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Robin Chapman's user avatar
Robin Chapman
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
3 votes

Expressing power sum symmetric polynomials in terms of lower degree power sums

3 votes

Binary matrices with constant row and column sums

3 votes

Diagonalization of quadratic forms over euclidean rings

3 votes

Coprimality and squarefree numbers

3 votes

Products of linear forms in 3 variables

3 votes

Elementary proof of bounds on discrete derivative applied to $(1+n)^s$

2 votes

Intuition on finite homotopy groups

2 votes

maximal number of mutually orthogonal vectors

2 votes

Natural number properties as uninterpreted functions in first order logic

2 votes

Pair of curves joining opposite corners of a square must intersect---proof?

2 votes

Generators of the Principal Unit Group in Local Fields of Characteristic 0

2 votes

product of two riemann integrable is riemann integrable

2 votes

Rank of a free module without the axiom of choice

2 votes

Homomorphism of Legendre curve

2 votes

Smooth dependence of ODEs on initial conditions

2 votes

The meaning of an intertwiner?

2 votes

Is the area of a polygonal linkage maximized by having all vertices on a circle?

2 votes

Is there a purely algebraic criterion which characterizes the real algebraic numbers?

2 votes

How to understand the concept of compact space

2 votes

A binomial sum expression

2 votes

Dimension of central simple algebra over a global field "built using class field theory".

2 votes

Deeper meanings of barycentric subdivision

2 votes

Image of a fixed element under a random endomorphism in an Abelian group

2 votes

profinite spaces coming from profinite groups

1 vote

Name for a module with only one associated prime

1 vote

Operation of GL_n(Z/bZ)

1 vote

Can all induced maps be described categorically.?. (or at least as generally as possible)

1 vote

Fundamental group of the line with the double origin.

1 vote

Is there any direct approach to generate discrete 2 partitions of a set of having 2^n elements for a given n ?

1 vote

Calculating norms over a finite field (orthogonal groups).

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