Let $d\geqslant 2$ be an integer and consider a convergent sequence of "companion" matrices $$A_k := \begin{pmatrix} a_{k,1} & a_{k,2} & \cdots & a_{k,d} \\\ & & & 0\\\ & I_{d-1} & & \vdots\\\ & & & 0 \end{pmatrix} \underset{k\to +\infty}{\longrightarrow} \begin{pmatrix} a_{1} & a_{2} & \cdots & a_{d} \\\ & & & 0\\\ & I_{d-1} & & \vdots\\\ & & & 0 \end{pmatrix}=: A$$ where $I_{d-1}$ is the identity matrix of order $d-1$ and $(a_{k,1})_k, \ldots, (a_{k,d})_k$ are sequences such that (EDIT) $|a_{k,j_0}|\leqslant a_k$ and which respectively converge to integers $a_1,\ldots,a_d$ such that $a_1 \geqslant \ldots \geqslant a_d\geqslant 1$. Therefore, $A$ has a dominating real eigenvalue $\alpha$ (which is also a Pisot–Vijayaraghavan number).
Can we estimate the error between $\|A_{k+1}\cdots A_{k+j_0}\|$ and $\alpha^{j_0}$ (or else $\|A^{j_0}\|$) for some matrix norm $\|\cdot\|$ and integer $j_0\geqslant 1$ ?
More precisely : does there exist a matrix norm $\|\cdot\|$, an integer $j_0\geqslant 1$ and a positive sequence $(u_{k})$ going to $0$ such that $\|A_{k+1}\cdots A_{k+j_0}\| \leqslant \alpha^{j_0}\exp(-u_{k})$ ?
This is a question to generalize the following example: if I take $d=2$, $a_{k,1}=1$ and $a_{k,2}=e^{iv_k}$ with $v_k\to 0$ i.e. $$A_k = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & e^{iv_k} \\\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} \underset{k\to +\infty}{\longrightarrow} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1\\\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} = A,$$ then $\alpha$ is the golden ratio. The spectral norm (or $2$-norm) $\|\cdot\|_2$ and $j_0=2$ work, because we have $\|A_k\|_2= \alpha$ and we can calculate/estimate by hand $$ \|A_{k+1}A_{k+2}\|^2_2 = \rho\left((A_{k+1}A_{k+2})(A_{k+1}A_{k+2})^\ast)\right) \leqslant \alpha^4-c(1-\cos(v_{k+2})) \leqslant \alpha^4-c'|e^{iv_{k+2}}-1|^2,$$ where $\rho$ is the spectral radius, and thus $\|A_{k+1}A_{k+2}\|_2 \leqslant \alpha^2\exp(-c''|e^{iv_{k+2}}-1|^2)$, where $c,c',c''>0$ are absolute constants.
The case $d=2$ seems too complex by hand for me, or else $(a_{k,j})$ has to be like $\exp(i\sum b_k)$ or $\sum \exp(ib_k)$ to expect some result... Thank you in advance, any remark/advice/help will be very appreciated.