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Classification of finite dimensional representations of split complex reductive groups

Finite dimensional, irreducible representations of simply connected, complex semisimple algebraic groups can be classified by their highest weight. I was wondering if there is an analogous ...
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vanishing of higher algebraic de Rham cohomology and sheaves of differentials for singular curves

I'm looking for some results or references about de Rham cohomology of curves in less-than-optimal cases. The two vanishing results I care about are: $H^{k}_{\text{dR}}(X) = 0$ for $k>2$, since $H^...
Somatic Custard's user avatar
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Question about the Fourier expansion of adelic Eisenstein series for $\operatorname{GL}_2$

My reference is Daniel Bump's book, Automorphic Forms and Representations, Chapter 3.7. Let $k$ be a number field, $G = \operatorname{GL}_2$, $B$ and $T$ the usual Borel subgroup and maximal torus ...
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A conjectural formula for the "minimal degree function", $k\rightarrow d\min(k)$, attached to recursion, $f\rightarrow A(f)$, in char $3$

THE RECURSION: $f\rightarrow A(f)$ $A: t(\mathbb{Z}/3)[t^3]\rightarrow t(\mathbb{Z}/3)[t^3]$ is the $\mathbb{Z}/3$-linear map with $A(t)=0, A(t^4)=t, A(t^7)=t^4$, and $A((t^9)f)=(2t^9)A(f)+(t^3)A((t^...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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If $f \in \operatorname{c-Ind}_Q^P \sigma$, then $f|_N$ is compactly supported modulo $Q \cap N$?

There is a claim in a proof in Casselman's notes on representation theory which I have not been able to verify. I have asked several people and nobody knows why it is true. The thing I can't figure ...
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Is a reductive group scheme always parahoric?

Let $R$ be complete (or, more generally, Henselian) discrete valuation ring with fraction field $K$. Let $G$ be a reductive $R$-group scheme. Is $G$ a parahoric in the sense of Bruhat-Tits? If so, ...
Question Machine's user avatar
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Classical reductive group schemes vs. unitary groups of separable algebras with involution --- reference request

Let $K$ be a field with $2\in K^\times$, let $A$ be a separable $K$-algebra (i.e. $A$ is finite-dimensional, semisimple and its center is an etale $K$-algebra), and let $\sigma:A\to A$ be a $K$-...
Uriya First's user avatar
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Valuations of root group elements appearing in the intersection of Iwasawa and Cartan double cosets

$\newcommand{\GL}{\operatorname{GL}} \newcommand{\diag}{\operatorname{diag}} \newcommand{\val}{\mathit{val}}$Let $F$ be a local non-Archimedean field with valuation $\val$ and $G$ be (the $F$-points ...
Claudius's user avatar
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Continuity of the conductor of automorphic representations

I am interested in properties of (semi-)continuity of the conductor of automorphic representation. Let $F$ be a number field. The meta question is, given a function on the unitary dual of $PGL(2, F)$ ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Surjectivity of map of Picard schemes implies abelian

Note: This question was asked on MSE first, but got zero reactions. So I deleted it there, and am now posting it here. I am looking for a reference or explanation of the fact that is used in Mumford'...
rollover's user avatar
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Global invariant cycles in positive characteristic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic $p$ and fix a prime $\ell\neq p$. Let $X$ be a smooth connected $k$-variety and $f:Y\rightarrow X$ a smooth projective morphism. ...
Emiliano Ambrosi's user avatar
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Integral smooth model of unramified reductive groups

My question is motivated by the following observations. Let $\mathrm{T}$ be a torus defined over a $p$-adic field $K$, then by theories of tori, we have it is uniquely determined by a free $\mathbb{Z}$...
Mayday's user avatar
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Description of the center of a reductive group using absolute and relative roots

Let $G$ be a connected, reductive group over a field $k$. Let $T \subseteq B$ be a maximal torus and Borel subgroup of $G$ with corresponding base $\Delta \subseteq X(T)$. Then $T$ contains $Z(G)$, ...
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Absolute and Relative Coroots

$G$ is a connected reductive group over a field $k$. $T$ is a maximal torus and $S \subset T$ is a maximal $k$-split torus. We have an embedding $X_*(S) \hookrightarrow X_*(T)$. Is it true that if $\...
Alexander's user avatar
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Why is the radical of a reductive group equal to the connected component of the center?

If $G$ is a connected reductive group over a perfect field $k$ (The definition given in Milne's "Algebraic Groups": $G$ is a connected group variety containing no non-trivial connected unipotent ...
Not a grad student's user avatar
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Central isogenies differ by an element of the maximal torus

Let $G, G'$ be connected, reductive groups over an algebraically closed field $k$, and let $T$ be a maximal torus of $G$. A central isogeny is a surjective morphism of algebraic groups $\phi: G \...
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Does the sheaf of locally exact differential forms splitting in positive characteristic

Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>2$, $X$ a smooth projective curve of genus $g>1$ over $k$, and $F_X:X\rightarrow X$ be the absolute Frobenius morphism. Let $B^1_X$ be ...
Universe's user avatar
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How can this argument calculating the Haar measure on a parabolic subgroup be generalized to the non-split case?

Let $\mathbf G$ be a connected, reductive group over a local field $F$. Assume there is a maximal torus $\mathbf T$ which is split over $F$. Let $\mathbf P$ be a parabolic subgroup of $\mathbf G$ ...
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Examples of semi-stable models of curves

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field $K$ of characteristic zero and residue field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Assume $k$ is algebraically closed. I want to produce examples of ...
user45397's user avatar
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Unipotent characters of (disconnected) centralizers of semisimple elements: Why these two definitions are equivalent?

Assume that $\mathcal{G}$ is a simple simply-connected algebraic group over $k$, where $k$ is algebraic closure of a finite field of characteristic $p>0$, and $F$ is a Frobenius endomorphism. Let $(...
user97635's user avatar
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Iwahori subalgebra as maximal solvable

I think the following is true, but haven't came up with a proof myself. Thanks in advance! Let $G$ be a semisimple (to avoid more words) algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$. Write $F=\mathbb{C}((t))$ ...
Cheng-Chiang Tsai's user avatar
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Purely inseparable $k$-rational dominant maps between an absolutely irreducible $k$-surface and $\mathbb{P}^2$

Let $X$ be an absolutely irreducible surface over an algebraically closed or finite field $k$ of characteristic $p$. Is it true that the following conditions are equivalent? There is a purely ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Automorphic forms annihilated by $I_1$ but not $I_2$ for finite codim ideals $I_1 \subsetneq I_2$

Suppose $G$ is a connected real reductive Lie group, $\mathfrak{g} = \text{Lie}(G)$, and $\mathcal{Z} = \mathcal{Z}[U(\mathfrak{g})]$ the center of the universal enveloping algebra of $\mathfrak{g}$. ...
Dan's user avatar
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Does the numerical equivalence relation coincide with the homological one for 1-cycles (in positive characteristic)?

Is the Grothendieck's Standard Conjecture D (stating that the numerical equivalence relation for algebraic cycles with rational coefficients coincides with the homological one) known to be true for ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Complete reducibility of representations of reductive algebraic groups

I need a reasonably detailed reference for the proof of the fact that, in characteristic 0, any linear representation of a reductive algebric group is completely reducible. I looked in Humphries and ...
Mario's user avatar
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Splitting for Subsequence of Automorphism Sequence for Algebraic Groups

Let $G$ be a split reductive algebraic group over an arbitrary field $k$ Suppose we have a split maximal torus $T$. There is a short exact sequence of groups $$ 1\to \mathrm{Inn}(G)\to \mathrm{Aut}(G)\...
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Algebraic characters and quasi-characters of reductive algebraic group over non-archimedean local field

Let $G$ be a reductive algebraic group over $F$, where $F$ is a non-archimedean local field. Then $G(F)$ is a p-adic group. Let $\Psi(G)$ be the lattice of algebraic characters. Let $\Lambda_G$ be the ...
JJH's user avatar
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Descent theory of line bundles on abelian varieties under isogenies (in char p>0)

I have a couple of questions regarding the descent theory of line bundles on abelian varieties under isogenies in positive characteristic. Let $X$ be an abelian variety and $L\in Pic(X)$ a line ...
Marc's user avatar
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Lang isogeny for group stacks

Let $G$ be a commutative algebraic group stack over $\mathbb{F}_q$ (I don't really care about the precise definition: I'm secretly thinking about the Picard stack of a projective curve). To what ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
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Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem for Excellent Surfaces

Is there any version of Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem that holds for excellent surfaces? I will be very glad if there is one such, but if not then is it at least true for a surface over a non ...
Omprokash's user avatar
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deRham cohomoloy of CM liftings of Jacobians

Let $k$ be field of characteristic $p>0$ and $W=W(k)$ the ring of Witt vectors of $k$. We call a smooth curve over $k$, ordinary, when the Jacobian of $J(X)$ of $X$ is an ordinary abelian variety. ...
Jack's user avatar
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understanding Milne's article "Duality in the flat cohomology of a surface"

I have trouble understanding a point of Milne's article "Duality in the flat cohomology of a surface" see the "Alternatively" on p. 177, paragraph before ...
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Dimension of fibres of moment maps in characteristic $p$

Suppose $G$ is a connected semisimple linear algebraic group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ and $X$ is a homogeneous $G$-space with isotropy subgroup $H$ (associated Lie algebra $\mathfrak{h}$) that ...
Simon Wadsley's user avatar
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Is the Borel subgroup the only closed double coset?

Let $G$ be a quasisplit connected reductive group over a $p$-adic field $k$. Identify $G$ with its rational points. Let $B$ be a Borel subgroup of $G$ containing a maximal torus $T$, both defined ...
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moduli problem for flag varieties?

Hi, Suppose $G$ is a reductive group over an algebraiclly closed field $k$ (suppose $k$ of char zero if you want at first). Let $X$ be its flag variety. Question: What is the moduli problem that $X$ ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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When is $R$ a direct summand of Frobenius pushforwards?

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a reduced Noetherian local ring of prime characteristic $p$. For integer $e>0$, let $F^e_* R$ denote the $R$-module which is $R$ as an abelian group, but the $R$-module ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Norms of elements in Artin-Schreier extensions

The following is claimed in the proof of Theorem 7.5 of Auslander, Goldman, "The Brauer group of a commutative ring": Let $k$ be a nonperfect field of positive characteristic $p$, let $K := k(x)$ ...
user2831784's user avatar
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Algorithm for the cell multiplication rule for GL(n,F)

Consider $F$ a non archimedean field and let $o$ be its ring of integer Let $B$ be the Iwahori subgroup of $GL_n(F)$ (resp. $GL_n(o)$) and let $N$ be the normalizer of the diagonal matrices (...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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CM liftings of abelian varieties and liftings of Frobenius

It is well-known that if $A$ is an ordinary abelian variety over a finite perfect field $ k$ of characteristic $ p>0$ and $ W=W(k)$ is the ring of Witt vectors over $ k$, then the canonical ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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Could the Kunneth decomposition of a motif depend on the choice of $l$?

Suppose that over some (algebraically closed) field $K$ of characteristic $p>0$ we have: numerical equivalence of cycles coincides with homological one with respect to ${\mathbb{Q}}_{l}$ and ${\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Generic finite subgroups, associated to small finite fields, of reductive algebraic groups

Theorem 1 of [LS] Liebeck and Seitz - On the subgroup structure of exceptional groups says: Let $X = X(q)$ be a quasisimple group of Lie type in characteristic $p$, and suppose that $X < G$, where ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Can we compare $K$-spherical representations of $p$-adic groups for varying special maximal subgroups $K$?

In this question, I'm borrowing the notations from Minguez' paper on unramified representations of unitary groups. Let $F$ be a $p$-adic field and let $G$ be a connected reductive group over $F$. Let $...
Suzet's user avatar
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Reduced decomposition for Weyl group elements which support a Bessel function

Let $\Delta$ be a set of simple roots for a reduced root system, and let $(W,S)$ be the associated Coxeter system, where $W$ is the Weyl group and $S$ is the set of simple reflections corresponding to ...
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Reference requests for complex duals of connected reductive groups

In Kottwitz's paper "Stable trace formula: cuspidal tempered terms", it is said that if $$1 \rightarrow G_1 \rightarrow G_2 \rightarrow G_3 \rightarrow 1$$ is an exact sequence of connected reductive ...
Andrea Agostini's user avatar
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What are the finite étale coverings of a quasi-hyperelliptic surface?

Let $X$ be a quasi-hyperelliptic surface in characteristic 3 where the canonical bundle $K_X$ is trivial. Question: Is there a finite étale covering $Y \rightarrow X$ such that $Y$ is an abelian ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Comparing cohomology of quotient by algebraic group and Borel subgroup

Let $X$ a variety over an algebraically closed field $k$ (which we can assume to be actually $k=\mathbb{C}$) and $G$ a connected reductive algebraic group acting freely on $X$ (we can actually assume $...
Tommaso Scognamiglio's user avatar
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The norm of the principal series intertwining operator for $\operatorname{GL}_2$

Is there a known bound on the norm of the standard intertwining operator for the principal series of $G = \operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb Q_p)$? Background: For a character $\chi = (\chi_1,\chi_2)$ of the ...
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locally closed orbits in metric Hausdorff topology

I learned the following fact from Bruhat and Tits's paper "Homomorphismes “abstraits” de groupes algebriques simples" Section 3.18 that Let $k$ be a local field. Suppose that a $k$-group $H$ acts $k$...
m07kl's user avatar
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Subgroups generated by opposite root groups

Suppose $\mathbf{G}$ is a connected reductive (possibly non-split!) group over a field $F$, $\mathbf{S} \leq \mathbf{G}$ a maximal split subtorus and $\mathbf{Z} \leq \mathbf{G}$ its centralizer. For ...
Nicolas Schmidt's user avatar
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$\Gamma$-action on maximal tori in Borel-Tits

This is about section 6.2 in Borel-Tits' Groupes réductifs where they define a certain $\Gamma$-action on maximal split tori, denoted as $_\Delta \gamma$, distinct from the "usual" one. (If I am not ...
Torsten Schoeneberg's user avatar