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Connected component optimization

For an open set $A\subset[0,1]^d$, denote the connected components of $A$ by $cc(A)$. Given a smooth symmetric function $f\colon[-1,1]^d\to\mathbb R$ with $f(0)>0$, I am interested in the ...
Julian's user avatar
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distance distributions on a hypersphere?

Fix a real number $0\leq t\leq 1$ and an integer $n>1$. Let $\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ denote the unit hypersphere. Define $$d_N(n;t):=\max\sum_{i<j}\Vert P_i-P_j\Vert_2^t$$ where ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Version of Stone Weierstrass for functions not vanishing at infinity

I am trying to see what is known about uniform density of function spaces in $C(\mathbb{R}^n)$ or $C_b(\mathbb{R}^n)$ (bounded continuous functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$). By uniform density, I mean ...
Name's user avatar
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Maximal function estimate for differential quotient of function satisfying $\nabla f \in BMO$

For a function $f \in W^{1,p}(\mathbb R^N)$, it is well-known that there exists a constant $C_N$ (dependent on $N$) such that $$ |f(x)-f(y)| \le C_N|x-y|(\mathcal M|\nabla f|(x) + \mathcal M|\nabla f|(...
user298455's user avatar
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Is there a name for this slightly stronger version of Cesàro convergence which "more quickly ignores earlier terms"?

Let $V$ be a normed vector space, let $l \in V$, and let $(a_n)$ be a sequence in $V$. We say that $a_n$ is Cesàro-convergent to $l$ if $\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n a_i \to l$ as $n\to\infty$. Now I will ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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Generalized family of Hölder inequalities

Is the "only if" direction of the following fact known? For fixed sequences $(a)_i = a_1, \dots, a_r$, $(b)_i = b_1, \dots, b_r$ and $(c)_i = c_1, \dots, c_r$, the inequality $\prod_{i = 1}^...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Is $L^2([a,b]; L^2(S^2))$ the same as $L^2([a,b] \times S^2)$?

The space $L^2([a,b];L^2(S^2))$ is a Banach space with respect to the norm $$\left\Vert f \right\Vert_1^2 = \int_{a}^b \left\Vert f(r) \right\Vert_{L^2(S^2)}^2 dr$$ The space $L^2([a,b]\times S^2)$ ...
Laithy's user avatar
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Examples of RKHS that are "classical"

Among the so-called "classical" Hilbert spaces ($L^2$, Sobolev, Hardy, Bergman, etc.), which are very well-studied, which are RKHSs? It is easy to construct example of RKHSs by applying the ...
lost_analyst's user avatar
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Singular integral operators acting on Zygmund class

It is proven in "Classical and Modern Fourier Analysis" by L. Grafakos (Corollary 6.7.2) that if a kernel $K(x)$ defined away from the origin on $\mathbb{R}^n$ satisfies $$\sup_{0<R<\...
MMagana's user avatar
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Second differential of total variation

I am trying to give meaning to the notion of second differential of total variation. For sufficiently regular $u:\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ let the total variation be given by $$TV(u)=...
Marko Rajkovic's user avatar
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The Laplace transform and the Lagrange compositional inversion formula

I'm looking for references which derive the Lagrange inversion formula, given below (in bold), for the Taylor series coefficients of the compositional inverse of a function $f$ analytic at the origin ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Reference request for type of specific integral equation in two variable:

Consider the following integral equation: $$\int_0^\infty K(t,y)\phi(t,x)dt=0$$ Here, $K(t,y)$ is a trigonometric kernel and $\phi(t,x)$ is monotonic wrt $x$ ( for fixed $t$). I want to find the ...
GSA_1's user avatar
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Product of Besov and Lorentz functions

Let us fix $n\in\mathbb{N}^+$ and $p,q\in [1,\infty)$. Given $r_1,r_2,r_3\in[1,\infty)$, I would like to understand whether we have the bound $$ \|fg\|_{L^{q,r_3}(\mathbb{R}^n)}\lesssim \|f\|_{B^{n/p}...
RaffaeleScandone's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the operator $A = -v'' + B(x) v$

How can I prove that for the eigenvalues of the operator $$A := -v'' + B(x) v$$ on $(0,L)$ with zero Dirichlet boundary condition it holds that $$ \left| \lambda_n - \frac{\pi^2n^2}{L^2}\right| \le ||...
Lao's user avatar
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Trace theorem for $L^2([0,1]; H^k(S^2))$

Consider a function $u$ in $L^2([0,1]; H^k(S^2))$ where $k$ is a positive integer. Where would $u(0)$ live (or $u(r)$ for some fixed $r \in [0,1]$)? Is there a version of the trace theorem saying that ...
Laithy's user avatar
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Energy estimate for $\theta_t + H(\theta)_x = 0$ in $t>0, x >0$?

Consider the IBVP for $$\theta_t + H(\theta)_x = 0, \qquad t>0, \ x>0$$ with $$H(\theta) = \frac{1}{\pi} \text{pv}\int_{0}^\infty \frac{\theta(y)}{y-x} dy$$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions. ...
Zac's user avatar
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Moduli of continuity and Wasserstein differentiability of functions between measures

Let $X=\mathbb{R}^n$; I am also interested in the general case $X$ is a metric space but for simplicity let's focus on Euclidean space. Let $\mathcal{P}(X)$ denote the space of Borel probability ...
JeffHolder's user avatar
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Comparison of (square) of a function and its Fourier transform in an integral

I am completely stuck on a comparison between $f(t)^2$ and $\hat{f}(t)^2$ in an integral. Considering $f(t)$ of rapid decrease at infinity such that near zero: $f(t) \sim_0 t^{-\frac{1}{2}- \alpha}+o(...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Maximal function on mixed $L^{p}$

Consider $ f_{j,k}$ to be a function in $L^{p}(l^{q}(l^{2}))$, that is $$ \Vert f_{j,k} \Vert^{p}_{L^{p}(l^{q}(l^{2}))} = \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} \left( \sum_{k} \big[ \sum_{j} \vert f_{j,k}(x) \vert^{2}...
User091099's user avatar
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Feller semigroups and fractional operators

Have Feller semigroups been used to investigate the properties of the Cauchy problem associated with the fractional Laplacian (just like they have been used to study local degenerate second order ...
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in search of convergent daughter sequences

Let $\{f_n\}\subset L^1(\Omega,\mu)$, where $\mu$ is the Lebesgue measure, and $\Vert f_n\Vert_1\leq M$ and $\Vert Df_n\Vert_{1/2}\leq C$ uniformly in $n$. Question. Is there a subsequence $\{f_{...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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extension of function in an abstract metric space

my question is the following.(Maybe my title is not quite proper for this question): Let $(E,d)$ be a Polish space (or a separable metric space), let $\xi: E\to R_+$ be a Lipschitz function. Now set $...
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