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Universally catenary and all its formal fibers over minimal members are Cohen-Macaulay but it has a nonCohen-Macaulay formal fiber

Please help me to find a Noetherian local ring $R$ such that: $R$ is universally catenary and all its formal fibers over minimal members of $Spec(R)$ are Cohen-Macaulay but $R$ has a nonCohen-Macaulay ...
TNAn's user avatar
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finiteness of the homology of an augmented Koszul complex

Let $(A,m)$ be a local ring $x_1,\cdots,x_n$ elements of $m$ and $M$ a finite $A$-module. Let $K(x)$ be the Koszul complex associated with $x_1,\cdots,x_n$. We define a new complex by $K(x) \otimes M$....
Manos's user avatar
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What is your expectation of the depth?

Let $S=k[x_1,...,x_9]$ be a polynomial ring over field $k$. Set $q_1=(x_1,x_2,x_5,x_6)$, $q_2=(x_1,x_2,x_6,x_7)$, $q_3=(x_2,x_3,x_7,x_8)$, $q_4=(x_1,x_5,x_6,x_7)$, $q_5=(x_1,x_6,x_7,x_8)$, $q_6=(x_2,...
ann's user avatar
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Indecomposability of image transformations (pure algebra). Open questions

W-transformations -- definitions We will consider a class called finite window transformations $\ T:C^\mathbb Z\rightarrow C^\mathbb Z\ $ defined a paragraph below; $\ \mathbb Z\ $ is the ring of ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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lift sections on a thickened curve

Let $X$ a curve over an algebraically closed field $k$ and $D$ a divisor on X. Fix an integer $N$ and a closed point $x$ on $X$, we assume that $\deg(D)$ is big enough such that we have a surjective ...
prochet's user avatar
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Computation of Quillen K-groups for mod R

The recent paper K-Groups for Rings of Finite Cohen-Macaulay Type by H. Holm allows us to compute the Quillen $K$-group $K_1(\text{mod}\hspace{.1 cm}R)$ as a quotient of the abelianization of the ...
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Example for 1-dim, Noeth., local domain which is unibranched but not analytically irreducible

Does somebody know an example for an 1-dim., Noeth., local domain $D$ which is unibranched (that is, its integral closure $D'$ is local) but not analytically irreducible (that is, its $\mathfrak{m}$-...
RRr's user avatar
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regular sequence

Let $I \subset J $ be two monomial ideals in $S=k[x_1,..,x_n]$ minimally generated by $(a_1,...,a_s)$ and $(a_1,...,a_s,b_1,...,b_r)$. I want to show that depth$_S S/I \geq$ depth$_S S/J$. Let $c = ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Rings with the property $\dim R-\dim R/p\leq \text{const}$ for all minimal $p$

I'm curious if there exists a class of rings generalizing quasi-unmixed rings. I guess a generalization of quasi-unmixed rings can be done as follows: For a fixed integer $i$ $$\forall p\in\...
QED's user avatar
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Proof that a finitely generated projective module over a Von Neumann Regular ring is free

I'm searching for a proof that a finitely generated projective module over a Von Neumann Regular ring such that all the localizations have the same rank is free. I know that this result is true, ...
user17868's user avatar
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Relation between $H^i_I(-)$ and $H^i_J(-)$ when $I\subset J$

What is the relation between $H^i_I(-)$ and $H^i_J(-)$ (cohomological functors) when $I\subset J$ are ideals of a (local) noetherian ring?
QED's user avatar
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Is a complete intersection satisfying Jacobian matrix smooth criterion a smooth variety?

Every scheme here is over complex number. Let $X \subset (\mathbb{C}^*)^n$ be a complete intersection with $X$ defined by the ideal $I \subset \mathbb{C}[x_{1}^{\pm},\dots,x_{n}^{\pm}]$ generated ...
Li Yutong's user avatar
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the topology of power series ring

Hi, everyone. Let $A$ be a complete DVR with uniformizer $t$, $R:=A[[X]]$. What is the natural topology of $R$ ?
Miyako Nara's user avatar
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Integral Leray Number?

The Leray number of a finite simplicial complex $K$ relative to a field $\Bbbk$ is defined to be the least $d\geq 0$ such that $\widetilde H^n(C,\Bbbk)=0$ for all $n\geq d$ and all induced ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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de Rham complex of closed immersion between smooth schemes

Hi, Let $R$ be a $\mathbb Q$-algebra and let $P$ and $Q$ be (EDIT: smooth) $R$-algebras such that there is a surjective map of $R$-algebras $Q\to P$. The following proof cannot possibly be correct, ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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smooth algebras and triviality of de Rham complex

Hi, Let $R$ be a $\mathbb Q$-algebra and let $A$ be a smooth $R$-algebra. If $A$ is a polynomial algebra $A = R[T_1,\dots,T_n]$, then it is easy to see that the natural map $R \to \Omega^\bullet_{A/R}...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Fitting ideal/ determinantal variety

Let $R$ be an integral domain, "nice" (regular for instance). Consider a homomorphism $$ f: R^m \to R^m $$ of two rank $m$ free $R$ modules. Assume that $\ker f =0$ and that the cokernel is $M$. Now ...
marker's user avatar
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Hochschild (co)homology and Kahler differentials

Suppose $A$ is an augmented commutative algebra over a field $k$. What is the relation between Hochschild homology $H_n(A,k)$ and Kahler differential $\Omega_{A/k}$? The same question is also asked ...
Xingting's user avatar
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Algebraic Independence of Polynomials in n Variables with Real Coefficients

I am considering the problem of determining the algebraic independence of $n$ polynomials in $m$ variables with real coefficients, where $m \geq n$. The variables will be denoted by $a_{1}, a_{2}, ... ...
mnh1364's user avatar
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a question about Beauville-Laszlo

Hi, let $V$ be a complete DVR with uniformizer $\pi$. Let $m$ be a NON zero integer, $a\in V[[u,v]]/(uv-\pi)^{\times}$ and $f=\pi^{m}a$. Consider $F$ as the kernel of the diagram $$ V[[u,v]]/(uv-\pi)...
questio's user avatar
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Generalized elementary symmetric functions

The question below came into my mind when I was thinking about this one: A nice generating set for the symmetric power of an algebra. Let $A$ be a commutative, associative unital algebra over a ...
tomasz 's user avatar
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Is there a standard name for functions of the form $x^\alpha p(x)$, where $p(x)$ is a polynomial?

Is there any existing standard terminology for functions of the form $x^\alpha p(x)$, where $p(x)$ is a polynomial and $\alpha$ is e.g. a complex number? I haven't been able to come up with any good ...
Ketil Tveiten's user avatar
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Comparing the homogeneous defining ideals of multiple embeddings of a projective scheme

If $X$ is a projective scheme over a field $k$ (which we may assume is algebraically closed), then under an embedding $i: X \hookrightarrow \mathbb{P}^n_k$, we may write $X = Proj(R/I)$ where $R = k[...
Nick Switala's user avatar
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cohomological dimension, dimension of modules and arithmetic rank

Let $R$ be a noetherian ring and $I$ be an ideal of $R$ and let $M$ be a finitely generated $R$- module. I know two fact. first, dimension of $M$(i.e. krull dimension of $R/{\rm ann}(M)$) is greater ...
Lee sangcheol's user avatar
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Centralizer in a matrix algebra over commutative polynomials

Let $A=M_n(F[x_{ij}\mid 1\leq i,j\leq n])$ be the matrix algebra over commutative polynomials in $n^2$ variables $x_{11},\dots,x_{nn}$ over a (nice enough) field $F$. I would like to know what is the ...
spelas's user avatar
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Factorization of Gegenbauer polynomials

For each natural number $n$ there is a Gegenbauer polynomial of degree n, depending on a spectral parameter $\lambda$. They fulfill many recurrent relations. The question is how to recognize their ...
Petr Somberg's user avatar
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when is a sum of idempotents idempotent in commutative ring theory?

As this question demonstrates that the sum of idempotents is idempotent iff every pairwise product is zero, for finite matrices with complex entries. What additional restrictions do we need to put ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm for computing the integral closure of a computable domain

what is known? even talking about efficiency relatively to the complexity of the computation of the domain itself?
Lilach Leibovich's user avatar
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separability of commutative rings

Before discussing on the main Question I should recall two notions in the area of commutative rings. By $Max(R)$, we mean the set of all maximal ideals of the commutative unitary ring $R$. ...
Ali Reza's user avatar
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Set of Curves Passing through a smooth point of a Variety is Zariski-Dense

In a paper by F. Pop he claims the following fact- Let $K$ be a field. The set (by which I believe he means the union) of all smooth $K$-curves passing through a smooth $K$-rational point of an ...
Nikesh's user avatar
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Sums of Strongly z-ideals

In the rings of continuous functions,i.e.$(C(X))$ an ideal $I$ is called strongly $z$-ideal if it is an intersection of some maximal ideals of $C(X)$. i.e. $$I=\cap_{\alpha \in A} \mathcal{M_{\alpha}}$...
Ali Reza's user avatar
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Algebraic properties of the semiring of open subsets.

Does anyone know of a useful general topological application of the algebraic properties of the semiring of open subsets of some topological space? Or examples of any such nontrivial properties at all?...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Non trivial definition of bicontinuous functions and the ring of all bicontinuous functions.

At first let me recall that if There are two topology $\tau_1$and $\tau_2$ on a set $X$, the triple $(X,\tau_1,\tau_2)$ is called a bitopological space. There are many definitions and properties ...
Ali Reza's user avatar
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unfolding as resolution

Has anyone described 'unfolding' as used in mathematical physics (e.g. on-shell AND off-shell) as analogous to a resolution in algebra - higher derivatives are unfolded in terms of new variables?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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projective dimension of finitely generated modules over char 0

In the paper "On modules of finite projective dimension over complete intersection" Dutta proved that a finitely generated module over a local complete intersection ring over char $p>0$ has finite ...
Fei YE's user avatar
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Extending commuting endomorphims of a complete discrete valued field to the algebraic closure?

Is it true that any two commuting endomorphisms of a complete discrete valued field extend to commuting automorphisms of the algebraic closure?
Artem Chernikov's user avatar
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Passing from Regular sequence to Prime ideal, for power sum symmetric polynomial

Let $S=\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]$ be a polynomial ring. Let $p_i=x_1^i+\cdots+x_4^i$ be the power sum symmetric polynomial in $\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]$. Let $I=(p_1,p_2)$ be an Ideal of $\mathbb{...
Neeraj 's user avatar
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Explicit operations with correspondences

Let $X: y^2=f(x)$ be an hyperelliptic curve over a finite field $k$. Consider two non-fibral correspondences $C,D\subset X\times X$. It is well known that they induce endomorphisms $\phi_C,\phi_D:...
RPC's user avatar
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level of rings and stable range of rings

The level $s(A)$ of a ring $A$ with unity $1$ is the smallest natural number $s$ such that $-1$ is a sum of $s$ squares in $A$. (If $-1$ is not a sum of squares in $A$, we say that $s(A) =\infty$.). ...
jjm's user avatar
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Is $gcd(zx,zy)=zgcd(x,y)$ (i.e. does the left hand side of this equality 'exist' if the right hand side does).

This should be a simple question on basic definitions. In an integral domain $R$ we will say that $gcd(x,y)$ exists and is equal to some $r\in R$ if $r$ divides $x$ and $y$, and any common divisor $...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Regularity in terms of jets?

Is there any criterion of regularity for rings in terms of jets? More precisely: It is known that a local ring $B$ (with some hypothesis) is regular if and only if the module of differentials $\...
user20544's user avatar
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Structure theorem for Finitely Generated modules over PID's using localization

I have been trying to work out a proof of structure theorem for finitely generated modules over PID's using localization. This is what my plan is: 1.Prove that every finitely generated torsion free ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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Explicit expression for multivariable meromorphic series

Let $K$ be a field. For $m>1$, elements in the ring of power series in $m$ variables over $K$, i.e., $K[[X_1, \cdots, X_m]]$ look like - $$ \displaystyle\sum_{(i_1, \cdots, i_m)\in (\mathbb N_{0})^...
Abhishek Parab's user avatar
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Krull's intersection theorem for commutative local not necessarily noetherian rings

Is there a characterisation of those commutative local not necessarily noetherian rings that satisfy Krull's intersection theorem ? How can the intersection theorem be phrased in terms the module ...
Carlos Santos's user avatar
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Is the ideal of denominators preserved under flat pullback?

Let $\phi \colon A \to B$ be a flat homomorphism of rings (commutative, with unit). Let $R$ be the total ring of fractions of $A$ (obtained by inverting all nonzerodivisors), and let $S$ be the total ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
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Size of an abelian permutation group with generators of order 2 [closed]

Let $g_1, \ldots, g_k$ be distinct permutations on a set $\Omega$. Suppose that $G = \langle g_1, \ldots, g_k \rangle$ is an abelian permutation group with only elements of order at most 2. Is it ...
Steve's user avatar
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Choosing generators of a submodule with divisibility properties

Looking at an open subset $U$ of the plane, containing $0 \in \mathbb{C}^2$, with coordinates $x$ and $y$. Given a quotient sheaf $O_U^n \rightarrow T$, with $supp(T)=\lbrace0\rbrace$. Let $K$ be the ...
TonyS's user avatar
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In a Noetherian local ring $(R,m)$ with a prime ideal $P\neq m$, $P^{(n)}=P^n:m^{\infty}$

I had asked this question on, but I have not received a response. Hoping to get some help here. I am trying to prove this result and I am stuck at one step. Let $(R,m)$ be a ...
Brittany Murphy's user avatar
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Absolute Irreducibility in Characteristic 2

Let $\mathbb F$ be a field and $\mathbb F[x_1,\dotsc,x_n]$ the ring of multivariate polynomials in $n$ variables over $\mathbb F$. A polynomial $P\in\mathbb F[x_1,\dotsc,x_n]$ is said absolutely ...
Bruno's user avatar
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Depth of intersection

Let $I$ be an ideal in $S=K[x_1,\dots,x_n]$. Can we compute $\operatorname{depth}(I\cap K[x_1,\dots,x_r])$ with $r \leq n$? Is there any relation between depth $I$ and $\operatorname{depth}(I\cap K[...
Andrei's user avatar
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