Let $Y$ be a closed oriented $3$-manifold and $K$ be a knot in $Y$. We say $K$ is the unknot if $K$ is contained in a local $3$-ball in $Y$ and is unknotted therein.
Generalized Property R:
If a Dehn surgery on $K$ yields $Y\#S^1\times S^2$, must $K$ be the unknot? When $Y=S^3$, this is the property R conjecture solved in the affirmative by Gabai.
Generalized Property P:
If an integral Dehn surgery on $K$ yields $Y$, must $K$ be the unknot? When $Y=S^3$, this is the property P conjecture solved in the affirmative by Kronheimer-Mrowka.
I am less optimistic about the generalized Property P question. In this case, the restriction to integral surgeries is necessary: lens spaces give many counterexamples if one were to allow all rational Dehn surgeries.
If these questions are out of reach in the full generality, can one prove positive results for special families of $3$-manifolds? For example, can one answer the generalized property R question for $Y=\#^n(S^1\times S^2)$ in the affirmative?