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8 votes
2 answers

(When) does a morphism of monad induce adjoint functors between categories of algebras?

For monads $S$ and $T$ on a fixed Abelian category $C$, a morphism of monads $\sigma: S\rightarrow T$ induces a functor between Eilenberg-Moore categories $\sigma^*:C^T\rightarrow C^S$. This functor ...
sysyphusV's user avatar
8 votes
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When is the Eilenberg-Moore category of a relative monad between two topoi a topos?

In the non-relative case, we have a theorem, that an Eilenberg-Moore category of algebras of a Monad $T$ on a topos is itself a topos if the monad in question has a right adjoint. Now how does this ...
Ilk's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Lift a monad along a generic right adjoint

$\require{AMScd}$We have a neat way to lift a monad along a monadic right adjoint, through a distributive law: in a setting like $$ \begin{CD} X @. X \\ @VUVV @VVUV\\ C @>>T> C \end{CD}$$ if ...
fosco's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

If a monad in a 2-category admits a terminal resolution, does it admit an Eilenberg–Moore object?

Let $T = (t, \mu, \eta)$ be a monad on an object $A$ of a 2-category $\mathcal K$. In The formal theory of monads, Street proves (Theorem 3) that if $l \dashv r$ is the canonical adjunction associated ...
varkor's user avatar
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EM functor from monads to adjunctions

What is the action on $1$-cells of the functor sending a monad to its EM adjunction? What about the Kleisli adjunction? Let $A$ be the walking adjunction. Recall that an adjunction is the same thing ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Algebraically-free monadicity theorem

The monadicity theorem characterises when a functor $u : \mathbf B \to \mathbf E$ is the forgetful functor from the category of algebras for some monad on $\mathbf E$ (up to an equivalence over $\...
varkor's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Uniqueness of comparison functors

Given an adjunction $F\dashv G:\mathcal{C}\rightleftarrows\mathcal{D}$ with unit $\eta$ and counit $\epsilon$, we naturally have a monad $(G\circ F,\eta,G\epsilon_F)$ on $\mathcal{C}$ and a comparison ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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3 votes
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Adjoints to the forgetful functor from the $2$-category of monads

For the purpose of this post, we will identify a monad $T$ on a category $\mathcal{C}$ with a lax $2$-functor $T:{\bf 1}\to\mathfrak{Cat}$ such that $T(*)=\mathcal{C}$. There is an obvious forgetful ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Characterisation of functors whose left adjoint is Kleisli

This question is inspired by Characterization of functors whose right adjoint is monadic?. Let $F : \mathbf C \rightleftarrows \mathbf D : U$ be an adjunction, and suppose that we want to establish ...
varkor's user avatar
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Lax algebras for pseudomonads and monads in Kleisli bicategories for the induced pseudocomonad

In Day–Street's Lax monoids, pseudo-operads, and convolution, they remark without proof: There are general principles involved here. Suppose $(T, m, j)$ is a pseudomonad on any bicategory $\mathcal K$...
varkor's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does the right adjoint of a comonad induce the following comodule map?

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category and $\mathcal{G}=(G,\delta, \epsilon)$ be a comonad on $\mathcal{C}$. Here $G: \mathcal{C}\to \mathcal{C}$ is a functor, $\delta: G\to G^2$ and $\epsilon: G\to id_{\...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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10 votes
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Characterization of functors whose right adjoint is monadic?

Let $F: \mathcal A^\to_\leftarrow \mathcal B: U$ be an adjunction, and suppose we want to know whether the comparision functor $\mathcal B \to Alg^{UF}$ is an equivalence, where $Alg^{UF}$ is the ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

A specific property of bi-adjunction

Let $$I: C \rightleftarrows D: F$$ be biadjoint [1] functors between categories $C, D$. That is, $I$ is the left and also the right adjoint of $F$ (thus vice versa). Put in notations, it's $$ \cdots \...
Student's user avatar
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0 answers

Existence of free functor to Banach spaces

Is there a "non-trivial" characterization of the concrete categories admitting and adjoint pair of functors $F \dashv G$ were $G$ is defined on the category sBan of separable Banach spaces and bounded ...
ABIM's user avatar
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7 votes
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Semantics-structure adjunction

In the discussion on the nLab article for monadic adjunctions, John Baez suggests and Mike Shulman confirms that the relationship between adjunctions and monads itself constitutes an adjunction called ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Adjunctions between Groupoids and Hilbert spaces

I am interested in any adjunctions between any of the familiar categories of Groupoids and the category of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Do any exist? Are there any well know monads on the ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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13 votes
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Categories which are both monadic and comonadic over another category

I heard a professor say that $\lambda$-rings are both monadic and comonadic over commutative rings. Remark 2.11(a) on the nlab page says the same. What does it mean, intuitively, that a category is ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Free commutative monoid monad

Has the monad induced by the free commutative monoid functor already been studied anywhere? Does it have any particular properties (other than not being cartesian)? I would prefer a reference on ...
geodude's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Is there a monad on Set whose algebras are Tychonoff spaces?

Compact Hausdorff spaces are algebras of the ultrafilter monad on Set. Is the category of Tychonoff spaces also monadic over Set?
Gerrit Begher's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Reference request: 2-Monads and 2-Adjunctions

Given a category $\mathcal C$ together with a monad $T$ on $\mathcal C$, we get an adjunction $$\mathcal C^T(T-,-)\cong \mathcal C(-,\mathrm{For}-).$$ Is the same true for 2-monads on a 2-category?
Gerrit Begher's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Adjunctions: algebras of the induced monad VS. coalgebras of the induced comonad

Given an adjunction, we get a monad on one side and a comonad on the other side. What is the connection between their algebra and coalgebra categories? Are they always equivalent? The example i have ...
Gerrit Begher's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

An elementary question about adjunctions between presheaf categories preserving pullbacks.

A functor $C \to D$ between categories induces a morphism of presheaf categories $Pre(D) \to Pre(C)$. This functor has a left adjoint given by left Kan extension and I am interested in knowing when ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Free monad or monad defined from an adjunction.

My first question here. Accordingly to M. Barr "Coequalizers and free triples" by a free triple (or free monad) generated by an endofunctor $R: X\rightarrow{X}$ we mean a triple $T=(T,\eta,\nu)$ and ...
user6250's user avatar