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Limit of scaled infinite sum with Dirichlet characters modulo 4: is it zero?

I am trying to get an asymptotic formula such as $$ L_4(s, n) \sim L_4(s) + \rho_n(s)\Lambda_n + \frac{\alpha(s)}{\sqrt{n}} + \frac{\beta(s)}{\sqrt{n\log n}}+\cdots$$ where $L_4(s, n)$ is the first $n$...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Set from a diophantine equation with similar statistics to primes

While doing some computational calculations with some diophantine equations, I came across with some sequences from solutions of quartic and quintic equations with slowly decreasing frequency, similar ...
rgvalenciaalbornoz's user avatar
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Curious infinite product, convergence, connection to prime numbers

I have been playing with the following function: $$ f(x)=\frac{\pi x (1-x^2)}{\sin\pi x}\prod_{k=2}^\infty \frac{\sin(\pi x/k)}{\pi x/k} $$ It is hard to get correct numerical values. I'll start with ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
4 votes
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Numbers $n$ whose representation as the product of two divisors require more digits than that of $n$

Note: Posting in MO since it was unanswered in MSE Let $f(x)$ be the number of digits in the decimal representation of $x$ e.g. $, f(0) = 1, f(1729) = 4$. If $n = ab$ then we can show that $f(ab) > ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
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Is it possible to find an estimate of $\sum_{k=1}^n\frac1{\varphi(k\cdot p_k)}$?

Is it possible to find an estimate of the summation $$s(n)=\sum_{k=1}^n\frac1{\varphi(k\cdot p_k)}$$ where $\varphi(n)$ is the totient function and $p_k$ the k-th prime? The corresponding series seems ...
Augusto Santi's user avatar
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Sequences with high densities of primes: how to boost them to get even more and larger primes

I propose a methodology to help find large prime numbers with a much higher probability than picking up random numbers and testing them for primality. This would help speed up prime number generators ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
24 votes
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Parity of the multiplicative order of 2 modulo p

Let $\operatorname{ord}_p(2)$ be the order of 2 in the multiplicative group modulo $p$. Let $A$ be the subset of primes $p$ where $\operatorname{ord}_p(2)$ is odd, and let $B$ be the subset of primes $...
Shahab's user avatar
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Questions about a certain sequence of naturals generated by primorials

I'm working on the following sequence of naturals (which is NOT listed in OEIS) $$3,5,11,17,23,29,59,89,119,149,179,209,419,629,839,1049,1259,1469,1679,...$$ whose elements are generated this way $$3=(...
Augusto Santi's user avatar
56 votes
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A mysterious connection between primes and $\pi$

The Prime Number Theorem relates primes to the important constant $e$. Here I report my following surprising discovery which relates primes to $\pi$. Conjecture (December 15, 2019). Let $s(n)$ be ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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6 votes
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Convergence with the recurrence $T_{n+1}=T_n^2-T_n+\frac{n}{p_n}$

For each integer $n\geq 1$ I define the recurrence $$T_{n+1}=T_n^2-T_n+\frac{n}{p_n},$$ with $T_1=1$, where $p_k$ denotes the $k$-th prime. So multiplying by $(-1)^n$ and telescoping gives that for ...
user142929's user avatar
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From Firoozbakht's conjecture to set interesting conjectures for sequences or series of primes

In this post we denote the $k-th$ prime number as $p_k$. I present two conjectures, the first about the asymptotic behaviour of a product and the other about an alternating series. I don't know if ...
user142929's user avatar
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What about series involving strong primes?

I know about the importance in analytic number theory of the sutdy of series involving prime numbers or constellations of prime numbers, for example, if I am not wrong, major theorems are Mertens' ...
user142929's user avatar
5 votes
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Are all the numbers $\pi(n^2)/n^2\ (n=1,2,3,\ldots)$ pairwise distinct?

For $x>0$ let $\pi(x)$ denote the number of primes not exceeding $x$. A well-known conjecture of Legendre states that $\pi(n^2)<\pi((n+1)^2)$ for any positive integer $n$. Here I ask the ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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The behavior of series involving special subsets of the prime numbers

It is well known that the series $\sum_{p\in \mathbb{P}} \frac{1}{p}$ diverges where $\mathbb{P}$ denotes the set of primes. Brun proved that $\sum_{p\in \mathbb{P_2}} \frac{1}{p}$ converges where $ \...
Mustafa Said's user avatar
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16 votes
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Order of magnitude of $\sum \frac{1}{\log{p}}$

Question: What is the order of magnitude of the following sum? $$ \sum_{\substack{p<n\\\text{$p$ prime}}} \frac{1}{\log{p}} $$ Additional information: Since $$ \sum_{\substack{p<n\\\text{...
Daniel Soltész's user avatar
8 votes
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The sequence $a_{n+1}=$ the greatest prime factor of $(xa_n+y)$

Let $\operatorname{ GPF}(n)$ be the greatest prime factor of $n$, eg. $\operatorname{ GPF}(17)=17$, $\operatorname{ GPF}(18)=3$. Is there a way to prove that the sequence $a_{n+1}=\operatorname{ GPF}(...
LLLLL's user avatar
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