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12 votes
3 answers

Chow Groups of varieties over number fields

I believe that there is a conjecture that for any smooth projective variety $X$ over a number field $K$, its Chow groups $CH^i(X)$ (or at least $CH^i(X)\otimes_{\mathbf Z} \mathbf Q$) are finitely ...
gdb's user avatar
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Does there exist a homogeneous polynomial $F$ whose partial derivatives satisfy the following inequalities?

Given $n \geq 2$, I would like to find either a homogeneous polynomial $F \in \mathbb{Q}[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ of degree $d > 1$ with the following properties: $W = \{ \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n : F(...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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4 votes
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Point counting and the Torelli theorem

Let $E$ be a CM elliptic curve defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $p$ be a prime where $E$ has good reduction. Is there always a curve $C$ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ such that $\# J(\mathbb{F}_p) = \#E(\...
modnar's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Mazur's Question on Mod $N$ Galois representations

In Rational Isogenies of Prime Degree, Mazur poses: "the problem of determining all elliptic curves $E'/\mathbb{Q}$ with symplectic $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$ isomorphisms $E'[N]\...
Rdrr's user avatar
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5 votes
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Rationality of trace of endomorphism of Iwasawa-thing

Let $n$ be a positive integer, and $p$ a prime number. Let $K_i$ be the cyclotomic field containing exactly the $np^i$th roots of unity. Let $H$ be the inverse limit of $p$-power torsion of the class ...
Tom Price's user avatar
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Good place to learn about arithmetic schemes?

Where is a good place to learn about arithmetic schemes? There is discussion in Eisenbud-Harris's book The Geometry of Schemes (and also Mumford's red book) and I hear that there is discussion in Liu'...
Student's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What do we know about the number $\prod_p \left( 1 - \frac{1}{p}\right)^4\left( 1 + \frac{4}{p} + \frac{1}{p^2} \right) $?

I am looking at a result of Peyre, and he says for a certain variety, the number of rational points of height less than $B$ is: $$ N(B) \sim \frac{1}{3} \color{#3DB08E}{\prod_p \left( 1 - \frac{1}{p}\...
john mangual's user avatar
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5 votes
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Proving that a certain function (related to a volume of a region) has a bounded derivative

Let $F$ be a homogeneous form in $n$ variables with integer coefficients. Let $D$ be a closed box in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (product of closed and bounded intervals). Assume that the partial $\partial F/\...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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quasi-finite group schemes

The following is what Mazur wrote on page 91 of his paper, Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal, published in Publ. IHES in 1977, DOI: 10.1007/BF02684339 (freely available at eudml): Let $m$ be an ...
user116950's user avatar
25 votes
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How is Borger's approach to $\mathbb{F_{1}}$ related to previous approaches (e.g. Deitmar's)?

The "traditional" approach to the so-called "field with one element" $\mathbb{F}_{1}$ is by using monoids, or, to put it in another way, by forgetting the additive structure of ...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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What are the easiest counterexamples to Serre-Lang over non-algebraically closed fields?

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero. Let $A$ be an abelian variety over $k$. Let $X\to A$ be a finite etale morphism with $X$ a connected (smooth projective) variety over $k$. Then, choosing a ...
Bernd's user avatar
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10 votes
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Numbers of solutions equal on every finite commutative ring

Let $X,Y$ be two schemes finite type over $\Bbb Z$, assume $\#X(A)=\#Y(A)$ for every finite commutative ring $A$, then must these two schemes be isomorphic ? What invariants of schemes coincide on $...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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How does the minimal size of a rational solution to a system of polynomial equations depend on parameters?

The undecidability of Hilbert's tenth problem implies the following (there is a stronger statement here, Theorem 9): For any computable function $f$, there is a family of integer polynomials (where ...
Fedya's user avatar
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Modular parametrization in terms of the moduli of shtukas

The modular parametrization of an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$ (and maybe over a number field in general?) is well-known; also for an elliptic curve over global function field with some condition (...
wkf's user avatar
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Arguing that weakly holomorphic modular forms give rise to Katz modular forms

Let $\Gamma = \Gamma_1(n)\le\text{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ for some $n$ (I don't want to assume that $\Gamma$ is torsion-free) Let $\mathcal{H}$ be the upper half plane, then on $\mathcal{H}$ we have a ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
20 votes
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"Adelic" Arakelov Geometry

In Soule's Lectures on Arakelov Geometry, he suggests the following "improvement" of Arakelov geometry: As we said earlier, Arakelov geometry is a static generalization of infinite descent. For ...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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Etale cohomology of singular varieties?

In all the literature I have read, etale cohomology is defined for smooth varieties. Suppose $X/\mathbb{Q}$ is a singular variety over $\mathbb{Q}$, does there exist etale cohomology $H_{\text{et}}^*(...
Wenzhe's user avatar
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Finiteness of etale cohomology for arithmetic schemes

By an arithmetic scheme I mean a finite type flat regular integral scheme over $\mathrm{Spec} \, \mathbb{Z}$. Let $X$ be an arithmetic scheme. Then is $H_{et}^2(X,\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ finite ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
3 votes
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When does the module of Katz modular forms contain a basis for the vector space of classical modular forms?

Let $\Gamma\le SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ be a congruence subgroup of level $N$. Let $R$ be a $\mathbb{Z}[1/N]$-algebra. Let $\mathcal{Y}(\Gamma)_R$ denote the moduli stack over $R$ of elliptic curves ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
13 votes
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Finite generation of module of modular forms

Given a commutative $\mathbb{Z}[\frac1n]$-algebra $R$, we can consider the ring of modular forms $M_*(\Gamma_1(n), R)$. If $R$ is a subring of $\mathbb{C}$, these can be defined as those (holomorphic) ...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Relative Bertini Theorem

Let $A \colon= {\Bbb C}[S_1,\ldots,S_n]$ with $1 \leq n < \infty$ $B \colon= A[X_1,\ldots,X_d]$ with $2 \leq d < \infty$. $O \colon= (0,\ldots,0)$ be the origin of ${\mathrm{Spec}}\,B$. ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Primes of the form $p=3a^2+3ab+b^2$ or $p=27a^2+27ab+7b^2$ and the number of points of $y^2=x^3+2$ modulo $p$

Trying to generalize this answered question based on limited numerical evidence. Let $E / \mathbb{F}_p : y^2=x^3+2$. Conjecture 1 Let $p=3a^2+3ab_0+b_0^2$ be prime and $a,b_0$ positive integers. ...
joro's user avatar
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18 votes
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Conjecture: The number of points modulo $p$ of certain elliptic curve is $p$ or $p+2$ for $p$ of form $p=27a^2+27a+7$

Numerical evidence suggests a conjecture that the number of points of certain elliptic curve over $\mathbb{F}_p$ is either $p$ or $p+2$ for $p$ of certain form. Let $p$ be prime of the form $p=27a^2+...
joro's user avatar
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Cohomologies of $[V/GL_n]$ in characteristic $p$ for a representation $V$ of $GL_n$

Let $V$ be a representation of $G=GL_n$ (or more generally any reductive group $G$) over an algebraically closed field $\mathbb k$ of characteristic $p$. Let $[V/G]$ be the corresponding quotient ...
user42024's user avatar
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3 answers

Sato-Tate and the angles of split primes

I was reading this blog by Evan Chen about complex multiplication. He's discussing Sato-Tate Conjecture. We can have elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$ and solve it over finite fields. \begin{eqnarray*} ...
john mangual's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can we drop smoothness in uniformity conjecture if we don't count singular points?

The uniformity conjecture basically states that the number of rational points on a smooth curve of genus $g >1$ over number field is bounded. If we drop smoothness, there is counterexample coming ...
joro's user avatar
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14 votes
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Patterns in solutions to $a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = n$

I have plotted solutions $(a,b,c)$ to $a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = n$ for $12000 \leq n < 12100$, rescaled to $S^2$ and projected onto the first two coordinates. (these are read from the lower left, across ...
john mangual's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Distribution relation in the Euler system of Heegner points

I am trying to understand the details behind the so-called "distribution relations" between Heegner points on the modular curve $X_0(N)$, as given (for instance) in Gross's paper Kolyvagin's work on ...
Yoël's user avatar
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7 votes
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Teichmuller groupoids in Grothendieck's esquisse d'un programme

Grothendieck in his Esquisse d'un programme mentioned without any precise definition and construction that the absolute Galois group $Gal(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$ acts on the whole "tower" ...
asv's user avatar
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Base change of a finite morphism

Let $X$, $Y$, $Z$ be integral schemes of finite type over a field $K$ (i.e., locally affine opens are finitely-generated algebras over $K$). Suppose we have the following condition$\colon$ $f \colon ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Dirichlet Character, Galois Representation and Motives

Suppose $\chi$ is a real Drichlet character of modulus $N$, \begin{equation} \chi: (\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z})^* \rightarrow \mathbb{C} \end{equation} which induces an Artin representation \begin{...
Wenzhe's user avatar
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9 votes
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Clarification on relationship between Grothendieck-Messing and Honda systems

It's well-known, due to work of Fontaine (see e.g. this), that if $k$ is a perfect field of characteristic $p$, then one can classify $p$-divisible groups over $W(k)$ by Honda systems. Namely, these ...
SomeGuy's user avatar
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Is $\Gamma(p) := \text{Ker}(SL_2(\mathbb{Z}_p)\rightarrow SL_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ a "standard" subgroup?

Let $\Gamma(p) := \text{ker}(SL_2(\mathbb{Z}_p)\rightarrow SL_2(\mathbb{Z}_p/p))$. Viewing $SL_2(\mathbb{Z}_p)$ as an analytic group, is there a formal group law $F$ in three variables, defined over $...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Lifting the Cartier operator to the p-adics

The Cartier operator is defined for smooth varieties over finite fields. If $C$ is an algebraic curver over $\mathbb{Z}_p$. Let $C_p$ the reduction of $C$ to positive characteristic. My question is if ...
camilo's user avatar
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periodic cyclic homology and tilting in the sense of Scholze

Suppose $R$ is a perfectoid ring in mixed characteristic, and $R'$ its characteristic-$p$ tilt. Scholze's results on tilting say that the étale theories over $R$ and $R'$ are equivalent in an almost ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Strange subscheme in ${\mathrm{Spec}} R \times {\Bbb A}^1_{\Bbb C}$

Let ${\Bbb C}[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ be a $n$-variable polynomial ring over a complex number field ${\Bbb C}$. For its maximal ideal $(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$, we define the geometric regular local ring as $R \...
Pierre's user avatar
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On the coherence of a Néron-ring

Let $A:= \underset{\lambda \in \Lambda}{\varinjlim} \,A_{\lambda}$ be an inductive limit of geometric regular local ring $(A_{\lambda}, {\frak m}_{\lambda})$, whose transition map $\phi_{\mu\lambda} \...
Pierre's user avatar
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16 votes
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Are there smooth and proper schemes over $\mathbb Z$ whose cohomology is not of Tate type

Is there an example of smooth and proper scheme $X \to \mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb Z)$, and an integer $i$ such that $H^i(X, \mathbb Q)$ is not a Hodge structure of Tate type? Alternatively: such that $H^...
user114562's user avatar
5 votes
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Application of Abhyankhar's lemma

I am confused by an application of Abhyankhar's lemma in the proof of Theorem 3.4 of Deligne-Rapoport. Here is the question with only the relevant parts of the text: Let $X$ and $Y$ be two curves ...
Atticus Christensen's user avatar
15 votes
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Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory and the Field with One Element

The idea of the "field with one element", or $\mathbb{F}_{1}$, is supposed to allow us to do for number fields what we can do for function fields. Hence this idea often comes up regarding problems ...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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23 votes
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Geometric intuition for Fontaine-Wintenberger?

I asked my advisor the question in the title. He told me it was a stupid question and that I should focus on my research. Thus we're asking here. The statement of Fontaine-Winterberger, per their ...
Student's user avatar
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Solutions of the linear equation from K[[X_1,X_2,X_3]] to K[[X_1,X_2]]

Let $A_3 := K[[X_1,X_2,X_3]]$ be a three-variable formal power series ring over a field $K$. We consider a linear equation $(\sharp) \phantom{aa} a_1(X_1,X_2,X_3)Y_1 + \ldots + a_n(X_1,X_2,X_3)Y_n = ...
Pierre's user avatar
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identifying components of points on elliptic curves with Kodaira symbol $I_{2n}^{*}$

Let $K$ be a local field that is complete with respect to a discrete valuation. When an elliptic curve, $E/K$, has reduction type represented by the Kodaira symbol $I_{2n}^{*}$, its component group ...
user114493's user avatar
43 votes
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A mysterious connection between Ramanujan-type formulas for $1/\pi^k$ and hypergeometric motives

The question below is the follow-up of this question on MathOverflow. Motivation: As is stated in the former question, those identities(formula (35)-(44)) of $1/\pi$ attributed to Ramanujan are ...
Y. Zhao's user avatar
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Relation between potential good reduction of curves and belyi maps

Let $X$ be a smooth proper curve over a number field $K$, and let $f : X\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^1_K$ a degree $n$ map unramified outside $\{0,1,\infty\}$. I've read in various places that something of ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Two definitions of the narrow Mordell-Weil group

Let: $K = k(C)$, where $C/k$ is a projective non-singular curve, $E/K$ - an elliptic curve, $\mathcal{E} \to C$ - the minimal elliptic surface associated to $E$. Consider the "narrow Mordell-Weil ...
Jędrzej Garnek's user avatar
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Periodicity in Galois Cohomology

Let $k$ be a field which is not of characteristic $\ell$ and $\nu \geq 1$. Suppose for a moment that $\ell$ is odd. Even without $\ell$-th roots of $1$, then we have isomorphisms $H^*_{et}(k, \mu_{\...
Elden Elmanto's user avatar
10 votes
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Possible groups of K-rational points for elliptic curves over arbitrary fields

It is known that the group $C(\Bbb R)$ has at most two connected components, and the connected component of the identity is isomorphic to $U(1)$ as a topological group (trivially) and $C(\Bbb Q)$ is ...
FusRoDah's user avatar
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Galois cohomology of the Serre group in the proof of the fundamental theorem of CM

I am working through J.S. Milne's note on the fundamental theorem of complex multiplication over $\mathbb{Q}$. Let $E$ be a CM-field Galois over $\mathbb{Q}$, and $S^E$ the Serre group corresponding ...
Jiangwei Xue's user avatar
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"Lifting" of Jacobi forms of weight zero vs. index one?

In this question I'll try to avoid using the words "Borcherd's Lift" only because I'm not sure in what setting it applies properly. What I will be asking about is sometimes called "second quantized ...
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