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Roberto Pignatelli's user avatar
Roberto Pignatelli's user avatar
Roberto Pignatelli
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
7 votes

Genus in weighted projective space

6 votes

Blow up solution for a Riccati's equation

5 votes

Does $h^1(D)=0$ imply numerical connectedness on K3 surfaces?

5 votes

Will any two linearly equivalent ample divisors on an abelian variety intersect?

4 votes

Intersection of Subspaces with $O(3)$

4 votes

Asymptotics for the number of abelian groups of order at most $x.$

4 votes

Isotrivial fibrations over $\mathbb P^1$

4 votes

equations for a bidouble cover

3 votes

Torsion of the Picard group for surfaces isogenous to a product

3 votes

Does every finite map of smooth varieties birationally embed as a smooth hypersurface of 1d trivial bundle over the base?

3 votes

On surfaces with $p_g=0$, $q=1$, and $K^2=-3$

3 votes

a net of quadrics and the corresponding intersection

2 votes

Is each rationally chain connected surface rational?

2 votes

Topology : Study on Separation Properties

2 votes

Finding an algebraic equation given divisors

2 votes

Disjoint curves in an algebraic surface

2 votes

Fundamental group of a compact branched cover

2 votes

Classification of quartic surfaces

2 votes

Pullback of line bundles and divisors from $Kum(C)$ to $Jac(C)$

2 votes

Global sections of coherent sheaves on determinantal hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{P}^n$

1 vote

The geometric genus under a generically finite to one rational map

1 vote

Relation between curves in a complete linear system contained in another

1 vote

Automorphisms of Cartesian products

0 votes

Uniform position property and general hyperplanes