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41 votes
3 answers

What is the classifying space of "G-bundles with connections"

Let $G$ be a (maybe Lie) group, and $M$ a space (perhaps a manifold). Then a principal $G$-bundle over $M$ is a bundle $P \to M$ on which $G$ acts (by fiber-preserving maps), so that each fiber is a $...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

one-parameter subgroup and geodesics on Lie group

Hi, Given a Matrix Lie Group, I would like to know if the one-parameter subgroups (which can be written as $\exp^{tX}$) are the same as the geodesics (locally distance minimizing curves). Geodesics ...
frank's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

The Schwartz Space on a Manifold

I asked this question a couple of days ago on math.stackexchange, but have yet to receive a response, so I have decided to post this here. This question is also vaguely related (both questions arose ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

$A_{\infty}$-structure on closed manifold

Is there an exmaple of a closed smooth connected manifold $M$ having a structure of $A_{\infty}$-space (with unit) but $M$ is not homeomorphic to a compact connectd Lie group as space ? Edit: First, ...
Ilias A.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Non-Lie Subgroups

A result of Borel and Lichnerowicz states that the holonomy group of a connection on a principal $G$-bundle is a Lie subgroup of $G$ (Cartan had earlier asserted this, but apparently without proof). ...
Harold Williams's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Approximate classifying space by boundaryless manifolds?

As pointed out by Achim Krause, any finite CW complex is homotopy equivalent to a manifold with boundary (by embedding into $\mathbb R^n$ and thickening), and so every finite type CW complex can be ...
0207's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Neighborhoods of the identity in diffeomorphism groups

Finite dimensional Lie groups have the nice property that if $V$ is a small neighborhood of the identity, and $U \subset V$ another neighborhood, then $V$ is covered by $U^k$ (the set of all products ...
Yuri M.'s user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Sullivan conjecture for compact Lie groups

Let $G$ be a topological group, and $M$ a connected compact smooth manifold. I'm studying $$ \pi_0 (map (BG,M)). $$ For $G$ a finite group, we know that this is just a point by the Sullivan ...
Alexander Körschgen's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Formal vector fields vs. (standard) vector fields

Given a smooth manifold $M$, one can consider the Lie algebra $\mathcal{X}(M)$ of vector fields equipped with the standard Lie bracket. This is a standard machinery of differential geometry. Gelfand ...
truebaran's user avatar
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8 votes
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How special are homogeneous spaces?

Let $M$ be a smooth finite dimensional manifold, how restrictive is it to require $M$ to admit a smooth action by a finite dimensional Lie group $G$? Related questions/approaches: Of course we need $\...
GFR's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Exact condition for smooth homogeneous to imply Riemannian homogeneous for compact manifolds

Let $ (M,g) $ be a homogeneous Riemannian manifold. That is, the isometry group $ Iso(M,g) $ acts transitively on $ M $. Let $ \pi_1(M) $ be the fundamental group of $ M $. Then $ \pi_1(M) $ has ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

On fixed point sets of actions of compact Lie groups

Let a compact Lie group $G$ act smoothly on a compact smooth manifold $M$. For any compact subgroup $H\subset G$ denote by $E^H$ the image in $M/G$ of the fixed point set of $H$ in $M$. Is it true ...
asv's user avatar
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7 votes
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Quotient by a non-free action of a Lie group and manifolds with corners

The quotient manifold theorem says that If $G$ is a Lie group acting freely and properly on a smooth manifold $M$ then $M/G$ has a (unique) smooth structure such that the projection $\pi:M\to M/G$...
Overflowian's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does a Trivial Tangent Bundle Induce a Multiplication?

Let $M$ be a connected smooth manifold, and assume that it is parallelisable; that is, its tangent bundle is trivial. Does $M$ admit an H space structure? That is, does there exist a smooth map $\mu:...
Jordan Watts's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Question on transversal slice of Lie group

Assume we have action of Lie group $G$ on a manifold $X$. Fix some orbit $\mathcal{O}$, it is known there exist transversal slice $S$ with respect to this orbit. Fix some point $x$ in $\mathcal{O}$, ...
JJH's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Lie Semigroups?

Why is a Lie group wanted instead of a semigroup, what does the group structure give? References on this would be much appreciated. I'm currently pondering manifolds and lie groups and their ...
Michael Hoffman's user avatar
6 votes
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Quotient space, a fundamental group, and higher homotopy groups 2

Previously, I ask for comments/suggestions on setting up the calculation in Quotient space, homogeneous space, and higher homotopy groups. There, however, I was looking for whatever methods and tools ...
wonderich's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Existence of an isotopy in Riemannian manifold

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold, and $p,q\in M$ be two fixed points. We assume $p,q$ are close enough. Say, we assume $p$ and $q$ are in the same normal coordinate chart. It is clear that there ...
Hang's user avatar
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Is $S$ a smooth submanifold of $M$?

Let $G$ be a Lie group and $H$ a Lie subgroup of $G$. Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. Let $\theta$ be a left smooth action of $G$ on $M$. Let $S=\{p\in M| G_p=H\}$, where $G_p$ is the isotropy ...
Born to be proud's user avatar
5 votes
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Nonlinear sigma models with non-compact groups / target spaces

A nonlinear σ model (NLSM) describes a scalar field Σ which takes on values in a nonlinear manifold called the target manifold T. The target manifold T is equipped with a Riemannian metric g. Σ is ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Poincaré–Bendixson theorem on the torus

I was reading the paper A Generalization of a Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem to Closed Two-Dimensional Manifolds by Arthur J. Schwartz which proves the following theorem: THEOREM. Let $M$ be a ...
hamid kamali's user avatar
5 votes
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Differential structures on compact Lie groups

Given a compact Lie group can there be a differential structure on it with respect to which one cannot define a smooth group operation?
LarrySollod's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Boundary of the image of a compact manifold in the complex plane

The Question Consider the trace of an $n \times n$ unitary matrix with determinant 1 \begin{align} f: SU(n) &\rightarrow \mathbb{C}\\ U \mapsto \text{tr}\, U &= \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n-1} z_i + \...
Jonathan Rayner's user avatar
5 votes
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Specify the embedding of Lie groups (via the representation map) precisely as the embedding of two differentiable manifolds

How do we specify the embedding of a Lie group $G_1$ as a subgroup into a larger Lie group $G_2$, with $G_1 \subset G_2$ that agree with a constraint on the mapping between their representations? By ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Typical preimage of the commutator map

By Goto's theorem for any compact connected semisimple Lie group $G$ of dimension $n$, any element $x\in G$ is a commutator, namely $x=[y,z]$ for some $y, z\in G$. Another way to say it is that the ...
Dmitri Scheglov's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the dimension of $M/G$ if it is a manifold and $G$ acts freely and smoothly?

Let $G$ be a Lie group acting smoothly and freely on a smooth manifold $M$. Suppose that the quotient space $M/G$ is a topological manifold. Do we have $$\dim(M/G)=\dim M-\dim G?$$ Notes: This ...
SHP's user avatar
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2 answers

Fixed points of the action of an algebraic group

Hello! If a compact Lie group $K$ acts smoothly on a smooth manifold $M$, then the set $M^K$ of fixed points under this action is a smooth submanifold of $M$. This is proved for example in ...
Hanno's user avatar
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Submanifold of a Lie group whose tangent bundle is invariant under group (left) action

Edit: According to the interesting comment of Tobias Fritz we revise the question. Assume that $G$ is a Lie group and $M\subseteq G$ is a closed connected smooth submanifold of $G$ containing the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
4 votes
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A Fréchet space characterization of smooth structures on topological spaces?

For a compact manifold $M$ the space of smooth functions $C^{\infty}(M)$ is a Fréchet space where the seminorms are the suprema of the norms of all partial derivatives. Is there some way to ...
Sven Mortenson's user avatar
4 votes
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Coordinates on quotient manifold $\mathrm{SO}(3)/\Gamma$

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$Say I have coordinates for $\SO(3,\mathbb{R})$, e.g., a parametrization by Euler angles. Is there a reasonable way to explicitly prescribe coordinates on the quotient ...
Eric Kubischta's user avatar
3 votes
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Is a manifold paracompact? Should it be?

We will say that a Hausdorff topological space $X$ is a smooth manifold if there is an open cover $(U_{\alpha})$ of $X$ and a corresponding collection of homeomorphisms $\varphi_{\alpha} : U_{\alpha} \...
AmorFati's user avatar
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analytic structure on lie groups

I need a reference for a result I have heard only very vaguely "A lie group (smooth) has a compatible analytic manifold structure". (Would even appreciate a concise way to refer to the result..) I ...
faquarl's user avatar
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Genericity of equivariant embeddings

I'd like to ask an equivariant version of this question. Let $M$ be a closed manifold equipped with the action of a compact Lie group $G$. By the Mostow-Palais embedding theorem, $M$ can be embedded ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Path lifting property for $\pi:M\rightarrow M/G$ for $G$ compact Lie acting smoothly and freely

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and let $G$ be a compact Lie group acting smoothly and freely over $M$. Let $\pi:M\rightarrow M/G$ be the canonical projection, and endow $M/G$ with the unique ...
Akerbeltz's user avatar
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Classification of "homogeneous" submanifolds of ℝⁿ

I define a subset $M$ of $\mathbb R^n$ to be a "homogeneous Euclidean manifold" if: it is a closed connected smooth submanifold of $\mathbb R^n$, for every $p, q$ in $M$, there is a ...
Andrea Aveni's user avatar
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Model geometry uniqueness

Let $ M $ be a compact connected manifold with $$ M \cong \Gamma \backslash G /H $$ where $G $ is a Lie group, $ H $ a compact subgroup, $\Gamma $ a discrete subgroup, and $ G/H $ is connected and ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
3 votes
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A cut-off function with controlled gradient

Suppose a Lie group $G$ acts properly on a manifold $M$. Let $\pi: M\rightarrow M/G$ be the projection. One can construct a bounded, smooth "cut-off" function $$c:M\rightarrow [0,\infty),$$ with two ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Locally nilpotent algebraic section of tangent bundle is complete?

Suppose $X$ is a smooth affine algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $V$ be an algebraic vector field (i.e. an algebraic section of the tangent bundle). If $V$ is locally nilpotent, meaning that ...
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The tangent bundle of $G \times_H M$

Let $G$ be a Lie group with a closed subgroup $H$, and let $M$ be a smooth $H$-manifold. I am searching for a reference where it is proved that the tangent bundle of $G \times_H M$ is isomorphic to ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Diffeomorphisms fixing origin and boundary

Let $D^n$ be a disc in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Is there a known characterization of all the diffeomorphisms of $D^n$ fixing the origin and boundary of $D^n$?
ABIM's user avatar
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Criteria for density of subgroup of diffeomorphism group

Let $C^{\infty,\star}(\mathbb{R}^d)$ denote the non-commutative topological group of smooth diffeomorphisms from $\mathbb{R}^d$ to itself with $\circ$ as multiplication and let $\emptyset\subset X\...
ABIM's user avatar
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Non-Abelian fundamental group? --- a bizarre example

For the quotient space $G=G_0/G_1$, knowing the homotopy groups of $G_0$ and $G_1$, one can determine homotopy groups from the long exact sequence $$ ... \to \pi_n(G_1) \to \pi_n(G_0) \to \...
wonderich's user avatar
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Cohomology of boundary of locally symmetric space

Let $S$ be a locally symmetric space, not necessarily compact, and $\overline{S}$ be its Borel-Serre compactification. Let $\partial S$ be the boundary of $S$. Let $\widetilde{\mathbb{C}}$ be the ...
Vanya's user avatar
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2 votes
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Space of representations of surface group into Lie groups

In the context of Goldman's paper The symplectic nature of fundamental groups of surfaces: Consider a closed oriented surface $S$ with fundamental group $\pi$, and let $G$ be a connected Lie group. ...
Zineb mazouzi's user avatar
2 votes
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Is $H$ closed in $G$?

Every smooth manifold is assumed to be Hausdorff and second-countable. Suppose $G$ is a Lie group, $H$ is a Lie subgroup of $G$, $N$ is a closed Lie subgroup of $G$ such that $N$ is normal, $N\cap H=\...
Born to be proud's user avatar
2 votes
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Embedding of the adjoint group into $\mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$

Given a connected Lie group $G$ with corresponding Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, the adjoint representation/action $\mathrm{Ad} : G \to \mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$ induces a Lie group homomorphism. It's ...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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$E \times_H \mathbb{R}^n$ is isomorphic to the total space of the tautological bundle $\gamma^n$ over $G_n(\mathbb{R}^{n+k})$?

Let $H$ be the subgroup of $\text{GL}(n + k, \mathbb{R})$ consisting of matrices whose lower $n \times k$ block is empty; i.e. consisting of matrices of the form$$\begin{pmatrix} A & * \\ 0 & ...
user74301's user avatar
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Slowly increasing smooth mappings with values in a Lie group?

Let $G$ be $l$-dimensional compact Lie group and consider any smooth $F : \mathbb{R}^n \to G$. Then, the first-order derivative of $F$ at each $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ can be regarded as a linear mapping $...
Isaac's user avatar
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Condition on a Lie groupoid to be represented by manifold/group or an action groupoid

Let $\mathcal{G}$ be a Lie groupoid. I am thinking of following questions. When do we know $\mathcal{G}$ is weakly/Morita equivalent to a Lie groupoid of the form $(G\rightrightarrows *)$ for some ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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A question regarding the action of a Lie subgroup

Suppose $H$ is a closed subgroup of a Lie group $G$. Then in Lee's book Introduction to Smooth Manifolds (Ch. 9) he showed that the action $H\times G\to G$ $(h,g)\mapsto gh$ is a smooth, free, proper ...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar