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21 votes
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Can we describe equivariant vector bundles of free group action in terms of descent theory (Barr-Beck theorem)?

It is well known that for a compact topological group $G$ acts (say, from the right) freely on a compact space $X$. Then the category of equivariant complex vector bundles on $X$, $\text{Vect}_G(X)$, ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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10 votes
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What are the (co)algebras for the $(\operatorname{Hom}(A,-), A\otimes-)$ adjunction (co)monad?

A module $A$ over a commutative ring $k$ gives a pair of adjoint endofunctors, $(A\otimes_k-)$ left adjoint to $\operatorname{Hom}_k(A,-)$. They produce a monad $T_A$ and a comonad $C_A$. Is there any ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
10 votes
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Understanding a monad from its fixed points

Let $(T, \eta, \mu)$ be monad over $\mathsf{C}$. And let $\iota : \mathsf{Fix}(T) \hookrightarrow \mathsf{C}$ be the inclusion of the full subcategory of fixed points of $T$. By the universal ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
10 votes
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Colimits of algebras for $\infty$-Monad

I would like to know in anyone has developed method for constructing colimits in the category of algebra for a monad in the $(\infty,1)$-categorical framework, using transfinite constructions. I have ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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9 votes
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Cocompleteness of enriched categories of algebras

A useful result due to Linton is that for a cocomplete category $C$ and monad $T$ on $C$, if the category of algebras $C^T$ admits reflexive coequalisers, then it is cocomplete (see here for a sketch ...
varkor's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the relationship between free bicompletion and the Isbell envelope?

Given a small category $\mathbb C$, we can form the free cocompletion $\mathbf y : \mathbb C \to \mathcal P(\mathbb C)$ and the free completion $\mathbf y^\circ : \mathbb C \to \mathcal P^\circ(\...
varkor's user avatar
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9 votes
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What are the algebras for the codensity monad of $\textbf{FP-Ring} \rightarrow \textbf{Ring}$

Let $\textbf{Fin-Set}$ denote the category of finite sets, and let $\textbf{Set}$ denote the category of sets. The inclusion functor $\textbf{Fin-Set} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}$ from the category of ...
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9 votes
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The Curry Howard Isomorphism and models for an intuitionistic modal logic and its bimodal translation

My question regards the Curry Howard Isomorphism and how it constrains models in the case of a particular logic. Consider quantified Lax Logic $QLL$.
user65526's user avatar
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To what kind of generalized Lawvere theory does the "free cartesian closed category" 2-monad on $\mbox{Cat}_g$ correspond?

Thinking of Cat as a mere 1-category, there is a 1-monad $\Lambda$ for the free cartesian closed category on a category. To every category X it assigns the category $\Lambda(X)$ whose objects are ...
Mike Stay's user avatar
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When is the Eilenberg-Moore category of a relative monad between two topoi a topos?

In the non-relative case, we have a theorem, that an Eilenberg-Moore category of algebras of a Monad $T$ on a topos is itself a topos if the monad in question has a right adjoint. Now how does this ...
Ilk's user avatar
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Frobenius monads and groupoids

For a while, I was looking for a Frobenius monad on Set. It doesn't exist as pointed out here. I am now looking at the 2-category of groupoids. Does the 2-category of groupoids admit a Frobenius ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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8 votes
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Whiskering a monad

In "The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces", May shows that any monad that is coming from an operad may be "whiskered", so that the unit map becomes a closed cofibration. The ability to do this is vital ...
Matthew Sartwell's user avatar
7 votes
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Relation between two limit presentations of Eilenberg--Moore objects

Let $\mathbb{T}=({\cal T}\colon C\to C,\mu,\eta)$ be a monad (in the $2$-category $\mathsf{Cat}$), which we view as a $2$-functor $\mathbb{T}\colon\mathsf{B}\Delta_{\mathrm{a}}\to\mathsf{Cat}$ (where $...
David Kern's user avatar
7 votes
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Coherence for pseudomonads and their pseudoalgebras

Let $\mathcal K$ be a bicategory. For every pseudomonad $T : \mathcal K \to \mathcal K$, does there exist a 2-monad $S : \mathcal C \to \mathcal C$, where $\mathcal C$ is a 2-category biequivalent to $...
varkor's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does each monotonic endofunctor on the category of sets and relations preserve conversion?

Consider a functor $F : \mathbf{Rel} \to \mathbf{Rel}$ that is monotonic (for all relations $R$ and $S$ with $R \subseteq S$ we have $FR \subseteq FS$). Does such a functor always preserve conversion ...
Wolfgang Jeltsch's user avatar
7 votes
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Are the string diagrams for the Frobenius Algebra an example of a Polynomial Functor?

We know that Frobenius objects in a monoidal category obey a diagrammatic string calculus. We also know that trees are polynomial functors (Kock - Polynomial functors and trees). The string calculus ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Applications of Monadicity theorems

This is crosspost of this MSE question. Having carefully read the proof of Beck's monadicity theorems and some related variations, I'm now hungry for cool applications. For instance, I found these ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Beck's Theorem and the category of endos

Many years ago, Lawvere showed that the forgetful functor $U: \mathbf{Endo}\to \mathbf{Set}$ has a left adjoint $F$ if and only if $\mathbf{Set}$ has a natural numbers object, where $\mathbf{Endo}$ is ...
P. Corazza's user avatar
6 votes
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What are the algebras of the powerset intersection (oplax) monad?

The assignment $X\mapsto\mathcal{P}(X)$ and $f\mapsto f_*$ (direct images) defines a functor $\mathcal{P}\colon\mathsf{Sets}\to\mathsf{Sets}$. This functor has a monad structure whose multiplication $\...
Emily's user avatar
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Reciprocity for algebra objects in two algebraic categories

I think this question Compact Hausdorff and C^*-algebra "objects" in a category. shows that there is no reciprocity between categories of algebra-objects of two algebraic categories. So, ...
Nik Bren's user avatar
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Example of a pseudomonad on Cat whose pseudoalgebras are not the pseudoalgebras for a 2-monad

For every pseudomonad $T$ on the 2-category of (locally small) categories $\mathbf{Cat}$, we can consider the 2-category of $T$-pseudoalgebras and pseudomorphisms $T\text{-PsAlg}_p$, which is equipped ...
varkor's user avatar
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6 votes
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Original reference for the correspondence between commutative algebraic theories and commutative monads

Commutative algebraic theories were introduced by Linton in the 1966 paper Autonomous Equational Categories. Commutative monads were introduced by Kock in the 1970 paper Monads on symmetric monoidal ...
varkor's user avatar
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6 votes
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Cohomology without comonad?

TL;DR. Many cohomologies can be unified using comonads. Question: which cohomologies cannot be? For each algebraic theory, there is an adjunction, and therefore a (co)monad (or called a (co)triple). ...
Student's user avatar
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Compatibility between strength and costrength of a monoidal monad

Let $C$ be a closed monoidal category, and let $T : C \to C$ be a monad on the underlying category. Let $\sigma$ be a tensorial strength of $T$ and let $\sigma'$ be a cotensorial strength of $T$. A ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
5 votes
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In what algebraic categories do finitely presentable objects form a dense cogenerator?

For each $C$ locally finitely presentable category, the full subcategory of finitely presentable objects $C_{fp}$ is a dense generator, i.e. the natural functor $C \to \mathrm{PSh}(C_{fp})$ is a full ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
5 votes
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Does the restriction functor $j^* $ to Zariski open preserve the limit of $j^*$-split cosimplicial diagram?

This might be a trivial question but I could not find a satisfatory answer easily. Let $X = \mathbb{C}$ and $U = \mathbb{C}^*$, and let $j: U \to X$ denote the open embedding. Consider $j^* : QCoh(X) \...
Peng Zhou's user avatar
5 votes
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Algebras of the cone monad on Top?

Let us work in Top, the category of topological spaces - although the reader is welcome to replace this by their favorite convenient category of topological spaces. If $X,Y$ are spaces, let $X\ast Y$ ...
Patrick Nicodemus's user avatar
5 votes
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What are the special properties of adjunctions that generate polynomial monads

The subject of polynomial monads is well trodden. We know that every monad is generated by an adjunction. What are the special properties of any adjunction that generates a polynomial monad? Take a ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Monads which are monoidal and opmonoidal

Do monads which are monoidal and opmonoidal have a name? (Bimonoidal?) In case they have already been studied, who can point me to a reference? More in detail. Let $(C,\otimes)$ be a symmetric (or ...
geodude's user avatar
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Closure of polynomial monads under colimits

A polynomial monad on a locally cartesian closed category $C$ is a monad whose underlying endofunctor is a polynomial functor and whose unit and multiplication are cartesian transformations. Since a ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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Cartesian-closed categories of algebras

If the Kleisli-category of a monad is Cartesian-closed, can we say when the category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras is?
David Carchedi's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a non-free monad have non-trivial "quine"?

Let $\mathbf{Poly}$ denote the category of polynomial functors on $\mathbf{Set}$, and let $\mathfrak{m}\colon\mathbf{Poly}\to\mathbf{Poly}$ be the free monad monad, i.e. the functor that sends every ...
David Spivak's user avatar
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Checking a monad is idempotent

I have a monad $T: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C}$ on a (Grothendieck) abelian category which preserves filtered colimits and direct sums (but is not exact). There is a finite collection $G$ of compact, ...
Dylan Wilson's user avatar
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3 votes
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When does a lax monad morphism induce a functor between categories of algebras that preserves reflexive coequalisers?

Let $S$ be a monad on a category $\mathbf C$. If $\mathbf C$ is cocomplete, and the category of algebras $\mathbf C^S$ admits reflexive coequalisers, then $\mathbf C^S$ is cocomplete. Thus, it is ...
varkor's user avatar
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Lax morphism classifiers via lax-idempotentification

Let $T$ be a 2-monad on a nice 2-category $\mathcal K$, so that the inclusion $T\text{-}\mathbf{Alg}_s \to T\text{-}\mathbf{Alg}_l$ of the 2-category of (strict) $T$-algebras and strict $T$-algebra ...
varkor's user avatar
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Yetter-Drinfeld modules for Hopf monads

1. Context. 1.1. Classical Yetter-Drinfeld modules. Let $H$ a bialgebra in a braided monoidal category $\mathcal{C}$. A left-right Yetter-Drinfeld module over $H$ is a triple $(V,\rho,\Delta)$ ...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar
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What is the free lax-idempotent adjunction?

Let $Adj$ be the free adjunction, i.e. the 2-category such that for any 2-category $K$, the functor 2-category $2Fun(Adj, K)$ is the 2-category of adjunctions in $K$ (naturally in $K$). Note that $Adj$...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Let $T$ be a strongly cartesian monad on a presheaf category $\hat C$. Then is $\hat C$ comonadic over $\operatorname{Alg} T$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Alg{Alg}\newcommand{\Set}{\mathit{Set}}\newcommand{\Set}{\mathit{Set}}\newcommand{\Ab}{\mathit{Ab}}$Let $C$ be a small category, and let $T$ be a strongly cartesian monad on the ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Adjoints to the forgetful functor from the $2$-category of monads

For the purpose of this post, we will identify a monad $T$ on a category $\mathcal{C}$ with a lax $2$-functor $T:{\bf 1}\to\mathfrak{Cat}$ such that $T(*)=\mathcal{C}$. There is an obvious forgetful ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Lax algebras for pseudomonads and monads in Kleisli bicategories for the induced pseudocomonad

In Day–Street's Lax monoids, pseudo-operads, and convolution, they remark without proof: There are general principles involved here. Suppose $(T, m, j)$ is a pseudomonad on any bicategory $\mathcal K$...
varkor's user avatar
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Does the notion of a Poisson monad exist?

Starting with a monoidal category with duals $C$, one may consider the category $End(C)$ of endofunctors of $C$. A Hopf monad on $C$ is a bimonad on $C$ with (a generalised notion of the) antipode. ...
Christos's user avatar
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What category of toposes is monadic over the 2-category of groupoids?

Excuse my lack of understanding of monadicity, but I have been looking at toposes and monads. I see Lambek showed that the category of Toposes are monadic over the category of categories. I see the ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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What are the axioms of the diagrammatic calculus for containers?

Ahman et al. wrote about when a container is a comonad. Containers can also be monads, such as List. This means that we can take all containers that are endofunctors on Set and they live in the ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Is there a bimonad on the category of sets that is exact?

I am wondering if it is possible to have a bimonad on $\mathsf{Set}$ that preserves equalizers on both sides? What about a bimonad that is exact? Can you give an example? Let me try to explain what ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Fong's Causal Theories: Is he also describing a Monad structure? Is the causal category also a bimonad?

Fong's paper Causal Theories: A Categorical Perspective on Bayesian Networks talks about causal theories. He describes words of random variables at the top of page 42: For the objects of CG we ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Monadicity of the composite of an operad and a monad

If $T$ is a monad on a category $\mathcal C$ and $T'$ is a monad on $T$-algebras, then (if I understand the answers of this question correctly) the adjunction between $\mathcal C$ and $T'$-algebras is ...
Maxime Lucas's user avatar
2 votes
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Distributive law of the non-empty list comonad over the non-empty list monad

Preliminaries A monad is a triple $(M, \eta, \mu)$, with $M$ a functor, $\eta : \mathit{id} \Rightarrow M$ and $\mu : M^2 \Rightarrow M$ two natural transformations such that the following diagrams ...
BenjaminLion's user avatar
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Cat as a bicategory of monads over another category

Let's assume infinitely many Grothendieck universes exist. Let's call $\kappa$-Cat the bicategory of $\kappa$-small categories with anafunctors and anatural transformations. Now for any $\lambda$ and ...
Ilk's user avatar
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EM functor from monads to adjunctions

What is the action on $1$-cells of the functor sending a monad to its EM adjunction? What about the Kleisli adjunction? Let $A$ be the walking adjunction. Recall that an adjunction is the same thing ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Homotopy fixed points vs coalgebras

Referring to the last part of this answer, I would like to understand how in the case of a Galois cover $f\colon X\to Y=X/G$ with Galois group $G$ (I guess ...
Nikio's user avatar
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