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Existence of cyclic subspace decompositions for pairs of commuting matrices

Let $\mathbb{K}$ be an arbitrary field (possibly finite). Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{K}$, and let $A,B$ be two linear endomorphisms of $V$ which commute. For $v\in V$, ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
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A question about localization of commutative rings

Given a commutative ring $ R $ and a multiplicatively closed subset $ S $ of $ R $, there are two ways to consturct $ S^{-1}R $: define an equivalence relation $ \sim $ on $ R\times S $ and then take ...
Yu Li's user avatar
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Motivation and reference for Brauer algebras

I am looking for a good reference and motivation for Brauer monoid and Brauer algebras. Kindly help me with some suggestions. Thanks.
Learner's user avatar
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Naive question on tensor product

Let $A, B$ be $\mathbb{C}$-algebras, which are also integral domains. Suppose there is an injective ring homomorphism $f:A \to B$. Assume further than $f$ is a finite morphism in the sense that $f$ ...
user45397's user avatar
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Which theorems in commutative algebra describe the closed property of curves (i.e. algebraic varieties) in algebraic geometry?

In $R^2$, we have those solutions of $x^2+y^2-1=0$ describe a closed unit disk and $y^2 = x^3 − x + 1$ describes an unclosed elliptic curve. When we consider corresponding algebras e.g. ${R^2}/ \...
Nguyen Dang Son's user avatar
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Localization and containment in commutative ring

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and $x, y $ be fixed elements of $R$ such that for each maximal ideal $m$ of $R$ we have $\langle \frac{x}{1_m}\rangle\subseteq\langle \frac{y}{1_m}\rangle$ ...
Asad Albani's user avatar
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Ideal in ring of power series

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p$ and $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ be a $n$-variable formal power series ring over $K$ such that $n, p \geq 3$. Consider the ideal $I$ defined by \begin{...
Pierre's user avatar
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Tropical version of exchange relations in cluster algebras

The exchange relation in a cluster algebra is \begin{align} x_k' = \frac{1}{x_k} (\prod_{j \to k}x_j + \prod_{k \to j} x_j). \end{align} Do we have some tropical version of this relation? Are there ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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What are the cluster algebra structures on $Gr(3,5)$?

In the paper, cluster algebra structures on $Gr(2,n)$, $Gr(3,6)$, $Gr(3,7)$, $Gr(3,8)$, $Gr(4,6)$ are described. But what are the cluster algebra structures on $Gr(3,5)$ (and $Gr(3,4)$)? Do we have ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Elements of a ring invertible in a faithfully flat algebra

Let $R\to S$ be a commutative algebra with $S\neq 0$ free as an $R$-module. Is it true that for the units of these rings we have $U(R)=U(S)\cap R$ ?
William Wilson's user avatar
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Regularity of a tensor product

Let $A \subseteq B$ and $A \subseteq C$ be commutative noetherian domains. Assume that $A$ and $C$ are regular rings (=every localization at a maximal ideal is a regular local ring). Assume that $B$ ...
user237522's user avatar
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question about valuation ring

$k$ algebraically field, $A$ $k$ algebra and valuation ring of $K$ ($K$ field fraction of $A$) and we have the transcendence degree of $K$ over $k$ is one. i want to ask if $A$ is noetherian ring?
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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If an algebraic set in affine n-space has a prime ideal then it is irreducible. (Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry, Cor. 1.4)

I am confused about a step in Hartshorne's proof (final part of Corollary 1.4) that an algebraic set $Y$ in affine n-space $\mathbb{A}^n$ having a prime ideal $I(Y)$ in the polynomial ring over $n$ ...
Ben's user avatar
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Generic rank of a coherent sheaf on a projective variety vs. generic rank on the cone

Let $S:=k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ be a polynomial ring over a field $k$, with its natural grading, and let $\mathfrak{p}$ be a homogeneous prime ideal of $S$. Also, let $M:=\bigoplus_{i} M_i$ be a finitely ...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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Examples of complexes of modules for wich homomorphisms "homological" implies "homotopic"

Let $V$ and $V^\prime$ - complexes of modules over ring $A$, and $f, g$ - homomorphisms $V\rightarrow V^\prime$. I am interested in various conditions on $A, V, V^\prime$: ($f$ and $g$ are ...
One_math_boy's user avatar
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Embedding commutative associative rings in non associative rings [closed]

Let $R$ be a commutative and associative ring with unit. Can $R$ be embedded in a ring $\hat{R}$ wich is both non commutative and non associative ? Thanks guys !
Srifo  B's user avatar
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What is correct name of the following construction?

Consider an ideal $I=\langle f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_s\rangle$ in the polynomial ring $\mathbb{Q}[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n].$ Build the following set $$ \{ g_1 f_1+g_1 f_2+\cdots+g_n f_n \}, $$ where $g_i$ ...
Melania's user avatar
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local Artin algebras

Given a commutative Artin algebra $A$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ one has a decomposition $A=A_1\oplus\ldots\oplus A_n$ into local Artin subalgebras, see for example Atiyah-McDonald, ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of monoids that distribute over each other?

Let $(M, e_1, \times_1, e_2, \times_2)$ be an algebraic structure such that $(M, e_1, \times_1)$ and $(M, e_2, \times_2)$ are monoids $x \times_1 (y \times_2 z) = (x \times_1 y) \times_2 (x \times_1 ...
Keith's user avatar
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Isn't every algebraic operad equipped with a trivial weight?

In Loday–Vallette "Algebraic Operads" they state the following result (Theorem 6.6.2, Operadic twisting morphism fundamental theorem): Let $P$ be a connected weight graded differential ...
groupoid's user avatar
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Can every idempotent ideal be generated by an idempotent?

This problem comes from this commutative algebra problem Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity, $I$ is a finite generated ideal of $R$ such that $I^2=I$, then exists $e\in R$ such that $I=Re$. ...
GuoJi's user avatar
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Blow up and critical points of the projection map

Denote $Z=V(x_1, \dots, x_{n-1}) \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ and let $Bl_Z(\mathbb{C}^n)$ be the blow up of $\mathbb{C}^n$ along $Z$ together with the projection map $\pi \colon Bl_Z(\mathbb{C}^n) \to \...
Serge the Toaster's user avatar
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Is it true that $g-t$ is divisible by $f$?

Assume $f\in k[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ is irreducible. Let for $g\in k[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$, $\partial(g)$ is divisible by $f$ for each derivation $\partial$ with $f\in\ker\partial$. Is it true that $g-t$ is ...
A.Skutin's user avatar
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Conjugacy in the quaternion group

Let $G$ be a non-commutative group, and suppose we are given two elements $x, y \in G$ which are conjugate, i.e. we know there exists some $z \in G$ such that $zxz^{-1} = y$. Can we find $z$ given $x$ ...
Gautam's user avatar
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Roots of unity, in the completion of the ring of integers of a number field, at a prime ideal

Let $p \in \mathbb{Z}$ be a prime and consider the number field $k = \mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^{(p^2 -1)/2} - p)$. We shall denote by $O_k$ the ring of integers of $k$. Let $\beta \in O_k$ be such that $\beta^{...
Chitrabhanu's user avatar
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A peculiar operation on $M_2(\mathbb Z)$ which along with the usual matrix addition, makes $M_2(\mathbb Z)$ into a commutative ring with unity [closed]

For $A=\begin{pmatrix} a_1 & b_1 \\ c_1&d_1 \end{pmatrix}, B=\begin{pmatrix} a_2 & b_2 \\ c_2&d_2 \end{pmatrix}\in M_2(\mathbb Z)$, define $A*B:=a_1L_1BR_1+b_1L_1BR_2+c_1L_2BR_1+...
user521337's user avatar
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Inverse limit of finite flat morphisms

Suppose that an inverse limit of finite flat morphisms $X_k\to S$ of qcqs schemes, with affine transition maps, is $X\to S$, such that a closed fiber of $X\to S$ is finite. Is $X\to S$ finite?
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Invariance of the fiber-dimension of a finite map

Let $A\subseteq B$ be commutative Noetherian rings such that $A$ is a regular ring, i.e., $A_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is a regular local ring for all maximal ideals $\mathfrak{m}$ of $A$ and $B$ is a finite $A$...
sagnik chakraborty's user avatar
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Does there exist an Affinization or Projectivization process for Varieties?

Let us consider the classical isomorphism of real manifolds between $S^2$ and ${\mathbb CP}^1$. First strange thing we have here is that both are varieties, but $S^2$ is an affine and ${\mathbb CP}^1$ ...
Claudia Manzano's user avatar
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Rings with a property similar to integral domains

For an integral domain $R$, the intersection of two non-zero ideals is also non-zero, because the product of any two non-zero elements is non-zero. Is the converse true, i.e. if $R$ has the ...
Arena Robert's user avatar
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The injectivity of Noetherian ring

Let $R$ be a ring with 1, $M$ be a left $R$-module. Then $M$ is fp-injective if every $R$-homomorphism from a finitely presented left ideal to $M$ extends to a homomorphism of $R$ to $M$ i.e. if $\...
R. Shhaied's user avatar
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Ring with Cohen-Macaulay canonical module

Let $(R,m)$ be Noetherian local ring which is an imagine of a Gorenstein ring $(S,n)$. Set $$ K_R:= Ext_S^{s-d}(R,S), $$ where $d=\dim R$, $s=\dim S$. If $K_R$ is Cohen-Macaulay (i.e. $R$ is a ...
TNAn's user avatar
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Differential operators between modules, $\mathcal{D}_A(M, M)$ necessarily a filtered, almost commutative ring?

See here. Does it follow immediately that $\mathcal{D}_A(M, M)$ as defined in the link is a filtered, almost commutative ring? How can I visualize this geometrically?
user75776's user avatar
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Hochster-Roberts Theorem reciprocal

Given a Cohen-Macaulay ring $R$ over a field of characteristic zero and $G$ a reductive algebraic group acting on $R$, then the ring of ivanriants $R^G$ is also Cohen-Macaulay. This is known as ...
Joaquín Moraga's user avatar
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Codimension in zero and positive characteristic

Let $F_0,\ldots,F_m\in\mathbb{Z}[x_0,\ldots,x_n]$ be polynomials with integer coefficients and let $p$ be a prime integer. Consider the two ideals: $$I_0:=(F_0,\ldots,F_m)\subset \mathbb{Q}[x_0,\ldots,...
gio's user avatar
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Normality and fiber product

Let $A$ and $B$ be noetherian normal rings and let $f:A\rightarrow B$ be a finite but non-flat ring homomorphism. We can also assume $Spec(A)$ connected if necessary. We put on $B$ the structure of $A$...
jikj's user avatar
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0-dimensional Gorenstein local ring.

Assume the following condition for the ring T = F_p[[X,S]]/I: Condition 1. T is NOT a zero ring. Condition 2. I is generated by 3 elements of F_p[[X,S]], but NOT by 2 elements. Then, is T a ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Iwasawa invariants

Suppose $M$ is a finitely generated torsion $Z_p[[T]]$-module; the torsion comes from the $\mu$-invariant and the $\lambda$-invariant. Consider $M/(p)$ and $M[p]$ ($p$-torsion of $M$) which are $F_p[[...
Suman's user avatar
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Depth of polynomial ring $S=\Bbb{R}[x_1,x_2,x_3,...,x_n,...]$

Consider the polynomial ring of countable variables with coefficients in the real numbers, i.e, $S=\Bbb{R}[x_1,x_2,x_3,...,x_n,...]$. My Question is about the depth of this ring. Question: Could we ...
Alex's user avatar
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h^0 of a sheaf supported at a point

$C$ : a projective curve over an algebraically closed field, $I$ : the ideal sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_C$ defining a point $p\in C$. Why is the following hold? $h^0(C,(\mathcal{O}_C/I^{r})\otimes\mathcal{...
Begginer's user avatar
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What are the semigroups in which congruence classes can be multplied like sets?

For a semigroup $S$ and a congruence $\rho$ on $S$, let's say that $\rho$ is good when for all $a,b\in S$ we have that $[ab]=[a][b],$ where $[x]$ denotes the congruence class of $x$ modulo $\rho$ and ...
Michał Masny's user avatar
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Technical question about height of minimal associated primes

Let $A$ be a Noetherian ring, $\mathfrak{p}\subset A$ a prime ideal of height $p$, $N$ an $A_{\mathfrak{p}}$-module of finite length, $M,M'\subset N$ finitely generated $A$-submodules such that $M\...
ashpool's user avatar
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Projectivity of one Tate algebra over another

Let $\mathbf{Q}_p \langle X_1,\dots,X_n \rangle$ be the $n$-variable Tate algebra, i.e. the subalgebra of $\mathbf{Q}_p[[X_1,\dots ,X_n]]$ of power series which converge on the closed unit polydisk in ...
David Hansen's user avatar
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pd finite for finite module over local CM ring?

Let (R,m) be a CM ring of dimension d, and M a finite R- module. Is pd M always finite?
Andrei's user avatar
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Why is Ext^n(k,M) a vector space over k?

This might be a trivial question to experts but not to me whatsoever. Suppose that $(R,m,k)$ is a Noetherian local ring, $M$ is an $R$-finite module whose depth is $n$. One then defines the type of $M$...
mr.bigproblem's user avatar
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What is a certain cartesian product of algebras?

Suppose $F$ is a field and $A$ the $F$-algebra $F[X]\times_{(F\times F)} F$ given by the missing corner of a cartesian square in $F$-algebras \begin{equation} F~\xrightarrow{\Delta} ~F\times F~ \...
Heinz R.'s user avatar
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On the Irreducibility of Cyclotomic polynomials

Let $F$ be any field with $\operatorname{Char} F=q$. Let $p$ be a prime such that $p\neq q$. Suppose $F$ has no $p$-th root of unity except $1$. Is it true that the cyclotomic polynomial $X^{p-1}+\...
S.D.'s user avatar
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Existence of linear disjointness between an algebraic number field and $p$-cyclotomic field over $ \mathbb{Q}$

Suppose $ K $ be an algebraic number field and $ n $ be an even integer. Is it possible to find atleast one $ p $ such that $ p\equiv 1( \text{mod}~ n)$ and $ \mathbb{Q}(\eta_p) $ is linearly disjoint ...
Sky's user avatar
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Are maps into a smooth curve equivalent to relative effective Cartier divisors?

Let $X$ be a smooth curve and $S$ an affine scheme, both over an algebraically closed field $k$. Given a morphism $f : S \to X$, is it true that the graph morphism $\Gamma_f : S \to X \times S$ is a ...
user577413's user avatar
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Grobner basis of a submodule of a free module over polynomial ring

Let $A=\mathbb{Q} [x_1,\dots,x_n]$ be the ring of polynomials with rational coefficients. Let $T$ be an $m\times n$ matrix with entries from $A$. Consider it as a morphism of $A$-modules $T\colon A^n\...
asv's user avatar
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