Consider the matrix $$N=\left[\matrix{\mathbb{I}_n-\epsilon L & X\\ \epsilon Y & Z}\right]$$ where $\epsilon>0$ is a small positive parameter and $Z$ is a square $m\times m$ matrix with all eigenvalues within the unit circle. All eigenvalues of $n\times n$ matrix $L$ have positive real part. I am interested on obtaining upper bounds (if they exist) on $\epsilon$ so that all eigenvalues of $N$ lie within the unit circle or else find some counterexample such that the matrix has an eigenvalue with magnitude larger than 1 for all values of $\epsilon>0$.
I was thinking to use Bauer-Fike theorem but the unperturbed matrix $$ \left[\matrix{\mathbb{I}_n & X\\ 0 & Z}\right]$$ has exactly $n$ eigenvalues on the unit circle.