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Conceptual understanding of the Néron–Severi group

I'm trying to understand the importance of the Néron–Severi group $\operatorname{NS}(X)$ when $X$ is, say a complex manifold. My background is in the analytic side so I'm much more familiar with line ...
Niemero's user avatar
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Nonabelian Hodge correspondence for $\mathbb{G}_m$

Please excuse me if this question is too naive. I know very little about the nonabelian Hodge correspondence but I am trying to understand how the correspondence works in the simplest case of the ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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On spin structure for Kähler manifolds and square roots of $\det (TX)$

I'm stuck on the proof that for a (compact) Kähler manifold $X$ (of complex dimension $n$), a spin structure on the tangent bundle $TX$ is equivalent to a line bundle $L$ together with an isomorphism $...
Alessandro Nanto's user avatar
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Positivity of self-intersection of dicisor associated to meromorphic function

In the book "Holomorphic Vector Bundles over Compact Complex Surfaces" by Vasile Brînzănescu, in the proof of theorem 2.13 there is the following claim Let $X$ be a compact non-algebraic ...
JerryCastilla's user avatar
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Compact complex manifolds with nef canonical bundle have nonnegative Kodaira dimension

Let $X$ be a compact Kähler manifold with nef canonical bundle. The (Kähler extension of the) abundance conjecture asserts that $K_X$ is semi-ample, and thus $K_X^{\otimes m}$ admits a section for ...
ABBC's user avatar
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Symmetric group-cocycle descends to symmetric product

Let $C$ be a complex curve with universal covering $\tilde{C}$ (which in my case is the upper half plane). Any group-cocylce $e \in H^1(\pi_1(C^n),H^0(\tilde{C}{}^n,\mathcal{O}^{\times}))$ defines a ...
KuSi's user avatar
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Universal covering of symmetric product

Let $C$ be a 1-dimensional complex manifold whose universal covering is provided by the half-plane $\mathcal{H}=\{z \in \mathbb{C} \mid \operatorname{Im}z>0\}$. The symmetric product $C^{(n)} = C^n ...
KuSi's user avatar
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One-point compactification of ample line bundle

Given a smooth complex projective variety with an ample line bundle $L$, it seems to be folklore that one can get a one-point compactification of the total space $\mathbb{V}(L)$ of $L$ such that ...
Oromis's user avatar
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Representatives of line bundle cohomology over tori

Let $V^n$ a be a $\mathbb{C}$-vector space. For $U\subset V$ a complete lattice, the holomorphic line bundles over $V/U$ are classified (see e.g. `Abelian varieties', D. Mumford) by data $(H,\alpha)$ ...
R. González Molina's user avatar
5 votes
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Compact complex non-Kähler manifolds with nef canonical bundle

Are there examples of compact complex manifolds $X$ with $K_X$ nef, but $X$ is not Kähler? Perhaps even non-Moishezon examples? Here, nef can be defined as follows: For any $\varepsilon>0$ there is ...
ABBC's user avatar
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From a factor of automorphy on an abelian variety to a divisor

Given a complex abelian variety $A = V/\Gamma$ (for $\Gamma$ being a lattice in the complex vector space $V$), one knows how to describe a holomorphic line bundle in terms of factors of automorphy: By ...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Holomorphic sections to anti-holomorphic sections

Let $X$ be a compact Kähler manifold and $L$ be a holomorphic line bundle on $X$ with a Hermitian metric $h$. I am trying to give a norm preserving isomorphism between the space of holomorphic ...
Partha's user avatar
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Proof of uniqueness in the universal property of Poincaré line bundles

My question concerns the proof of a part of Lemma IV.2.2 (pag. 168) of the book Geometry of Algebraic Curves. vol. I by Arbarello, Cornalba, Griffiths and Harris. In order to state my problem, let me ...
Vanni's user avatar
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Questions on Néron–Severi group

$\DeclareMathOperator\NS{NS}\DeclareMathOperator\Pic{Pic}$I have two questions on a comment from Daniel Hyubrechts's Complex Geometry on pages 133/134. Let $X$ be a compact Kähler manifold. Consider ...
user267839's user avatar
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Does there exist a notion of Chern classes in intersection cohomology?

First of all: I apologize for my mistakes, I'm a freshman in intersection cohomology. Let $X$ be a (compact) complex analytic space, let $L$ be a line bundle over $X$. Can one define a notion of ...
Armando j18eos's user avatar
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Arnold's theorem on small denominators and holomorphic tubular neighborhoods

By a theorem of Grauert, along a curve with negative self-intersection a complex surface is locally biholomorphic to a neighborhood of the zero section of that curve inside its normal bundle. For ...
Rodion N. Déev's user avatar
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Do line bundles with enough sections on surfaces have generic divisors which are irreducible?

Let $L$ be a line bundle on a smooth connected complete complex algebraic surface $X$. Assume that $L$ has enough sections i.e. that $H^0(L,X)$ has dimension $> 1$. A nonzero section $s$ of $L$ ...
Kim's user avatar
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When is the space of holomorphic sections of the tensor product of two line bundles given by the span of the tensor product of the basis?

Let $S$ be a compact complex manifold and $L_1, L_2 \longrightarrow S$ be two holomorphic line bundles. Under what conditions (hopefully something that is easy to check) on $L_1$ and $L_2$ is the ...
Ritwik's user avatar
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Connection on line bundle over general simplicial toric variety

In, on page 60 and 61, it is mentioned that the connection of $\mathcal{O}(-n)$ over a (simplicial) toric variety of the form $$ (\mathbb{C}^N \backslash U)/(\...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Picard group of toric varieties

I am trying to understand how to obtain the Picard group for general toric varieties. So far, I have been using information found in . Here, a toric variety has ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Holomorphic line bundles associated to multiple U(1) groups, defined over toric manifolds

The sections of the holomorphic line bundle $\mathcal{O}(n)$ are acted on by the covariant derivative $$ d+nA, $$ where $A$ is the connection on the $U(1)$ bundle to which $\mathcal{O}(n)$ is ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Holomorphic line bundles on smooth points of a quotient

I am an amateur algebraic geometer, so maybe this question is trivial and if this is the case, then I apologize. This is a question that came up while working on something completely different. ...
shamovic's user avatar
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Nef line bundles over complex analytic spaces

Let $L$ be a line bundle over a compact complex manifold $X$ with a Hermitian metric $\omega$: $L$ is said numerically effective (nef, for short) if for any $\epsilon>0$ there exists a smooth ...
Armando j18eos's user avatar
3 votes
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Fibers of pushforward of a bundle when the fiber dimension is not constant

I could not decide if I should post this question in MO or Mathstackexchange, so feel free to downvote it if you think it does not belong here. I will delete my post and post it in MathSE in that case....
Irfan Kadikoylu's user avatar
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How the existence of holomorphic sections depends on the choice of complex structure

In this Mathoverflow question it is asked how many invariant complex structures exist on the full flag manifold of $SU(m)$. In this question it is asked when a line bundle over a flag manifold has ...
Han Jin Ma's user avatar
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Pencils in very ample linear systems without curve in its base locus

If $L$ is a very ample line bundle over a smooth complex projective surface $X$ and $s_0, \dots, s_n$ is a basis of the global sections of $L$, is there some choice of $i,j$ such that the pencil ...
Alan Muniz's user avatar
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Line bundles with vanishing cohomology on Calabi-Yau manifold

Suppose we have some line bundle $L(D)$ on Calabi-Yau threefold. Let's call this line bundle "rigid" if $H^0(X,L(D)) \simeq \mathbb{C}$ and $H^i(X,L(D))=0$ for $i=1,2,3$. Is anything known about such ...
Mathemage's user avatar
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When can one find holomorphic sections vanishing at a point to a certain order?

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold (say of dimension $2$) and $L \rightarrow X $ a holomorphic line bundle. Consider the following statements: Statement $A_0$: Given any point $p\in X$, there ...
Ritwik's user avatar
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Holomorphic Line Bundles over a Homogeneous Space

Let $M=G/H$ be (compact) homogeneous complex manifold, and let $L$ be a line bundle over $M$. Can one always equip $L$ with a holomorphic structure? Can there be more then one such holomorphic ...
Christian Fischmann's user avatar
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Birkhoff decomposition vanishing of the Chern numbers

Birkhoff decomposition vanishing of the Chern numbers of the holomorphic line bundles of the Birkhoff-Grothendieck decomposition, is some statement I read off in One of Connes papers. Without going ...
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Unicity of a vector field on $S^1$-bundle

Let M be a complex smooth manifold,and let $\zeta $ be a vector filed on $M$, why always there exists a unique vector field $\hat{\zeta }$ on $L^{\times}$ which project down to $\zeta $ and $\alpha( ...
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An isomorphism on space of smooth sections

Let $M$ be a smooth complex manifold and $L$ be a complex line bundle over $M$. Let $\Gamma(M,L)$ be the space of smooth sections. Why $\Gamma(M,L)$ is it isomorphic to $$A=\{f:L^{\times}\to \mathbb{...
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Non-compact Kähler manifolds which admit a positive line bundle

A complex manifold which admits a positive line bundle is automatically Kähler. Furthermore, if the manifold is compact, then it is projective by the Kodaira Embedding Theorem. In particular, not ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
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Connections on line bundles over the torus

If I understand correctly, every line bundle $L$ over the (2-dim) torus can be obtained from a quotient of $\mathbb{R}^2 \times \mathbb{C}$ by a $\mathbb{Z}^2$ lattice action. Different line bundles ...
Blake's user avatar
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Uniformity of injectivity for maps associated to linear systems

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold and $L\to X$ a holomorphic line bundle (without any a priori assumption on its positivity). Suppose that for each $x,y\in X$, with $x\ne y$, there exists a $k_0\...
diverietti's user avatar
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Pullback along the Torelli map is an isomorphism

I've been told many times that the Torelli map $J:\mathcal{M}_g\to \mathcal{A}_g$ for ($g\geq 2$, and at least on the level of coarse moduli spaces, over $\mathbb{C}$) gives an isomorphism of Picard ...
Charles Siegel's user avatar
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A line bundle not big but with good intersection numbers

Let $X$ be a complex projective manifold of complex dimension $n$ and $A\to X$ an ample line bundle. Let $L\to X$ be a line bundle such that $$ c_1(L)^k\cdot c_1(A)^{n-k}>0,\quad k=1,\dots,n. $$ Is ...
diverietti's user avatar
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Tensor product of a line bundle with a large multiple of another positive line bundle also positive?

Let $X$ be a complex manifold and $\mathcal{L}$ be a positive line bundle on $X$. If $E$ is any other line bundle on $X$, then is it true that for all sufficiently large $m$, $\mathcal{L}^m \otimes E$ ...
pinaki's user avatar
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Relationship between Line Bundles with isomorphic ring of sections

Suppose two positive holomorphic line bundles $L_1 \to X_1, L_2\to X_2$ over two projective complex manifold $X_1, X_2$ have isomorphic ring of sections $R=R_1=R_2$ where $R_i=\oplus_{m=0}^\infty\...
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