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Algebra with a certain abelian group as the multiplicative group

Let $A$ be an abelian group. Are there an algebra $\mathfrak{X}(A)$ s.t. the multiplication group is isomorphic to A ? i.e. $$ \mathfrak{X}(A)^{\times} \simeq A. $$ For example, for $A=\mathbb{Z}/4\...
M masa's user avatar
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A problem about an unramified prime in a Galois extension

I asked this question in MathStackExchange, but I didn't receive any answer. Let $K/\mathbb{Q}$ be a Galois extension of degree $n$, and denote its ring of integers by $\mathcal{O}_K$. Let $\mathfrak{...
Tireless and hardworking's user avatar
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What are the irreps in this canonical action of $\operatorname{PGL}_2(F_q)$?

Consider the permutation action of $\operatorname{PGL}_2(\mathbb F_q)$ on $\mathbb P^1(\mathbb F_q)$ by fractional linear transformations. We can consider the associated (complex) representation of ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Solutions to nonhomogeneous quadratic equation mod $N$

Is there any way to find non-trivial solutions to the equation $x^2 + y^2 - x \equiv 0 \mod{N}$? There are clearly several trivial solutions, for example $(x, y) = (0, 0), (1, 0), (2^{-1}, 2^{-1}), (2^...
Gautam's user avatar
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Expressing primes $p\equiv 1 \pmod 3$ in the form $p = x^2 + xy + y^2$

Fermat famously showed that the only primes $p$ of the form $x^2 + y^2$ are the primes such that $p \equiv 1 \mod{4}$. Furthermore, we now know “effective” versions of Fermat's theorem, i.e. given a ...
Gautam's user avatar
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What would be the quotient groups $U_{\mathrm{gen}}/U_{\mathrm{gen}}^{(n)}$ and $U_{\mathrm{gen}}^{(n)}/U_{\mathrm{gen}}^{(n+1)}$?

Let $K \supseteq \mathbb{Q}_p$ be a $p$-adic field with ring of integer $O$ and maximal ideal $m$. Let $O^*$ be the group of units in $O$. Consider the group of units $U^{(0)}=U=O^*$ and $U^{(n)}=1+m^...
MAS's user avatar
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Ideal norm in orders

Let $\overline{T}$ be a Dedekind ring such that $\overline{T}/\overline{I}$ is finite for every nonzero ideal $\overline{I}$ of $\overline{T}$. Let $T$ be a subring of $\overline{T}$ with the same ...
AWO's user avatar
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Formally etale algebras over fields of characteristic 0

I was wondering if anyone might have a non-trivial example of a formally etale algebra over a field of characteristic 0 which is not ind-etale (i.e. a union of etale extensions). For some motivation, ...
lrg's user avatar
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Mod $N^2$ evaluation of a polynomial defined by first $N-1$ roots

Given a prime $N$ and integer $g$, where $g$ is able to generate the multiplicative subgroup $(\mathbb{Z}/N^2\mathbb{Z})^*$, I am interested in any results simplifying or evaluating $f\in (\mathbb{Z}/...
Richard G.'s user avatar
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Elliptic curves: about a passage in J. Silverman's "Advanced topics of elliptic curves"

Reading the proof of the main theorem of complex multiplication for elliptic curves over number fields in J. Silverman's book "Advanced topics of elliptic curves" I got stuck at a passage ...
Hair80's user avatar
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Toward a cyclotomic Riemann hypothesis

For an integer $n \ge 3$, consider the function $$u(n) = \frac{\sigma(n)}{n \log \log n}$$ with $\sigma$ the divisor function. Now consider the sequence (bounded below and decreasing) $$v_n = \sup_{m&...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
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Intrinsic characterisation of a class of rings

This may be well known, but I was unable to find an answer browsing literature. Let us temporarily call a commutative (unital) ring $R$ an O-ring if there exists an integer $n \ge 1$, a local field of ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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SOS polynomials with integer coefficients

A well known theorem of Polya and Szego says that every non-negative univariate polynomial $p(x)$ can be expressed as the sum of exactly two squares: $p(x) = (f(x))^2 + (g(x))^2$ for some $f, g$. ...
Gautam's user avatar
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On a structural decomposition of polynomials based on integral roots

Given an irreducible polynomial of structure $$f(x,y)=\sum_{\substack{i,j\in\{0,1,2\}\\i+j\leq3}}a_{i, j}x^iy^j\in\mathbb Z[x,y]$$ with $a_{2,1}a_{1,2}a_{1,1}a_{1,0}a_{0,1}a_{0,0}\neq0$ if $f(m,n)=0$ ...
VS.'s user avatar
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Is there a finite extension with a non-trivial class group of any PID?

Let $R$ be a PID with infinitely many prime ideals. Does there always exist a finite extension $R\subset R'$ with $R'$ being a Dedekind domain with a non-trivial class group?
danand's user avatar
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Small linear relations in unbalanced diophantine equations from primitive Pythagorean triples

$r$ is parameter. Pick coprime $m,n\in[r,2r]$ with $mn$ even. Consider the Linear Diophantine Equation $$a^4u+b^4v+c^2z=0$$ where $a=m^2-n^2$, $b=2mn$ and $c=m^2+n^2$. Is it true that there are ...
VS.'s user avatar
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Reduced complete Tate ring which is not uniform?

Recall that a topological ring $A$ is Tate if there is an open subring $A_0$ such that the induced topology on $A_0$ is t-adic for some $t \in A_0$ that becomes a unit in $A.$ One can, given a Tate ...
DCM's user avatar
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11 votes
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Greatest common divisor in $\mathbb{F}_p[T]$ with powers of linear polynomials

Let $n>1$ and $p$ be an odd prime with $p-1 \mid n-1$ such that $p^k - 1 \mid n-1$ does not hold for any $k>1$. Notice that, since $p-1 \mid n-1$, we have $T^p - T \mid T^n-T$ in $\mathbb{F}_p[T]...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Determinant of a special matrix in characteristic $p$

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p > 0$. Choose $p^i$ numbers of elements $c_1,\ldots,c_{p^i} \in K$ and consider the determinant $D$ of the following matrix$\colon$ \begin{pmatrix}\label{...
Pierre's user avatar
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Isomorphism between finite algebras over ${\Bbb Z}_p$

Let $\pi \colon R \twoheadrightarrow {\Bbb T}$ be a surjective ring homomorphism between finite algebras over ${\Bbb Z}_p$. Further, we suppose the following three conditions$\colon$ $R$ is a ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Rank 1 valuations that are not discrete on finite transcendental extensions of the rationals

Suppose $K=\mathbb{Q}(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ is a purely transcendental extension of the rationals on finitely many indeterminates. Can anyone give an example of a rank $1$ valuation on $K$ that fails to be ...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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On a certain radical of the formal power series ring $K[[X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_{\infty}]]$

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p > 2$ and $A_{\infty} \colon= K[[X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_{\infty}]]$ be an infinitely-many-variable formal power series ring over $K$ (the symbol $X_{\infty}$ is to ...
Pierre's user avatar
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7 votes
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A good reference to the Gauss result on the structure of the multiplicative group of a residue ring

I need a good reference (desirably some textbook in Number Theory) to the following known result, attributed to Gauss in Wikipedia. Theorem (Gauss). Let $p$ be a prime number, $k\in\mathbb N$ and $\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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How to classify solutions to the following equations?

I would like to classify the sets of integers $a_{1},...,a_{n}$ that satisfy the following two equations. $$\sum_{k=1}^{n}a_{k}\equiv 0\mod 2$$ $$\sum_{i\neq j}a_{i}a_{j}=0$$ For example, if $n=3$, I ...
John Greenwood's user avatar
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Positive integer solutions of linear equations under the constraint of Frobenius number

Let $a,b,c$ be three pairwise coprime positive integers, and $\Gamma=\langle a,b,c\rangle$ be the corresponding numerical semigroup. Consider the linear equations: $n_1a=m_{12}b+m_{13}c$ $n_2b=m_{...
J.Doe's user avatar
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When does the product equal the sum?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and $R^n$ be the direct sum of $R$. Find all $a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n \in R$ such that $$a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n = a_1a_2\cdots a_n,$$ or, in other words, if ...
Brian's user avatar
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Equality in $\mathbb F_q\left(\left(\frac1T\right)\right)$

Can one characterize the $a\in\mathbb F_q\left(\left(\frac1T\right)\right)$ such that $a(T+1)=a(T)$? Although this seems elementary, I did not manage to find a answer. Thanks in advance for any help.
joaopa's user avatar
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Roots of unity, in the completion of the ring of integers of a number field, at a prime ideal

Let $p \in \mathbb{Z}$ be a prime and consider the number field $k = \mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^{(p^2 -1)/2} - p)$. We shall denote by $O_k$ the ring of integers of $k$. Let $\beta \in O_k$ be such that $\beta^{...
Chitrabhanu's user avatar
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Multiplicative monoid of ring modulo units

Let $M = \mathbb{Z}[\phi] \setminus \{0\}$ be the multiplicative monoid of the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\phi]$ with $\phi = \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$ the golden ratio. We define the equivalence relationship $x\...
Adi Ostrov's user avatar
7 votes
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Zermelo's proof for unique factorisation

In Peter Bundschuh's "Einführung in die Zahlentheorie" I came across a possibly well-known but to me rather peculiar proof of unique factorisation, which is attributed to Ernst Zermelo. The proof ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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Multiplicity of a polynomial in positive characteristic

Let $\mathbb K$ be a field of characteristic $p>0$. Let $f\in\mathbb K[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ be a multivariate polynomial and let $q\in\mathbb K^n$. Is there a computational method to determine the ...
bog's user avatar
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Power series ring $\Theta[[X_1,\ldots,X_d]]$ and prime ideals

Let $\Theta$ be a domain. We shall choose $d$ elements $\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_d \in \Theta$ such that any chosen $j$ elements $\theta_{i_1},\ldots,\theta_{i_j}$ form a prime ideal $(\theta_{i_1},\...
Pierre's user avatar
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Motivation to study the order theory (ring theory)

I'm currently reading a paper of Georges Gras on the Reflection Principle. The paper uses some theorems about orders (ring theory) from the book "Maximal Orders" by Reiner. I find the book interesting,...
gualterio's user avatar
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Monomials in products in power series ring on several variables

Let $A \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_m,Y_1,\ldots,Y_n]]$ be a power series ring over a field $K$ in $m + n$ variables and ${\frak m}$ be the unique maximal ideal of $A$. For arbitrary two elements $\alpha = ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Polynomial equations parametrized by binary forms

Consider the equation $$\displaystyle Ax^p + By^q = Cz^r, A,B,C \in \mathbb{Z}, \gcd(x,y,z) = 1, p,q,r \geq 2.$$ When $p^{-1} + q^{-1} + r^{-1} > 1$, the above equation is called spherical and ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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On the product in the power series ring

Let $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n,Y_1,\ldots,Y_n]]$ be a power series ring over a field $K$ in $2n$ variables and ${\frak m}_{A_n}$ be the unique maximal ideal of $A_n$. Suppose we have two ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Ideal in ring of power series

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p$ and $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ be a $n$-variable formal power series ring over $K$ such that $n, p \geq 3$. Consider the ideal $I$ defined by \begin{...
Pierre's user avatar
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Proper ideals are invertible

I am reading through Cox's book Primes of the form $x^2+ny^2$ and I am stuck with some proofs in Chapter 7 (I have the 2nd edition). There, the author presents the following Lemma: Lemma 7.5: Let $...
user50139's user avatar
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The prime spectrume of integral-valued polynomial ring

Let $ D $ be an integral domain with quotiont field $K $ and let $Int (D) $be the set of all integral-valued polynomials on $D $, that is, $ Int (D):=\{f \in K[x]\mid f (D) \subseteq D\} $. The ...
E.R's user avatar
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Mod p reduction of geometrically irreducible polynomials

Let $f\in \mathbb Z[t,x]$ be a polynomial of positive degree that is irreducible over $\overline{\mathbb Q}[t,x]$. Is it true that for all but finitely many primes $p$ the reduced polynomial $f_p\in \...
user36371's user avatar
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Power series rings and the formal generic fibre

Let $S = K[[S_1,\ldots,S_n]]$ and consider $d$ elements \begin{equation*} f_1,\ldots,f_d \in S[[X_1,\ldots,X_d]] \end{equation*} and the prime ideal ${\frak P} \colon\!= (f_1,\ldots,f_d)$ generated ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Étale fibration for $K[[X_1,...,X_n]]$

Let us consider a formal power series ring $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ with $0 \ll n < \infty$ and we shall consider a prime ideal ${\frak P}$ of $A_n$ such that $1 < {\mathrm{ht}}({\frak ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Bound on number of proper ideals of norm equal to n

I have read in the paper by Einsiedler, Lindenstrauss, Michel and Venkatesh on Duke's Theorem the following bound that I don't understand: Let $d$ be a positive non-square interger and set let $K = \...
Constantin K's user avatar
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Primes of the power series rings

Let $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ be a $n$-variable formal power series ring. By setting $X_n \mapsto 0$, we obtain a natural surjection \begin{equation*} \psi_{n,n-1} \colon A_n \...
Pierre's user avatar
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Is the integral closure of a valuation ring in a finite separable extension of its fraction field étale?

Let $K$ be a field endowed with a rank (height) one valuation with completion $\hat{K}$, which is not discrete. Let $R$ be the valuation ring of $K$. Let $L \subset \hat{K}$ be a separable finite ...
userm's user avatar
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Does there exist a discrete valuation subring $R$ of $K((t))$ ($K$ a number field) of residue characteristic $p$ with $\mathrm{Frac}(R) = K((t))$?

Let $K$ be a number field, and let $K((t))$ be the field of formal Laurent series. Let $p > 0$ be a prime. I have two questions: Does there exist a discrete valuation subring $R$ of $K((t))$ of ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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A sum involving roots of unity

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $\zeta$ be a primitive $n$th root of unity. It is not hard to show that \begin{align*} \sum_{k=1}^{n-1}\frac{\zeta^k}{1-\zeta^k}=\frac{1-n}{2}. \end{align*} Since $\...
Chitsai Liu's user avatar
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Perfectly balanced sets of complex numbers

Suppose that $X$ is an inclusion-minimal finite set of non-zero complex numbers such that $\sum\limits_{x\in X}x^n=0\ $ for infinitely many integers $n$. Can the cardinality of $X$ be a composite ...
Anton Klyachko's user avatar
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Krull dimension of completions in non-noetherian setting (especially completed perfections)

What are some general results describing the Krull dimension of the completion of a non-Noetherian ring with a "nice" topology? An example of the sort of "nice" topological ring I'm looking for is a ...
dorebell's user avatar
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Does every section of the map Gal$(\overline{k(\!(t)\!)}/k(\!(t)\!))\rightarrow$ Gal$(\overline{k}/k)$ stabilize a compatible system of roots of $t$?

There may be some technical issues with the question, but hopefully what I mean is clear... Let $k$ be a number field (or maybe any finitely generated field over $\mathbb{Q}$ of characteristic 0) ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar

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