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José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Algorithm to determine whether there is an injective homomorphism between two Lie algebras

3 votes

Klein Gordon equation - references

3 votes

7-sphere x 4-sphere manifold and its physical significance

3 votes

On the full reducibility of representations of reductive Lie algebras

3 votes

SO(3) knot polynomials

3 votes

Groupoid structure on G/H?

3 votes

Mirror symmetry mod p?! ... Physics mod p?!

3 votes

Moment Generating Function: Pulling a term out of k-times differentiation

3 votes

Is the 'massive' Calogero-Moser system still integrable?

3 votes

Using topology to characterize embedded Lie subgroups of Lie groups.

3 votes

Nicest coset representatives of the symplectic group in the general linear group

3 votes

Where does a math person go to learn quantum mechanics?

3 votes

effective teaching

3 votes

Symmetric matrices as a module over the skewsymmetric ones

3 votes

Is it OK for a referee to acknowledge identity with a previous referee?

3 votes

Subgroup structure of $\mathrm{SO}(1,n)_0$

3 votes

A senseful meaning of 'approximation of manifolds'?

3 votes

Various definitions of Connections on bundles-2

3 votes

Is every 3-Sasakian a Sasakian-Einstein manifold?

3 votes

analogues of Cayley plane as homogenous spaces

3 votes

Curvature 0 and involutive horizontal distributions

3 votes

Lie Subgroups of SO(2)×So(n)

3 votes

Paper about Sasaki-Einstein manifolds

3 votes

Invariant forms

3 votes

Who can tell me the properties for the delta function in Sato's theory?

3 votes

Penrose tilings and noncommutative geometry

2 votes

Invariant symmetric bilinear forms and H^4 of BG

2 votes

Discrete G-connections

2 votes

Reference for Wick product

2 votes

Alternating forms as skew-symmetric tensors: some inconsistency?