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Refinement of an open cover for a simply connected compact subset

Let $U$ denote a simply connected, open subset of the plane, and let $K$ be a simply connected, compact subset of $U$. Can we always find a finite or countable sequence of open disks $(D_n)$ such that:...
Tartrate's user avatar
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Reference for preimage of boundary of spacefilling curve

Given a continuous map $\gamma$ from $[0,1]$ onto a bounded contractible subset $S$ of $\mathbb R^2$ such that $S$ contains an open subset of $\mathbb R^2$ which is dense in $S$, the preimage $\gamma^{...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
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Study of the class of functions satisfying null-IVP

$\mathcal{N}_u$ : Class of all uncountable Lebesgue-null set i.e all uncountable sets having Lebesgue outer measure $0$. Let $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ be a function with the following property : $\...
SoG's user avatar
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Zeroth homology of the complement of a closed set

Suppose $F$ is a closed set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $n>1$. Are there some known conditions that must be imposed on $F$ so that its complement in $\mathbb{R}^n$ has a finite number of components? ...
M. Rahmat's user avatar
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selection theory for normal non-paracompact domains?

Are there theorems in selection theory without either paracompactness or convexity assumptions ? That is, a theorem that claims existence of selections for any (perfectly or hereditary) normal spaces, ...
user420620's user avatar
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"Global" topologies between compact convergence and uniform convergence

Let $X$ and $Y$ be locally compact (but not compact), second countable, Hausdorff spaces with $Y$ metric. It is easy to see that the topology of compact convergence is weaker than the topology of ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Copylefted introduction to topology

Is there a textbook in topology with a copyleft license? $$ $$
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
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Induced structure of topological group [closed]

If we consider a closed Jordan curve $\mathcal{C}$, I know that it's homeomorphic to the circle $S^1$. Now I take an homeomorphism $\phi:S^1\longrightarrow\mathcal{C}$ and this homeomorphism induces a ...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar
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Reference request - Compact embedding of intermediate space

Given two Banach spaces $X_0$ and $X_1$ with norms $\|\cdot\|_0$ and $\|\cdot\|_1$, respectively, such that $X_0\subset X_1$ and $X_0\hookrightarrow X_1$, i.e., $X_0$ is continuous embedded in $X_1$. ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Sum-epimorphisms and prod-monomorphisms

        Sum-epimorphisms A longer time ago I have introduced the bi-onto maps for the topological category. Let me formulate here its general categorical definition: DEFINITION 1 ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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Borel subsets of Polish groups

Suppose that I have a polish group $G$ and two subsets $A$ and $B$ of $G$ such that: $A$ is open in $G$ and $B$ is closed in $G,$ from this, can I conclude that $AB$ is a Borel subset of $G$? if not, ...
Hector Pinedo's user avatar
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How to prove that there does not exist any plane isotopy from the logarithmic spiral onto the real line? [closed]

Questions. EDIT: readers please note that while this question arose in research, the OP was so hung-up on a question concerning infinite planar graphs that a strong a-forteriori-reason, kindly ...
Peter Heinig's user avatar
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Reference request: Baire class 2 functions

There are many articles on Baire 1 functions, but not many on Baire 2 and above. Where can I find a nice comprehensive survey of them?
James Baxter's user avatar
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Finite sheeted covering of the complement of a finite set in $\mathbb{C}$

For figure "eight" there is a list of finite sheeted covering discussed in Hatcher's book "Algebraic topology". I was thinking about the following question: Let $S$ be a finite ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Is the meaning of "irreducible manifold", "not reducible to other manifold"?

This is a cross post of MSE. Q1: What does "irreducible manifold" mean (not definition)? My understanding of "irreducible manifold" is "is not reducible (homotopic or ...
C.F.G's user avatar
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Sheaf of sections and local triviality

This is probably not a research level question, I'm sorry if it is inappropriate. I'm reasking here this question on Suppose that $\xi: E \to B$ is a bundle (by which I mean simply a ...
Alexei Averchenko's user avatar
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Equivalent conditions for $z$-embeddability

I am looking for where this specific theorem of Blair is originally located: Theorem. Let $S\subseteq X$, the following are equivalent: $S$ is $z$-embedded If $A, B\subseteq S$ are disjoint zero-...
Jakobian's user avatar
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Connectedness of deleted symmetric product

Let $X$ be a connected Hausdorff space. It is well-known that the $n$-fold symmetric product $\mathcal{F}_n(X) := \{A\subseteq X : 0<|A|\leq n\}$ is a connected space equipped with the Vietoris ...
Peluso's user avatar
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Reference request: subspace-based generalisation of weak* convergence

Let $V$ be a normed space and $(V_j)_{j\in [0,1]}$ be a family of linear subspaces of $V$ with $V_1$ non-trivial and such that $V_1\subsetneq V_j\subseteq V_i$ whenever $i\leq j$. We write $W:=V'$ for ...
fsp-b's user avatar
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On connectedness of the complement

In the application of Runge type theorems on the approximation of functions with some regularity on a neighborhood of a compact, it is interesting to know whether the complement of a compact has ...
M. Rahmat's user avatar
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Viewing limit as a map

Question: Let $X$ be a set of functions from $\mathbb{R}$ to itself. Consider the subset $X_0$ of the sequences $(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty}\in X^{\mathbb{N}}$ for which $$ f_{\infty}(x) = \lim\limits_{n \...
ABIM's user avatar
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Generalized compact open topology?

Let $X,Y$ be topological spaces. The compact-open topology on $C(X,Y)$ is generated by the sub-basic open sets $$ \left\{U_{K,O}: \mbox{ K is compact in X and O is open in Y}\right\}\\ U_{K,O}:=\...
ABIM's user avatar
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Minimum regular open set containing a given set in a T0 Alexandrov topological space

What is known about the minimum regular open set containing a given set in a T$_0$ Alexandrov topological space? I'm particularly interested in the condition for the minimum set happening to be first-...
Ken Y.'s user avatar
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extension of function in an abstract metric space

my question is the following.(Maybe my title is not quite proper for this question): Let $(E,d)$ be a Polish space (or a separable metric space), let $\xi: E\to R_+$ be a Lipschitz function. Now set $...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Basis for space of continuous, surjective monotone functions on $\mathbb{R}$ [closed]

$\DeclareMathOperator\CM{CM}$ I recently came across Okhezin - Study of families of monotone continuous functions on Tychonoff spaces describing monotone functions on general topological spaces and I ...
ABIM's user avatar
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