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Field extensions and completions at possibly infinite places

In Serre's Corps Locaux, Chapter 2 §3, is presented a classical proof. We are in an "ABKL" setup, where $K/L$ is finite, $A$ is Dedekind, $B$ is the integral closure of $A$ and $B$ is $A$-...
Adrien Zabat's user avatar
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Algebraic numbers which prescribed degree which does not belong to some fields

In my research it would be great if the following result is valid. In what follows, $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$, $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_n$ and $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_{<n}$ denotes the set of algebraic ...
Jean's user avatar
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Degree $8$ cyclic extension over $\mathbb{Q}$

Actually I am interested in degree $ 8 $ cyclic extension over $ \mathbb{Q} $. Let $ L $ be such extension. At first I was thinking to take basis as normal basis, as we can determine the galois group ...
Sky's user avatar
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Quadratic suborders of an imprimitive quartic order

Let $Q$ be an irreducible quartic order; that is, $Q$ is a subring of the ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_K$ in a quartic extension $K$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ such that the fraction field of $Q$ is equal to $...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Example of an algebraic number of degree 4 that is not constructible

The number $b:=\frac{\sqrt{2a}+\sqrt{4\sqrt{a^2-3}-2a}}{2}$ with $a:=\frac{\sqrt[3]{18+2\cdot\sqrt{65}}}{2}+\frac{2}{\sqrt[3]{18+2\cdot\sqrt{65}}}$ is a root of the irreducible polynomial $x^4-6x+...
Joel Adler's user avatar
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Is it possible to recover the degree of a field extension from a list of elements and the ground field?

I'm interested to know if there is anything known about recovering the degree of a field extension, $E/k$, given $E=k(\alpha_1,\ldots, \alpha_n)$ (here I'm assuming that the extension is of finite ...
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