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Simon Henry
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

Topos properties from coverage conditions

11 votes

Galois theory, topos vs fundamental groups

10 votes

The cofibration/fibration $\leftrightarrow$ epi/mono confusion

10 votes

Relation between Galois theory and Etale Cohomology

10 votes

Strong Morita Equivalence and Morphisms Between $ C^{*} $-Algebras

10 votes

Is this a functor on the category of $C^{*}$ algebras?

10 votes

The Schwartz space is not normable

10 votes

What are the 'wonderful consequences' following from the existence of a minimal dense subspace?

10 votes

Pulling back a functor, it becomes monadic

10 votes

Remark in HTT

10 votes

Different definitions of condensed sets

10 votes

Is there an equivalent of the incompleteness theorems/halting problem in category theory?

10 votes

Topos extensions

10 votes

Why we can analytically define $ε$ in dual numbers so to distinguish $ε$ from $-ε$ but cannot do so in complex and split-complex numbers?

10 votes

When is the opposite of the category of algebras of a Lawvere theory extensive?

10 votes

Equivalence between geometric theories and frames internal to the free topos

10 votes

A C*-algebra enjoying some different C*-norms

10 votes

Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?

9 votes

Giraud's axioms imply balanced

9 votes

Conservative cocompletion of categories of geometric shapes for homotopy theory

9 votes

A possible alternative model for $\infty$-groupoids

9 votes

Relationship between canonical topology on a topos and its site of definition

9 votes

Equivalences of $n$-categories

9 votes

Is there a good general definition of "sheaves with values in a category"?

9 votes

Intermediate notions of bilinearity in higher algebra

9 votes

How exotic can an infinite biproduct in an additive category be?

9 votes

A new (?) way of composing monads

9 votes

Would it be possible to propose a satisfying categorical definition for the notion of basis?

9 votes

Do all toposes satisfy the internal Zorn's lemma?

9 votes

presentability rank of categories of coalgebras

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