A useful result due to Linton is that for a cocomplete category $C$ and monad $T$ on $C$, if the category of algebras $C^T$ admits reflexive coequalisers, then it is cocomplete (see here for a sketch of a proof).
Are there any analogous results in the literature for enriched categories? More specifically, let $V$ be a monoidal category, let $C$ be a $V$-category admitting all weighted colimits, and let $T$ be a $V$-monad on $C$ admitting a $V$-category of algebras $C^T$. Is there a convenient collection of weights $\Phi$ such that, if $C^T$ admits $\Phi$-weighted colimits, then $C^T$ admits all weighted colimits? Ideally when $V = \mathrm{Set}$, this would reduce to Linton's characterisation. (Clearly if $C^T$ admits conical colimits and copowers, it is cocomplete, so I am interested in more minimal assumptions than these.) $V$ may be assumed sufficiently nice.