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user76758's user avatar
user76758's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
30 votes

In any Lie group with finitely many connected components, does there exist a finite subgroup which meets every component?

23 votes

Local factors of Hasse-Weil zeta function - what do they have in common?

13 votes

Orbits of group scheme action

11 votes

Variant of Hilbert 90 for Galois extensions

9 votes

Does regular field extension preserve regularity?

8 votes

formally smooth functor

8 votes

equivalence of quadratic forms over finitely generated fields

7 votes

Preimage of a maximal compact open subgroup in the simply connected cover

7 votes

rationality question while dealing with an isogeny

6 votes

homotopy exact sequence for the étale fundamental group

6 votes

Etale cohomology and restricted direct product

5 votes

Divisible torsion $\mathbb{Z}$-modules

5 votes

Why is the semisimple quotient of a reductive group with semisimple rank 1 equal to PGL2?

4 votes

Normalizer of SL_2(Z) in GL_2(R)

2 votes

About structure of parabolic subgroups of finite classical algebraic groups

1 vote

Strictly contracting elements in the center of a Levi subgroup

1 vote

Weyl group action on continuous characters of the group of $\mathbf{Q}_p$-points of the torus

1 vote

Simultaneous decomposition of modules over Dedekind domains