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Let $M = \frac{1}{2}(A + {A^T})$ be real symmetric nonnegative matrix. Why does $\rho (A) \le {\lambda _{\max }}(M)$?

Let $A \in M_n$ be nonnegative, and consider the real symmetric nonnegative matrix $M = \frac{1}{2}(A + {A^T})$. Why does $\rho (A) \le {\lambda _{\max }}(M)$?
1_1's user avatar
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A question on Perron–Frobenius theorem [closed]

Let $A \in M_n$ is nonnegative(all $a_{ij}\ge0$). Suppose $A$ has a nonnegative eigenvector(all entries$\ge0$ ) with $r ≥ 1$ positive entries and $n − r$ zero entries. Why is there a permutation ...
user85008's user avatar
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Perturbation of eigenvalues of some special matrices

In perturbation theory of linear operators, one major question is how the eigenvalues of a linear operator $A$ change under a small perturbation, $A(x) = A + xP$, with $x\in\mathbb{R}$. For instance, ...
shahulhameed's user avatar
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Is my particular finite dimension Toeplitz matrix always strictly positive?

Let $H(\omega), \; -\pi \leq \omega \leq \pi$ be a real-valued function with a continuous band of zeros, that is (for simplicity) $H(\omega)=0, \; |\omega|\geq \beta \pi$. Define a sequence of banded ...
Tommy Ding's user avatar
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Matrices with a common Fischer basis

Let $A$ be a real symmetric $n\times n$ matrix, normalized such that $Tr[A]=1$. Define a 'Fischer basis' as the basis in which all diagonal elements are equal to $\frac{1}{n}$. The motivation for ...
Bharath H M's user avatar
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matrix-theoretic terminology query

Is there an accepted term for the following property? Let $A$ be a real matrix such that all entries of the eigenvector corresponding to the least eigenvalue have the same sign. NOTES: (1) The case ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Simultaneous Jordanization

Hello everyone I would like to have a detailed reference to the statement bellow: Let $A,B\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ such that $AB=BA$. Suppose $A$ has real eigenvalues only and $B$ is ...
driss-alamilouati's user avatar
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$P(Z)$ is matrix polynomials. Why is $s_n$ smooth in a neighbourhood of $Z$?

Let $A_j \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$, ($j = 0,1,2,\ldots,m$) and $P(Z) = A_m Z^m + \cdots + A_1 Z + A_0$ is a matrix polynomial, and $Z $ is a complex variable. $Z$ is eigenvalue of $P(Z )$ if $\...
R.T MAN's user avatar
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Under what conditions does $x^TA^{-1}y> 0$ hold? $A$ is a symmetric positive definite matrix,$A\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}_+, x,y\in \mathbb{R}^{n}_+$

This is a tricky problem I encountered in my research. $A\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}_+, x,y\in \mathbb{R}^{n}_+$, i.e. $\forall 1\leq i \leq n, 1 \leq j\leq n, A(i, j)>0, x(i), y(i)>0$. As known, ...
Songqiao Hu's user avatar
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Define a matrix function with a specific property

Let $S$ be the set of all positive semidefinite Hermitian matrices of order $mn$ over $\mathbb{C}$. Any matrix $H$ can be partitioned into blocks $H_{ij}$ of order $n$ that is $H_{mn \times mn} = (H_{...
Supriyo's user avatar
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Does positivity of the n(n-1)/2 principal minors formed from 2 x 2 submatrices ensure positive-definiteness of the n x n matrix itself?

I am interested in conditions under which an $n \times n$ matrix ($\rho$) is positive definite. Of course, one necessary and sufficient set of conditions is that the $n$ leading minors of $\rho$ each ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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Choosing the best submatrix

Let $\mathbf{A}_{m\times n}$ be a matrix with non-negative elements. Assume that a submatrix $\mathbf{B}$ from $\mathbf{A}$ is defined as \begin{align} B_{i,j} = \begin{cases} A_{i,j}, & i\in\...
Math_Y's user avatar
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The order of companion matrix over various modulo

We consider a positive integer number and call it our modulo and denote it with $m$. We choose a positive integer number like $p$ and call it the degree of our polynomial. We select $p$ integer ...
Amin235's user avatar
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Solution of infinite dimension linear system

Suppose that ${a_n}$ and $b_n$ is decreasing sequence such that $a_0=A$, $lim_{n->\infty}a_n=0$ and $b_0=B$, $lim_{n->\infty}b_n=0$. For fix n, we can construct n dimension linear equation ...
user155214's user avatar
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Inequality between product of companion matrices and power of Pisot number

Let $d\geqslant 2$ be an integer and consider a convergent sequence of "companion" matrices $$A_k := \begin{pmatrix} a_{k,1} & a_{k,2} & \cdots & a_{k,d} \\\ & ...
Kermatoni's user avatar
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Given two rectangular matrices and they yield the same results when they are multiplied by their own transposes. What can we say about them?

Suppose we have $MM^T = NN^T$, where $M$ and $N$ are both $n$ by $d$ matrices. Assume that $n$ is (much) larger than $d$, are there anything we could conclude about $M$ and $N$, aside from that $N$ ...
Yrey's user avatar
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Adding the AWGN to the data makes its covariance matrix always positive definite?

I'm working on a numerical method that estimates direction-of-arrivals in antenna arrays. I realized that every time I add the AWGN (Additive white Gaussian noise) to a data (which is a matrix), its (...
Tiago Troccoli's user avatar
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Unitarily equivalent matrices that are also unitarily equivalent on orthogonal subspaces

Consider two positive semidefinite matrices $A$ and $B$ on $\mathbb C^d$. Let $\{P_i\}_{i=1}^m$ be a complete family of $m$ orthogonal projectors on $\mathbb C^d$ (i.e., $P_i^*=P_i, P_iP_j=\delta_{ij}...
Henrik's user avatar
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Rank decomposition of matrices over $\mathbb F_2$

Given an integer matrix $M\in\mathbb Z^{n\times n}$ of real rank $k$ what is the minimum and maximum number of rank $1$ matrices $B_1$ to $B_t$ we require so that $M\equiv\sum_{i=1}^tB_i\bmod 2$? If $...
Turbo's user avatar
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Lipschitz solutions to linear complementarity problems (LCP)

Let $M\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$. For $q\in\mathbb{R}^n$, define the set: $$S_M(q)=\{y\in\mathbb{R}^n|y\ge 0,q+My\ge 0, y^\top (q+My)=0\}.$$ This is the set of solutions to the LCP $(q,M)$. We say $...
cfp's user avatar
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Rewriting Kronecker product

im considering a pole placement problem in control theory and my controler has a specific form: $$R=I_n\otimes q$$ where $I_n$ is the identitiy matrix of size $n$ and $q\in\Re^k$ is a vector of the ...
BigL's user avatar
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Square root of a circulant matrix block

I'm trying to show the following: Given the following $n\times n$ symmetric circulant matrices $$A^*=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -\mu_a & 0 & ...&0&-\mu_a \\ -\mu_a & 1 & -\mu_a &...
Giovanni Febbraro's user avatar
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Is a basis that almost diagonalizes a matrix 'close' to its eigenbasis?

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be diagonalisable (over $\mathbb{C}$) with pairwise distinct eigenvalues $\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_n\in\mathbb{C}$, and suppose that $$\tag{1}S^{-1}\cdot A\cdot S = \...
fsp-b's user avatar
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L_q matrix inequality

The following arose out of studying $\ell_q$ Lewis weights. Let $P$ be a real $n \times n$ orthogonal projection matrix (i.e., $P$ is symmetric and $P^2 = P$) and let $W$ be the diagonal matrix ...
yangpliu's user avatar
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"Probability" for a partitioned matrix to be singular

Let $A,B\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be two nonsingular matrices with $A\ne B$, and consider the following partitioned matrix $$ M:=\begin{bmatrix}AA^\top + BB^\top & A^\top \Delta_1 A + B^\top \...
Ludwig's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the matrix obtained by letting some of the rows vanish, hoping for some inequality

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix. Let $A_k$ be the matrix obtained by keeping the first $k$ rows of $A$ fixed and substituting $0$ for the rows $k+1$ to $n$. To be precise, we write $A= [R_1...R_k, ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Comparison of two similarity matrices

English is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes. I'm working with two similarity matrices on the same data set: Suppose I have $n$ items, and I calculated the similarity of each item ...
Catasaur's user avatar
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Hadamard $\ell_2$ sum of two symmetric positive semidefinite matrices

This is a follow-up question to this and this. Let $A=(a_{ij})$ and $B=(b_{ij})$ be symmetric positive semidefinite $n\times n$ matrices such that all $a_{ij}\geq 0$, $b_{ij}\geq 0$ and $a_{ii}=b_{ii}...
D_809's user avatar
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Upper bound on matrix perturbation such that all eigenvalues lie within the unit circle

Consider the matrix $$N=\left[\matrix{\mathbb{I}_n-\epsilon L & X\\ \epsilon Y & Z}\right]$$ where $\epsilon>0$ is a small positive parameter and $Z$ is a square $m\times m$ matrix with ...
CTNT's user avatar
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vector equation

Suppose you have an equation of the form $Hx=Ky$, where $x,y$ are vectors of length $n,m$ respectively ($m>n$) and $H,K$ are matrices of orders $n \times n,n \times m$ respectively. Is there some ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Nonnegative Matrix

Let $A=E+\sqrt{-1}B$, where $E=diag\{0,1,\cdots,1\}$, $B$ is a real symmetric matrix. Let $A^*$ denote the adjoint matrix of $A$, i.e. $AA^*=\det A\cdot I$. I hope the real part of adjoint matrix ${\...
Yiyan's user avatar
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$A\geq B\Rightarrow A^{-1}\leq B^{-1}$ entrywise for pos.def. symmetric matrices?

My question follows from Suppose we assume that $A$ and $B$ are two positive definite matrices with positive ...
user812951's user avatar
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Determinant of $Z^TZ$ [closed]

If one is looking at the characteristic polynomial of the $m \times m$ dimensional matrix $Z^TZ$ then apparently the coefficient of $(-1)^{m-k}$ in it can be written as, $\sum_{U \subset [m], V \...
gradstudent's user avatar
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How to show the square root function of a positive semidefinite matrix is differentiable? [closed]

How to show the square root function of a positive semidefinite matrix is differentiable? In this context PSD means symmetric PSD.
Hao S's user avatar
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finding a unitary submatrix inside a random matrix

Let $\mathbf{R} \in \mathbb{C}^{~m \times n} $ with $m \leq n $ be a random matrix, whose entries are i.i.d zero mean random variables with circularly symmetric Normal distribution. Let where $r$ be ...
Jeff's user avatar
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spectrum of a special class of tridiagonal matrices

Consider a real and symmetric tridiagonal matrix with zero diagonals and where subdiagonals and superdiagonals are equal to 1 except the (1,2)-th component being equal to $a$, i.e., $$\begin{bmatrix}...
Tanyanat's user avatar
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Derivative of log determinant [closed]

Let $x_i \in\mathbb{R}^d$ and $a_i\in [0,1]$ for $i = 1,\dots,k$. How to compute the following derivative? $$ \frac{d}{da_j}\log \det\left(\sum_{i = 1}^k a_ix_ix_i^\top\right). $$
Apprentice's user avatar

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