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Jim Humphreys's user avatar
Jim Humphreys
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
6 votes

The defining characteristic representations of Lie type groups

6 votes

Dimensions of irreducible representations of $GL(n,F_q)$ are polynoms in q having roots ONLY at roots of unity and zero?

6 votes

Fontaine, J.-M.; Illusie, L. p-adic periods------Does any one have the following article?

6 votes

Representations of Algebraic Groups

6 votes

Representation of a group scheme

6 votes

Representations of orthogonal groups over the field of two elements

6 votes

Jacobson-Morozov theorem

6 votes

Is the restricted root system of a simple real Lie group irreducible?

6 votes

Centralizers of regular elements are abelian

6 votes

Is the Steinberg representation always irreducible?

6 votes

Can we count the number of simple modules for a reduced enveloping algebra?

6 votes

Irreducible representations of $\text{SL}(2, \mathbb{F}_q)$ which don't exist in decomposition?

6 votes

Confusion in some notations in Lie sub-algebras of exceptional Lie algebra

6 votes

all parabolic subgroup of GL(3,K) and their Levi decomposition?

6 votes

Reference request: equivalence of formal group laws and Lie algebras in characteristic zero

6 votes

If the tensor product of two $kG$-modules is projeсtive, does either of them have to be projective?

6 votes

What to do with antique math books?

6 votes

Differential of a nilpotent or semisimple element

6 votes

A question on a unipotent element in reductive algebraic groups

6 votes

Which compact groups have nonisomorphic irreducible representations of the same dimension?

6 votes

how many injective homomorphism between two lie algebra sl2 and sp6 up to conjugate by Sp6?

6 votes

the relation between cohomology and Dynkin graphs of lie groups

6 votes

Are low dimensional modular representations of SL2(Fp) completely reducible?

6 votes

Jacobson-Morozov on the algebraic group level

6 votes

How Can I Tell when A Subgroup of a Lie Group is Generated by Unipotents?

6 votes

Why are the Dynkin diagrams E6, E7 and E8 always drawn the way they are drawn?

6 votes

How should the Math Subject Classification (MSC) be revised or improved?

6 votes

What is the correct formulation of the CDE triangle?

6 votes

Books about history of recent mathematics

6 votes

Classification of adjoint orbits for orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras?

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