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Dijkgraaf-Witten TQFT vs. Representation Theory?

From what I had read, group characters can be "glued" together in a topological fashion and there is something to this effect in the paper by Dijkgraaf and Witten. TQFT seems to be a ...
john mangual's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Reference Request: Compact manifolds with boundary have the homotopy type of a CW-complex

Let $M$ be a compact manifold (possibly non-smooth) manifold with boundary $\partial M$. Is the inclusion $\partial M\hookrightarrow M$ homotopy equivalent to the inclusion of a subcomplex into a CW-...
archipelago's user avatar
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Are infinite simplicial complexes all manifolds?

Are infinite dimensional simplicial complexes manifolds locally modeled on $\mathbb R^\infty=\operatorname{colim}\mathbb R^n$? If they are homotopy equivalent, are they homeomorphic? Of course not. ...
Ben Wieland's user avatar
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3 answers

Strøm model structures on the category of simplicial sets

Let $X,Y$ be simplicial sets. A simplicial homotopy is a simplicial map of the form $h:X\times\Delta^1\rightarrow Y$. There are two distinguished maps $$ in_0:X\cong X\times\Delta^0\xrightarrow{1\...
Tyrone's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Well-pointed space which is not locally contractible

I am looking for an example of a well-pointed space in which no (sufficiently small) neighbourhood of the base-point is contractible. As usual, a well-pointed space is a pointed space in which the ...
Ricardo Andrade's user avatar
14 votes
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Is there a category whose isomorphisms are precisely the simple homotopy equivalences?

If we start with the category of finite complexes and continuous maps, and then identify two morphisms iff they are homotopic, we get the homotopy category of finite complexes, and it is trivial to ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Is every homology theory given by a spectrum?

Let $E$ be a spectrum. For any CW complex $X$, define $h_*=\pi_i(E\wedge X)$. Then we know that $h_*$ form a homology theory. In other words, there functors satisfy the homotopy invariance, maps a ...
yeshengkui's user avatar
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Sheaves on Contractible Analytic Spaces

Let $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ be a contractible complex analytic space. Suppose that $\mathcal{F}$ is a coherent sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules. Can we invoke the fact that $X$ is contractible to conclude,...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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2 answers

Generalized categories for "higher homotopy groupoids"

I was thinking about the definition of higher homotopy groups $\pi_n$ of a topological space in comparison to the common extremely formal fundamental groupoid construction of $\pi_1$. I'd like to be ...
Xander Flood's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Representations of \pi_1, G-bundles, Classifying Spaces

This question is inspired by a statement of Atiyah's in "Geometry and Physics of Knots" on page 24 (chapter 3 - Non-abelian moduli spaces). Here he says that for a Riemann surface $\Sigma$ the first ...
Justin Curry's user avatar
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Toda's book on homotopy groups of spheres

Yesterday one my friend told about recent book of Hiroshi Toda, where the computations of 3-torsion in homotopy groups of spheres are given up to a very high stem (about 75). This book is published ...
R.M.'s user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Vector bundle for prescribed Stiefel-Whitney classes

I hope this is not trivial. Let $B$ be a nice topological space (paracompact, CW-complex or whatever you think is nice) For $i=1,\ldots,n$ let $x_i \in H^i(B,\mathbb{Z}_2)$ be certain cohomology ...
Oliver Straser's user avatar
12 votes
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When do the Reedy and injective model category structures agree?

Let $R$ be a Reedy category and consider the category $\mathcal{P}(R) = \mathbf{sSet}^{R^{\mathrm{op}}}$ of simplicial presheaves on $R$. When are the Reedy and injective model structures on $\...
Reid Barton's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Can triangulations (or some related combinatorial structure) distinguish smooth structures on $RP^4$?

There are exotic versions of $RP^4$, constructed by Cappell-Shaneson, which are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the standard $RP^4$. One way to distinguish them is via the $\eta$ invariant of $...
Joe's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

The most general context of Mather's Cube Theorems

Quite simply, I'd like to know what is the broadest or most natural context in which either (or both) of Mather's cube theorems hold. If you like, this may mean any of What properties of $Top$ or $...
some guy on the street's user avatar
11 votes
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Loop spaces motivation

I read that one of the main goals of utilization simplicial methods is to prove that a space is a loop space. On the other hand where lies the main importance to recognize topological spaces as loop ...
user267839's user avatar
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Do spaces admit a weak cogenerating set?

Let $\mathcal C$ be a category. Say that a class of objects $\mathcal S \subseteq \mathcal C$ is weakly cogenerating if the functors $Hom_{\mathcal C}(-,S)$ are jointly conservative, for $S \in \...
Tim Campion's user avatar
11 votes
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Is the geometric realization of a level-wise weak equivalence a weak equivalence?

For the purposes of this question a topological space will mean a compactly generated weak Hausdorff space, though I am actually somewhat flexible on what category of topological spaces we use. I ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
11 votes
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In a subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ which is not simply connected does there exist a simple loop that does not contract to a point?

I previously asked In which topological spaces does the existence of a loop not contractable to a point imply there is a non-contractable simple loop also? Given the broad scope of this question I ...
Ivan Meir's user avatar
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The periodic values in Bott periodicity

After Bott periodicity is proved, one still has to compute the stable values. For the unitary group $U$, this is easy since you can get away with just $\pi_0$ and $\pi_1$. However, I'm having ...
Linda's user avatar
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Topological dimension versus cohomological dimension

This should be really well known but I don't seem to find a statement about it nor a question in MO answering this. Consider a Compact Hausdorff topological space $X$. The cohomological dimension of ...
rpotrie's user avatar
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Tensor products of $\mathbb{E}_\infty$-spaces

In the $\infty$-world, connective spectra play the role of abelian groups, while $\mathbb{E}_\infty$-spaces play that of commutative monoids. This may be rephrased by saying that we may identify the $\...
Emily's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Spin-H structures

Let us define a Spin-H structure as a reduction of a SO(n)-bundle by the group: $$Spin^H (n)=Spin(n) \times SU(2)/\{ 1,-1\}$$ The Spin-H structures are analogous to the well-known Spin-C structures ...
A.Balan's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is there a long exact sequence associated to a ramified covering?

A covering map $p:X\to Y$ between topological spaces can be viewed as a fiber bundle $\Sigma\to X\to Y$ with a discrete group $\Sigma=Gal(X/Y)$ as fiber. Such a fiber bundle leads to a long exact ...
Gao 2Man's user avatar
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The connective $k$-theory cohomology of Eilenberg-MacLane spectra

Consider the connective $K$-theory spectrum $ku$. Let $H\mathbb{Z}$ be the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum and $H\mathbb{F}_p$ be the mod-$p$ Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum. Is it known what $ku^{*}(H\...
user438991's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Group Extensions and Line Bundles on $BG$

I am sure the answer to this question is well-known, but It is well known that the group cohomology $H^2(G,\mathbb Z)$ classifies group extensions $0\to \mathbb Z\to E\to G\to 1$ and that for a ...
Steve's user avatar
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Explicit description of a subgroup of the braid group $\mathsf{B}_2(C_2)$

This is related to my previous MathOverflow question Fundamental group of $\mathrm{Sym}^2(C_g)$ minus the diagonal. Let $C_2$ be a smooth curve of genus $2$ and $X:=\mathrm{Sym}^2(C_2)$ its second ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
9 votes
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"Skew Cohomology" of a Space

Let $X$ be a space. The symmetric group $\Sigma_{n+1}$ acts on the function space $$ X^{\Delta^n} $$ of continuous maps from the standard $n$-simplex to $X$. The action is induced by permuting the ...
John Klein's user avatar
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9 votes
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Correspondence between operads and monads requires tensor distribute over coproduct?

In checking the details of the correspondence between operads over a symmetric monoidal category and monads on some associated endofunctor of the category, I cannot make the obvious proof work without ...
ziggurism's user avatar
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4 answers

How to prove the connected sum of two closed aspherical n-manfolds (n >2) is not asperical?

The intuitive idea is that the sphere connected the two manifolds is not contractible, which implies the (n-1)th homotopy group is not zero. Another argument, which I am not totally understand, uses ...
Xiaolei Wu's user avatar
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Does a connected manifold with vanishing Euler characteristic admit a nowhere-vanishing vector field?

A version of the "hairy ball" theorem, due probably to Chern, says that the Euler-characteristic of a closed (i.e. compact without boundary) manifold $M$ can be computed as follows. Choose any vector ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
8 votes
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Relations between Stiefel-Whitney classes

I need to know all relations between Stiefel-Whitney classes for closed manifolds of dimensions 3 and 4. Unfortunately, I found the literature on the subject quite confusing. The answer for all ...
Anton Kapustin's user avatar
8 votes
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Spin cobordism v.s. KO theory in low or in any dimensions

It seems that from this webpage, the spin cobordism is equivalent to KO theory in low dimension. If we denote the $p$-torsion part (mean $\mathbb{Z}_{p^n}$ for some $n$) $$\Omega_d(BG)_p.$$ ...
wonderich's user avatar
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rational cohomology of finite real grassmannian

Let $p_j$ to be the $j$-th Pontryagin class of the universal $n$-plane bundle $E_n(\mathbb{R}^\infty)\to G_n(\mathbb{R}^\infty)$. Then according to Theorem 1.6, The Cohomology of BSO n and BO n with ...
QSR's user avatar
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Equivalent fomulations of Bott periodicity

Is there an easy way to see the equivalence of the two statements of Bott periodicity. $$BU \times \mathbb{Z} \simeq \Omega^2BU$$ and $$K(X)\otimes K(S^2) \cong K(X\times S^2)$$
Rene Schipperus's user avatar
8 votes
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Universal covers of non-prime 3-manifolds

Let $M$ be a closed, connected, oriented 3-manifold. If $M$ is prime, then we know what the universal cover of $M$ looks like: it is either $S^3, \mathbb{R}^3$ or $S^2 \times \mathbb{R}$ depending on ...
Minkowski's user avatar
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Left Bousfield localization without properness, what is known?

I'm interested in the existence of several example of left Bousfield localization of model categories that are not left proper (nor simplicial). I'm relatively convince that I can construct all those ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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Is Margolis's axiomatisation conjecture still alive?

The construction of the category of finite spectra is easy, but there are different constructions of the whole homotopy category of spectra, all of which leading to the same result up to an ...
George C. Modoi's user avatar
8 votes
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What's the best way to test if a sphere is a polytope? (algorithms for the Simplicial Steinitz Problem)

The problem of recognizing whether a simplicial face lattice is polytopal is sometimes called the Steinitz problem. Sturmfels and Bokowski advanced a set of methods in the late 80s to test whether ...
manifold-destiny's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Topological invariance of Stiefel-Whitney classes for open smooth manifolds

It is well known that Stiefel-Whitney classes are homotopy invariant for closed smooth manifolds. But in the case of open manifolds even $w_1$ is not a homotopy invariant (take just open cylinder and ...
Dmitry Gugnin's user avatar
7 votes
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More on completion/compactification of open manifolds

This is a follow up to one of my previous questions (81714). Suppose that $M$ is an open manifold, say with a single end. Previously, I was concerned with realizing $M$ as the interior of a compact ...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
7 votes
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Vector bundle over an oriented manifold with non-vanishing w_2w_3

I am looking for an example of an oriented rank 5 (or lower) real vector bundle $V$ over an oriented manifold such that the cup product $w_2(V) w_3(V)$ of Stiefel-Whitney classes does not vanish. It ...
Samuel Monnier's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a sensible notion of a winding number of a closed curve in $\mathbb{R}^n$, $n\geq 3$, with respect to a point not lying on it?

I have been browsing "Topological Degree Theory and Applications" by Cho, Chen and O'Regan as well as "Mapping Degree Theory" by Outerelo and Ruiz, but I have not been able to quite answer myself the ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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What is the geometric realization of the the nerve of a fundamental groupoid of a space?

It can be easily seen that there exists a functor $F:Top \rightarrow Grpd$ from the category of topological spaces to the category of groupoids defined as follows: Obj: $X \mapsto \pi_{\leq 1}(X)$, ...
Adittya Chaudhuri's user avatar
7 votes
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Reference for base change of cohomology pull-push for clean intersections.

Let $X$ be a compact oriented manifold, and $A$ and $B$ closed oriented submanifolds intersecting cleanly. Then I've always been under the impression that pushing forward a cohomology class from $A$ ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can one give an immersion of exotic sphere $S^7$ in a standard sphere $S^8$ of radius $1$?

Can one give an immersion of exotic sphere $S^7$ in a standard sphere $S^8$ of radius $1$?
Li Yan's user avatar
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A fibrant-objects structure on Top

(Sorry for the crossposting, but I'm really interested in this question). One can define (Paragraph 1.5, page 10) a fibrant-object structure on a suitable cartesian closed category of topological ...
fosco's user avatar
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All mapping space between CW complexes is a CW complex?

Let $\mathrm{Map}(X,Y)$ denote the (unbased) cellular mapping space from $X$ to $Y$. If $X$ and $Y$ are finite CW complexes, is $\mathrm{Map}(X,Y)$ a CW complex? Can we know the cell structure of $\...
Jino's user avatar
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categorical homotopy colimits

let $hTop_*$ denote the homotopy category of pointed spaces. I believe that it has no pushouts, in general. the reason is that you can't expect the involved homotopies to be compatible. can anyone ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
6 votes
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What is a higher derived constructible sheaf

Suppose $X$ is a topological space and $k$ some discrete coefficient field. Let's define the category of "$\infty$-local systems on $X$" to be DG representations of the ring $C_*(\Omega X,k)$ of ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar

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