety $V/\mathbb{...
Pablo's user avatar
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Pure motives and compatible systems of $\ell$-adic representations

I am trying to understand the statement of the conjectures of Deligne on special values of certain $L$-functions, from his article titled, "Valuers de Fonctions L et periodes d'integrales" which ...
Rex's user avatar
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Automorphisms of finite order in $Out(\widehat{F_2})$

Let $\widehat{F_2}$ be the pro-$\ell$ completion of the free group of rank 2, where $\ell$ is some prime. Every outer automorphism of $F_2$ induces an outer automorphism of $\widehat{F_2}$, hence an ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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What is the normal closure of $GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ inside $GL_2(\mathbb{Z}_\ell)$?

This weird problem popped up in my research: Let $\ell$ be a prime. Is there a description of the smallest normal subgroup of $GL_2(\mathbb{Z}_\ell)$ containing $GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$? Is there a ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Field of definition of dominant morphisms

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field and $k_0$ a sub-field. Let $X,Y$ be two projective varieties defined over $k_0$. Suppose that that there exists a dominant morphism $f$ between $X_k=X\otimes k$...
Xavier Roulleau's user avatar

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