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Kirby diagram of the complement of a subhandlebody of a smooth closed 4-manifold

Let $X$ be a smooth closed connected 4-manifold. It admits a handlebody structure, having a unique 0- and a unique 4-handle. We can express the handlebody structure as a Kirby diagram (https://en....
blancket's user avatar
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Signature vs commensurability

If a closed oriented $4n$-dimensional manifold $M$ has an orientation-reversing homeomorphism, then the signature $\sigma(M)$ of the intersection form vanishes. More generally, $\sigma(M) = 0$ if $M$ ...
asd's user avatar
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25 votes
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Does every oriented $3$-dimensional submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^6$ bound an oriented $4$-dimensional submanifold?

In my recent research, I encountered the following problem about embeddings. Let $M^3$ be a closed compact oriented smooth $3$-dimensional submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^6$. Does there exist a compact ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
5 votes
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$\mathbb{CP}(2)$ from gluing boundary of 4-ball

Many manifolds can be obtained from gluing the boundary of a ball. For example, $\mathbb{RP}(2)$ is obtained from gluing the two edges of a bi-gon (2-ball). Or, lens spaces are obtained from a 3-cell ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Equivalence of knotted spheres in $S^4$

Say we have two smoothly embedded spheres $K, K' \subset S^4$ that are equivalent in the sense that there is a diffeomorphism of pairs $(S^4, K)$ and $(S^4, K')$. Does it follow that they are ...
Knut's user avatar
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Proving the Cork Theorem

I am reading Kirby's paper paper "Akbulut's corks and h-cobordisms of smooth simply connected 4-manifolds" and I have a question about how to actually prove the cork theorem from the results ...
failedentertainment's user avatar
14 votes
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When can we extend a diffeomorphism from a surface to its neighborhood as identity?

Let $M$ be a closed and simply-connected 4-manifold and let $f: M^4 \to M^4$ be a diffeomorphism such that $f^*: H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})\to H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})$ is the identity map. Moreover, let $\Sigma \...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
13 votes
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Low dimensional homotopy groups of $\operatorname{Top}(4)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\Top{Top}$I would like to compute $\pi_3\Top(4)$ and $\pi_4\Top(4)$. It is known that $\Top(4)/O(4) \rightarrow \Top/O$ is 5-connected and $$ \pi_k(\Top/O) = \begin{cases} ...
Oleksandr Kharchenko's user avatar
12 votes
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Property P and R for general 3-manifolds

Let $Y$ be a closed oriented $3$-manifold and $K$ be a knot in $Y$. We say $K$ is the unknot if $K$ is contained in a local $3$-ball in $Y$ and is unknotted therein. Generalized Property R: If a Dehn ...
Qiuyu Ren's user avatar
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Extend a circle action on $3$-manifolds

Let $M$ be an oriented closed $3$-manifold equipped with an effective smooth circle action. Can we have a classification of all such $M$ such that there exists a $4$-manifold $N$ with $\partial N=M$, ...
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Principal circle bundles over punctured $3$-sphere

Let $M$ be $S^3$ with $k$ disjoint open balls $D^3$ removed. Can we classify all principal circle bundles over $M$ such that the total space is simply-connected?
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Knotted concordances of slice links

Are there any examples of a link $L$ such that: $L$ is (strongly) slice, meaning that there exists a properly embedded collection $C$ of $n=|L|$ disjoint annuli in $S^3\times [0,1]$ such that $C\cap ...
Alessio Di Prisa's user avatar
6 votes
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Slice knots in 3-manifolds

Is there a nonslice knot $K\subset S^3$ that is slice in some closed oriented $3$-manifold $Y$? Here, when we say $K$ is slice in $Y$, it means that when regarded as a local knot in $Y\times\{1\}$, $K$...
Qiuyu Ren's user avatar
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14 votes
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Nonsmoothable 4-manifolds

Does there exist a closed connected nonsmoothable 4-manifold $M$ such that: $\kappa(M)=0$ (Kirby-Siebenmann invariant vanishes, hence, there is no "classical" obstruction to smoothability) ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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Local to global complexity of triangulations

Alright 3rd time's the charm - editing again to put all my cards on the table. Consider a PL $n$-manifold $M$. Define the complexity $c(M)$ of $M$ to be the minimum number of $n$-simplices needed to ...
rab's user avatar
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Detecting a "bad map" in Fintushel-Stern knot surgery

Background Let $X$ be a simply-connected smooth 4-manifold which contains a smoothly embedded torus $T$ with trivial normal bundle (in other words, $T^2\times D^2\subset X$). Let $K$ be a knot in $S^3$...
rab's user avatar
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5 votes
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Kirby diagrams of Mazur manifolds

In the 1980's, Fintushel-Stern and Fickle independently proved that Brieskorn spheres $\Sigma(2,3,25)$ and $\Sigma(3,5,19)$ bound some Mazur type contractible 4-manifolds with a single $0$-, $1$, and $...
Upside Down's user avatar
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Kirby diagram of Enriques surface (as the "(1/2) K3 surface")

Not to be confused with $E(1)\cong\mathbb{C}P^2\#9\overline{\mathbb{C}P^2}$, which is also known as a $\frac{1}{2}K3$ surface (in the sense that removing a neighbourhood of a regular torus fiber in $E(...
rab's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is the Lipschitz structure on $\mathbb{S}^4$ unique?

Sullivan [S] proved that on any $n$-dimensional, $n\neq 4$, topological manifold there is a unique Lipschitz structure. Although it is generally accepted result, it seems that the proof lacks some ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
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What are some of the big open problems in $4$-manifold theory?

I've recently been studying some Manifold Theory and got very interested in their topological as well as geometric properties. From my understanding of the current literature, most the big and ...
math-physicist's user avatar
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4-manifold $M$ with intersection form of Leech lattice

Do we know any 4-manifold $M$ with intersection form of rank-24 Leech lattice? Is $M$ smooth? Differentiable to which $n$-order? Can $M$ be obtained by any surgery on 3 copies of E8 4-manifolds with ...
zeta's user avatar
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0-surgery on a fibered hyperbolic ribbon knot

Does there exist a fibering hyperbolic ribbon knot such that the 0 surgery is exceptional? If so does there exist such an example where the result of 0-surgery is Seifert fibered? I tried looking at ...
ThorbenK's user avatar
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10 votes
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Doubles of 2-handlebodies

Let $X$ denote a $4$-manifold with boundary obtained by adding $k_1$ $1$-handles to $B^4$ and $k_2$ many $2$-handles to the resulting manifold i.e. $X$ is an arbitrary $4$-dimensional $2$-handlebody. ...
ThorbenK's user avatar
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"Neck cutting" and why gauge theory doesn't work on homotopy 4-spheres

I attended a talk recently and the speaker said, essentially, that gauge theory invariants are expected to never be able to detect exotic 4-spheres because they always vanish, for a reason related to ...
Audrey Rosevear's user avatar
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Can every homeomorphism of the 4-ball fixing the boundary be approximated by diffeomorphisms smoothly isotopic to the identity?

Let $B^{n}$ denote the euclidean closed ball of dimension $n$. Alexander's trick shows that every homeomorphism of $B^{n}$ fixing $\partial B^n$ is $C^{0}$-isotopic to the identity via a boundary ...
asymmetriad's user avatar
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11/8-type inequality from Heegaard Floer theory?

Background: a well-known conjecture in $4$-dimensional topology states that if $M$ is a $4$-dimensional oriented closed spin smooth manifold, then the second Betti number of $M$ is bounded from below ...
Shaoyun Bai's user avatar
7 votes
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Lens space bounding a topological, simply-connected 4-manifold with $b_2=1$

The following is written in section 1.6 (p.7) of this paper: ($\cdots$) Which lens spaces bound a smooth, simply-connected 4-manifold $W$ with $b_2(W)=1$? ($\cdots$...
user302934's user avatar
3 votes
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A Mazur manifold bounded by $\Sigma(2,3,13)$

Using Kirby calculus, Akbulut and Kirby first analyzed that the Brieskorn sphere $\Sigma(2,3,13)$ is diffeomorphic to the following link in their famous paper: Then they switched the circles when ...
Max Schumann's user avatar
3 votes
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Picturing twisting of strands explicitly after blow downs

In order to simplify Kirby calculus proofs, one can use a box notation which indicates a number of full twists up to sign. In the scenario of two strands with twist boxes, it is straightforward to ...
Terry Black's user avatar
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Standard 2-instantons on the 4-sphere under conformal transformation

It is well-known that there is a standard SU(2) 1-instanton on the 4-sphere and any 1-instanton can be obtained from the standard one by conformal transformation. Is there any explicit (family of) &...
Faniel's user avatar
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Stable torus that is not a torus [duplicate]

Let $M$ be a closed manifold such that $M\times \mathbb{S}^1$ is a torus. Is it true that $M$ is homeomorphic to a torus?
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
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Two surfaces in a 4-manifold whose algebraic intersection number is zero

Suppose $X$ is a smooth closed oriented 4-manifold, and $\Sigma_1,\Sigma_2$ are smoothly embedded compact oriented surfaces in $X$. Suppose they intersect transversally at two points with different ...
user302934's user avatar
4 votes
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Homology classes in connected sum of $\Bbb CP^2$'s that can be represented by smoothly embedded spheres

Let $h=[\Bbb CP^1]\in H_2(\Bbb CP^2;\Bbb Z)$. By a theorem of Kronheimer and Mrowka (Theorem 1 of this paper:, a class $nh \in H_2(\Bbb CP^2;\...
user302934's user avatar
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Is there a way to calculate the Froyshov $h$-invariant for Seifert homology spheres?

In 2002, by using Floer theory, Froyshov defined the $h$-invariant for intergal homology 3-spheres, which is a surjective group homomorphism $\Theta^3_{\Bbb Z}\to \Bbb Z$, where $\Theta^3_{\Bbb Z}$ is ...
user302934's user avatar
2 votes
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$4$-manifolds with boundary homotopic to $K(G,1)$

I am not very conversant with the $3$-manifold or $4$-manifold theory. The literature I found so far related to $3$-manifold tells me that $S^1\times S^2$ is "very special". It is prime but ...
piper1967's user avatar
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A neighborhood of a 2-disc $D\subset\Bbb R^4$ that tapers off towards the boundary?

I am given a PL 2-disc $D\subset\Bbb R^4$ (everything PL from here on) and I need a "neighborhood" $N\simeq B^4$ (PL-homeomorphic to a 4-ball) so that $\partial N\cap D=\partial D$. If I got ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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If $M$ is contractible manifold and $X\subset \partial M$, does the cone over $X$ embed in $M$?

Let $M$ be a compact contractible manifold, $X\subset\partial M$ and $C_X$ the cone over $X$. Question: Is it true that $C_X$ embeds in $M$ with its boundary $\partial C_X$ mapped to $X\subset \...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Candidates of nonsmoothable homology 4-spheres

I'm not trying to duplicate a question Are there non-smoothable homotopy/homology spheres? But in Igor Belegradek's answer, he pointed out that "Some of them (homology spheres) have large ...
Shijie Gu's user avatar
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Examples of homology sphere that bound a nonsmoothable contractible 4-manifold

Freedman’s theorem shows that all 3-dimensional homology spheres bound topologically a contractible 4-manifold. It is well known that the Poincaré homology sphere does not bound a smooth contractible ...
J. GE's user avatar
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Does Freedman's disk embedding theorem extend to infinitely many immersed disks?

I'm referring to a statement of the disk embedding theorem on P17 in a book of Behrens-Kalmar-Kim-Powell-Ray, the Disk Embedding Theorem. See below. There are some new formulations, e.g., Theorem 1.2 ...
Shijie Gu's user avatar
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If a Compact $n$-Manifold Immerses in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ is there a Locally Flat Immersion?

Suppose that $M$ is a compact, topological $n$-manifold and there is a topological immersion (i.e. local embedding) of $M$ into $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$. Is there necessarily a locally flat immersion of $M$...
John Samples's user avatar
9 votes
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The works of González-Acuña and Duchon from 70s and 80s

I would like to access the following two works of González-Acuña from 1970: González-Acuña, F. Dehn’s construction on knots. Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (2) 15 (1970), 58–79. and González-Acuña, F. On ...
Oğuz Şavk's user avatar
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Boundary of a $4$-manifold and the fundamental group

I am trying to learn $4$-manifolds with boundaries and I don't know much about this topic so these questions may be silly. Given a $4$-manifold $M$ with a boundary say $N$, Assume $\pi_1(N)$ is known,...
piper1967's user avatar
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On exotic symplectic structures of smooth closed 4-manifolds

What are some known techniques and examples of exotic symplectic structures on a fixed smooth closed 4-manifolds [by exotic I mean two symplectic structures that are not symplectomorphic]. This sounds ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
8 votes
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A conjecture about homotopy $S^1\times B^3$'s

$\textbf{Conjecture}:$ Let $X^4$ be a homotopy $S^1\times B^3$ with the following properties: Attaching a four dimensional 2-handle gives a standard $B^4$. The $k$-fold cyclic cover is diffeomorphic ...
Daniel H. Hartman's user avatar
9 votes
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A knot in the solid torus and a Mazur manifold

Part 1: The following picture is from Saveliev's book Lectures on Topology of 3-manifolds, page 130: He indicates that the knot drawn in the solid torus $S^1 \times D^2$ is homologous to $S^1 \times \...
Terry Black's user avatar
5 votes
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Kirby diagrams: sliding 1-handles over 1-handles and ribbon disks

Consider the Kirby diagram $ D$ given by a 2-component unlink, both dotted circles. In general, when performing a 1-handle slide over another 1-handle, the band chosen must not link any dotted circle,...
Overflowian's user avatar
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Gordon's approach: slice knots and contractible $4$-manifolds

Let $K \subset S^3$ be a slice knot. Then it bounds a smooth embedded disk $D \subset B^4$. Let $S^3_{p/q}(K)$ denote a $3$-manifold obtained by $p/q$-surgery on $K \subset S^3$. The following theorem ...
Max Schumann's user avatar
6 votes
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Computation of $\pi_1$ for a Mazur manifold and its boundary

If we attach a $4$-dimensional $1$-handle $D^1 \times D^3$ to a $4$-dimensional $0$-handle $B^4$, we obtain $S^1 \times D^3$. The null homologous knot in $S^1 \times S^2$ indicated in the picture ...
Max Schumann's user avatar
7 votes
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Status of the Hopf-Thurston sign conjecture in dimension 4

A famous conjecture in topology asserts: The Euler characteristic of a closed aspherical $2n$-manifold $M$ satisfies $(-1)^n\chi(M) \geq 0$. This was conjectured by Hopf for manifolds with non-...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar