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Questions tagged [class-field-theory]

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Projective coordinates over a non UFD ring

Is it true that when the integers of a number field are not a UFD then not every point in projective $n$-space over that field can be given by relatively prime algebraic integer coordinates? When a ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
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Density of primes of degree one in Bauer's Theorem (Application of Chebotarev Density)

Let $L$ be a Galois extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ and $M$ a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}$, both of degrees $> 1$. A Theorem of Bauer tells that $Spl_1(M)\subset Spl(L)$ up to a finite number of ...
Marc's user avatar
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Does the fundamental group identify group structure on subvarieties of products of curves?

Let $C_1,\dots, C_n$ be smooth curves over $\overline{\mathbb F}_p$, not necessarily proper. Let $X$ be a subvariety of $C_1 \times \dots \times C_n$. I'm interested in the natural map: $$ \pi_1^{ab}(...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Unramified extensions of a given degree

Let $K \neq \mathbb{Q} $ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. For a given integer $n$, how to construct an unramified extension of $K$ of degree $n$ ? EDIT: If not then under what conditions on $K$,...
Suman's user avatar
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Group laws in class field theory

In the case of a quadratic imaginary number field one can construct its maximal abelian extension using torsion points of an elliptic curve with complex multiplication by this field. In the case of a ...
SashaP's user avatar
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Finite Nontrivial Unramified Towers of Number Fields

Let $F$ be a number field and $L=F^{un}$ its maximal unramified extension. By Class Field Theory, $$Gal(L/F)^{ab}\cong Cl(F).$$ It's well-known that we can have $[L:F]=1$ (e.g. $F=\mathbb{Q}$), and $[...
user38495's user avatar
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Explicit description/calculation of norm group of ideles of characteristic $p$ global field

I posted the same question earlier in stack exchange, ( thinking it is most definitely not a ...
Jack Yoon's user avatar
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Diophantine equations over cyclotomic fields

Let $\mathbb{Q}^{\text{ab}}$ be the compositum of all finite abelian extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$. Explicitly, $\mathbb{Q}^{\text{ab}}$ is the field obtained from $\mathbb{Q}$ by adjoining all roots of ...
Pablo's user avatar
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A certain idele class character

Let $E/K$ be a cubic extension of number fields, $\nu$ be a Grossencharacter of the idele class group $\mathbb{I}_{E}/E^{\ast}$ such that $\nu^2$ is trivial and $\nu$ restricted to the idele class ...
Jing Feng Lau's user avatar
14 votes
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Positive binary quadratic form plus univariate monic cubic (giving Hilbert class field)

We have the Lucas numbers, $$ L_1 = 1, \; L_2 = 3, \; L_3 =4, \; L_4 = 7, L_5 = 11, \; L_{n+2} = L_{n+1}+ L_n \; . $$ Question: is it the case that $$ f(x,y,z) = 4 x^2 + 3 x y + 9 y^2 + z^3 + 3 z $$...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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Skew symmetry for the Hilbert symbol

Let $K$ be a local field containing the group $\mu_n$ of $n$th roots of 1 and the $\theta_K:K^*\to G_K^{ab}$ be the reciprocity map. The we know that the Hilbert symbol $$K^*\times K^*\to \mu_n$$ $$(a,...
user56577's user avatar
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Textbook request for class field theory [duplicate]

I am studying class field theory. I need good reference books, notes, or other materials which explain the following topics: ideles and ideals, Haar measure and integration on local fields, Fourier ...
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Reciprocity laws in different dimensions

Let $M/L/Qp$ be a finite galois abelian extension of local fields and define $\mathcal{M}=M\{\{T\}\}=\{\sum_{i\in \mathbb{Z}}a_iT^i:a_i\in M,\min_{i\in \mathbb{Z}}, v(a_i)>−\infty , \lim_{i\to −\...
user56577's user avatar
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Relation between 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional reciprocity maps

Let $M/L/\mathbb{Q}_p$ be a finite galois abelian extension of local fields and define $\mathcal{M}=M\{\{T\}\}=\{\sum_{i\in \mathcal{Z}}a_iT^i : a_i\in M, \min_{i\in \mathcal{Z}} v(a_i)>-\infty, \...
user56577's user avatar
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Equivalence of definitions of the Milnor $K$-groups

In Kurihara's paper: "The exponential homomorphisms for the Milnor $K$-groups and an explicit reciprocity law" he difines, in the first page, the $q$-th Milnor K-group for the ring $R$ as $(R^{\times}...
user56577's user avatar
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Conics over number fields

I am looking for a reference for the following fact. Let $k$ be a number field and let $S$ be a finite set of places of $k$ of even cardinality. Then there exists a unique conic $C$ over $k$ such ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
7 votes
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Galois groups and prescribed ramification

What is known about finite groups $G$ for which there exists a Galois extension $K$ of $\mathbb{Q}$ ramified only at $2$ such that $\text{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong G$ ? More generally, which groups can ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Theorem 7b of Serre's "Propriétés galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques"

Could someone please point me towards a proof of the statement in the second paragraph, in the proof of Theorem 7b of Serre's Propriétés galoisiennes...? The statement is as follows: Let $F$ and $F'$ ...
Bob G's user avatar
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Cubic fields correspond to $3$-torsion ideals in quadratic fields, or to order $3$ characters of quadratic class groups?

I was watching Dick Gross's laudation for Manjul Bhargava, followed up by one of Bhargava's talks, and I realized I was confused about something. Bhargava says (around 21 minutes) that the orbits of ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Cyclotomic character in class field theory

Let $K$ be an extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. By local class field theory, the $p$-adic cyclotomic character $\mathrm{Gal}_K \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_p^\times$ corresponds to a character $\chi : K^\times \...
user10676's user avatar
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Ideal classes fixed by the Galois group

Let $K$ be a number field and let $G$ be the group of automorphisms of $K$ over $\mathbf Q$. The group $G$ acts in a natural way on the ideal class group of $K$. I would like to know if there are any ...
352506's user avatar
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Degree 17 number fields ramified only at 2

The number $17$ is the smallest odd number that occurs as the degree of a number field $K/\mathbb{Q}$ for which the only finite prime that ramifies is $2$. The non-existence for $n < 17$ follows ...
Jeremy Rouse's user avatar
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Positive Primes represented by an indefinite binary form, reducing poly degree from 8 to 4

In his lovely answer at Positive primes represented by indefinite binary quadratic form Noam found that a (positive) odd prime $p$ is represented by the indefinite form $x^2 + 13 x y - 9 y^2$ if and ...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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Global Artin reciprocity law from Local class field theory

Let $K=\mathbb F_q((t)), p -$ prime ideal in $K$, $\psi_p$ be the local Artin map$K_p^* \to Gal(K_p^{ab}/K_p)=G_p \subset Gal(K^{ab}/K)$. Then I define global Artin map $\psi_K$as product of $\psi_p$, ...
oznd's user avatar
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Reference for Local class field theory via witt vectors

I would like to find some books or lecture notes on geometric local class field theory via Witt vectors. I can't find any good paper on this subject.All approaches in the books to local class field ...
oznd's user avatar
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Class groups of orders

In Cox's book "Primes of the form $x^2 + ny^2$", he proves that in a quadratic imaginary field $K$, if $\mathcal O$ is an order of conductor $f \in \mathbb Z$, we have that the class group $\mathrm{Cl}...
Calodeon's user avatar
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Hilbert Class Field Galois over Q?

So if we have a Galois extension $K/\mathbb{Q}$, then the Hilbert Class Field $H$ of $K$ is certainly Galois over $\mathbb{Q}$. But is the converse true? I know many examples of nongalois $K/\mathbb{Q}...
user38495's user avatar
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Ring class fields of orders

The theory of ring class fields corresponding to orders in imaginary quadratic fields is introduced by, say, [1]. But I'm reading an article [2], in which ring class fields corresponding to orders in ...
micromath's user avatar
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divisor class group with modulus

Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve over a field $k$ and $S \subset C$ a finite number of points. A modulus is simply a divisor supported on $S$. What is the divisor class group with modulus? I ...
sruobera's user avatar
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n-dimensional local fields

Recently, I hear the concept of $n$-dimensional local fields. It is defined inductively as follows. (1) a $0$-dimensional local field is a finite field. (2) an $n$-dimensional local field is a ...
Fujita Tomomi's user avatar
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Unramified extension and class field theory

I am not sure this question is proper for this site, but there is no other places that I can get an answer. So if anyone can give an answer for this, it would be very helpful to me. Let $F$ be a ...
Kevin.lijh's user avatar
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maximal abelian extension of quadratic extension of $\mathbb Q_p$

I read this article "Local class field theory via Lubin-Tate theory" And I want to find the maximal abelian extensions for quadratic extensions of $\mathbb Q_p,...
Dirk's user avatar
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On class numbers $h(-d)$ and the diophantine equation $x^2+dy^2 = 2^{2+h(-d)}$

Given fundamental discriminant $d \equiv -1 \bmod 8$ such that the quadratic imaginary number field $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-d})$ has odd class number $h(-d)$. Is it true that one can always solve the ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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About principal ideal theorem in number fields

I usually consider a cyclic extension $K$ of degree an odd prime $p$ over the rational field $\mathbf{Q}$. In this case, there is a well-known result that "every ambiguous class in the class group $\...
kjs's user avatar
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Idelic Artin map

I want to study the idelic Artin map for the, say, 7th cyclotomic field explicitly. In other words I want to see how a particular idele can be constructed which gets sent to the identity element in ...
Rajratna Adsul's user avatar
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How does Tate cohomology fit into a derived categories framework?

I've read through one class field theory text after another, but there's something very non-intuitive for me about cohomology that makes it hard for me to understand why Tate cohomology was invented. ...
Tavish Jordan's user avatar
21 votes
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The Teichmüller's algebraic interpretation of $H^3$ in group cohomology

In the book "Cohomology of Groups" of Kenneth S. Brown, it is told in the introduction that Teichmüller arrived to $H^3$ in an algebraic context, i.e. that Teichmüller worked with an ...
Josué Tonelli-Cueto's user avatar
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2-class group of a quadratic imaginary extension

Let $p\equiv 5 [8]$ be a prime number, and consider $K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-p})$. I would like to check that the $2$-Sylow subgroup of the class group $C_K$ has order $2$ (I'm pretty sure it's true). ...
GreginGre's user avatar
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Ray class field and ring class field

Let $K$ be quadratic number field and let $O$ be an order of $K$. A modulus $m$ of $K$ is a formal product $m_0\cdot m_\infty$ of finitely many finite primes $m_0$ and finitely many infinite real ...
user86925's user avatar
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Galois cohomology of the field of Laurent series

Let $k$ a separably closed field. Do we have that $k((t))$ is of cohomological dimension one?
prochet's user avatar
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Fields whose embeddings into the complex numbers are invariant under complex conjugation

Is there a general notion/description of fields $K$ such that the image of any embedding $K \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}$ is invariant under complex conjugation, thus inducing an involution on $K$ which ...
MikeV's user avatar
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the global m-th power reciprocity law and Quartic Reciprocity Law

I'm reading Cox "Primes of the form $x^2+ny^2$". And I read a chapter about the global m-th power reciprocity law. Now I'm not able to prove the quartic and cubic reciprocity laws. Where can i find ...
Igor's user avatar
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Numbers integrally represented by a ternary cubic form

Given integers $a,b,c,$ and cubic form $$ f(a,b,c) = a^3 + b^3 + c^3 + a^2 b - a b^2 + 3 a^2 c - a c^2 + b^2 c - b c^2 - 4 a b c $$ $$ f(a,b,c) = \det \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & b &...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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Finite extensions of residue fields of Henselian DVRs

Let $K$ be an Henselian discrete valuation field such that its completion is separable over $K$. Let $F$ be its infinite residue field. Is it true that a finite extension of $F$ is a simple extension ...
Jana's user avatar
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How did Takagi prove Kronecker's Jugendtraum for Q(i)?

In Noah Snyder's historical undergraduate thesis on Artin L-Functions, it mentions that Takagi proved Kronecker's Jugendtraum in the case of Q(i) in his doctoral thesis. Since I don't know how to get ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Characterizing primes that split completely vs. primes with a given splitting behavior

Given a finite abelian extension of number fields $L/K$, the prime ideals $\mathfrak{p}$ in $O_K$ split into primes $\mathfrak{P}$ in $O_L$. The number of primes $\mathfrak{p}$ splits into is ...
Jonah Sinick's user avatar
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Reciprocity Map and Cycle Class Map

This might be a very naive question but here it goes. Let X be a smooth variety of dimension d over a p-adic field. We have the n part of the rerciprocity map: $rec/n: SK_1(X)/n \to \pi^{ab}_1(X)/n$ ...
Grilo's user avatar
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Abelianized fundamental group of a curve over a finite field

Let $X$ be a smooth, projective, and geometrically connected curve over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ and fix a geometric point $\overline{x} : \text{Spec } \overline{\mathbb{F}_q} \to X$. Then there ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
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Non-cyclotomic abelian extensions

Suppose $L|\mathbb{Q}$ is an abelian extension of number fields. Then, all the roots of unity are certainly contained in the maximal abelian extension $L^{ab}$ of $L$. Why is it obvious that if $L \ne ...
LMN's user avatar
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Abelian cubic extensions of Q[i],

Recently I was considering cubic extensions $K/Q$ that have discriminant negative of a perfect square. Classifying these curves reduces to solving a Diophatine equation of the form $4a^3+27b^2=c^2$ ...
Soroosh's user avatar
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